I've been wondering where your research into history has taken a few of you. After all, you can only make decisions based on the knowledge & information you in your immediate consciousness unless you expand that. I know a lot of you are smart. Some of you are working for these perps. My message is of truth though, for the truthful. If you're sworn to secret oaths, or you've been given top secret clearance, than this discussion is not for you because you are envious of the ones who discovered who they are, can speak and create freely, and are 'free' to make changes in this world that aren't under someones orders.
Below is just some things I've noticed are more closely than loosely connected, but as you know, everything is related in some way.
- 911-specifically wtc 7 demolition/ the 7-7-7subway bombing in the UK.
- JFK assassination and the CIA 'plausible denial' that they had to eat later on
- RFK, MLK, Fred Hampton Jr. being killed by either the FBIor CIA
- Teutonic knights, Knights of Malta, Freemasonry, Shriners, Knights of the round table, etc.
- Witch Trials of Salem and the medical industry moving in to practice their chemical medicines
- How alcohol prohibition got rid of natural herbal tinctures
- Egypt being found in ruins already and settled by the Egyptians
- Greek Mythology, Hermeticism, Paganism in Catholicism, Quabalism, Platonism, Socrates,
- Hitler and his UFO'S, USO
- Milton William Cooper's forecast of 911 & how he was set up
- Ruby Ridge
- Diebold election fraud & blackout.
- CNN faking news
- fluoridation of the water supply & the nazi connection
- Monsanto and independent GMO research
- CDC creating diseases HPV, anthrax/911 connection
- Hurricane Katrina & HAARP, the Tsunamis in India/Japan