Psychological projection and The Bully TI

I have been aware of some, but in particular,  one TI that has a severe problem with psychological projecting.  It is a serious, disruptive problem. Wikipedia explains it as follows:

Psychological projection

Psychological projection is a theory in psychology in which humans defend themselves against unpleasant impulses bydenying their existence in themselves, while attributing them to others.[1] For example, a person who is rude may constantly accuse other people of being rude.

According to some research, the projection of one's negative qualities onto others is a common process in everyday life

ractical examplesEdit

  • Projection of marital guilt: Thoughts of infidelity to a partner may be unconsciously projected in self-defence on to the partner in question, so that the guilt attached to the thoughts can be repudiated or turned to blame instead, in a process linked to denial.[23]
  • Bullying: A bully may project his/her own feelings of vulnerability onto the target(s) of the bullying activity. Despite the fact that a bully's typically denigrating activities are aimed at the bully's targets, the true source of such negativity is ultimately almost always found in the bully's own sense of personal insecurity and/or vulnerability.[24] Such aggressive projections of displaced negative emotions can occur anywhere from the micro-level of interpersonal relationships, all the way up through to the macro-level of international politics, or even international armed conflict.[20]
  • Projection of general guilt: Projection of a severe conscience[25] is another form of defence, one which may be linked to the making of false accusations, personal or political.[20
  • you can see the result of this disorder. We see constant name calling and accusations are actually a product of thst person being the things he calls others. This, is bullying. 

If you want it to stop, politely ask the person to stop, and tell them they are projecting. As a community,  we can stop the bullying and bashing. Its better for all to be involved in stopping a bully, than for one person to deal with it alone.

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