I hope you're safe, happy and well.
Good news! In the pursuit of securing progressive help for TI's, we are compiling a RESOURCE LIST of attorneys around the world with the track record and specific legal expertise needed to fight the many wrongs done to TI's.
First up-- I have identified in the state of Michigan, USA the firm GOODMAN & HURWITZ, P.C.
See their website here. From the bio of the firm's founder Bill Goodman--
".... Between 1998 and 2007, Goodman was Legal Director at the Center for Constitutional Rights in New York, where he spearheaded many of the legal and political efforts to hold back the excesses of the Bush Administration against the Bill of Rights. These, in particular, included taking leadership
in the fight against indefinite detention at Guantanamo and unconstitutional electronic surveillance."
[MORE: http://bit.ly/1bdAD6U]
Goodman's partner, civil rights attorney Julie Hurwitz's bio may be read here. Her specialty is in personal injury and political activism.
We'd like your input. Will you please let me know if and when you come across an attorney or legal firm with this area of expertise-- unconstitutional electronic surveillance violations? ~Debra (djgTheMediaLady)