Remote Control and Surveillance Include Motor Muscle Control Through Morgellons and Action Potential.

Morgellons is a disease of disputed origin.  Many scientist have concluded that it is used to reflect and absorb bioelectromagnetic wave sent via microwave.;_ylt=A0oGdXnZ3DVNQjoBTaFXNyoA;_ylc=X1MDMjc2NjY3OQRfcgMyBGFvAzEEZnIDc2x2OC1tc2dyBGhvc3RwdmlkA0dkTkdSMG9HZFRCekN6QnFUU1VsX0F4VlRQQ3Y5azAxM05rQUR0cHIEbl9ncHMDMTAEbl92cHMDMARvcmlnaW4Dc3JwBHF1ZXJ5A21vcmdlbGxvbnMgc3ludGhldGljIHRlbGVwYXRoeQRzYW8DMQR2dGVzdGlkA1NNRTAxNA--?p=morgellons+synthetic+telepathy&fr2=sb-top&fr=slv8-msgr

My investigations have revealed that  Morgellons is used to absorb these microwaves and send out pulsed signals to the central nervous system  and the common neural pathways used to control muscles. These pulses can target individual common neural pathways or nerves responsible for specific motor / muscle movement based on a frequency that is different for every nerve / neuron.  The CNS (central nervous system) is always being covered by this technology. That is to say every movement that the CNS controls:  digestive, cardio vascular, pulmonary system, SEXUAL STIMULATION (erection control and female sexual response,  motor movement, eye movement and to some extent audio and the subvocalization and vocalization process.


Remote Mind control is the use of Remote Muscle Control and Stimulus, use of fast computers for Brain Pattern Recognition EEG to coordinate computer vision with body movements. An example would be the computer’s ability to use the humans eyes to recognize a threat and respond appropriately whether it be with a martial arts block, kick or punch, It can even be use to guide a person and give them an actionable potential move. This means the move must be initiated by the human under the computers control. A signal is sent through the body more than likely a final  common pathway (a motor pathway consisting of the motor neurons by which nerve impulses from many central sources pass to a muscle or gland in the periphery). How this impulse is delivered is still a mystery. The common read on the technology involves microwave technology (speed of light), transformation into nerve stimulus to stimulate pathways responsible for coordinated movement of the muscles including vascular, respatory  cardio, and brain chemistry receptors such as uptake of neurotransmitters.  Now this can either happen directly in the brain or if not the direct nerves responsible for the muscles via some interaction locally or through the central nervous system.

SEE THIS LINK FOR ACTION POTENTIAL DESCRIPTION:;_ylt=A0oGdWtN4zVN2GABOkFXNyoA;_ylc=X1MDMjc2NjY3OQRfcgMyBGFvAzAEZnIDc2x2OC1tc2dyBGhvc3RwdmlkA1dxRkF3VW9HZFRCekN6QnFUU1VsX0FJZlRQQ3Y5azAxNDAwQUJKWXcEbl9ncHMDMTAEbl92cHMDNQRvcmlnaW4Dc3JwBHF1ZXJ5A2FjdGlvbiBwb3RlbnRpYWwgc3BlY2lmaWMgbmVydmUgZnJlcXVlbmNpZXMEc2FvAzEEdnRlc3RpZANTTUUwMTQ-?p=action+potential+specific+nerve+frequencies&fr2=sb-top&fr=slv8-msgr

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