[WIKI] Mental Health: TIs attacked by DEWs do not have the biochemistry of mental illness

Paranoid personality disorder

[Mental Health] [Rebuttals] TIs attacked by DEW do not have the biochemistry of paranoia. Paranoia is caused by elevated homocysteine, over methylation, low blood histamine, elevated copper and deficiency of zinc, folate and B12.


[Mental Health] [Rebuttals] Part 2: People with radio wave sickness do not have low histamine. Thus, they do not have the biochemistry of paranoia.


[J] [Brain Zapping Biomarkers] [Nitric Oxide] [COX-2] Elevated glycine elevates S100B biomarker causing neuronal apoptosis (cell death), elevated nitric oxide, elevated COX-2, neuroinflammation, schizophrenia and paranoia. Do NRF2 activators and herbal COX-2 inhibitors decrease S100B?



[Mental Health] Schizophrenics have an over abundance of gamma waves and elevated dopamine, glutamate, epinephrine and norepinephrine neurotransmitters. TIs being attacked by EMF DEWs have a different biochemistry.




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