Secret radar spy cameras let police see through walls into YOUR HOME - are they being misused?

Radar cameras can be used by police to peer into houses - but should they be allowed?

L3 Communications The Range-R's maker, L-3 Communications, estimates it has sold about 200 devices to 50 law enforcement agencies at a cost of about $6,000 each
The Range-R's maker, L-3 Communications, estimates it has sold about 200 devices to 50 law enforcement agencies at a cost of about $6,000 each

More than 50 US police agencies are using radar devices that let police peer through the walls of people’s homes to see if there’s anyone inside.

Police use the radars to find out if there are people inside a building - this can be incredibly useful during a hostage or siege situation.

However, there are concerns from privacy campaigners that the intrusive technology could be used more widely.

Theoretically police need a warrant to use the radar, but in December it emerged that officers had used one before entering a house to arrest a man suspected of violating his parole.

It turns out that police have been using them without warrants for more than two years.

L3 Communications The Range-R's maker, L-3 Communications, estimates it has sold about 200 devices to 50 law enforcement agencies at a cost of about $6,000 each
The Range-R's maker, L-3 Communications, estimates it has sold about 200 devices to 50 US law enforcement agencies at a cost of about $6,000 each


The radars can detect even the slightest movement - including a human breathing - from as far as 50 feet away.

At the moment the devices  - called Range-Rs - will only show that movement has been detected on the other side of the wall, but won’t show a picture.

However, there are more sophisticated tools on the horizon, which will translate radar signals into 3D images.

These sorts of tools were initially designed for war zones but have crept into domestic use.

"The problem isn't that the police have this. The issue isn't the technology; the issue is always how you use it and what the safeguards are," said Hanni Fakhoury, a lawyer for the Electronic Frontier Foundation, to Indystar.

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    In canada this and similar, such as infrared is used for years, they dont need warrant to see in your house, the aliby is that they are looking for pot growers and "heat". Thats why they chase targers in bad neighbourhoods or bring them potheads next door, sounds crazy but somehow it works. Go and figure it... have been mentioned by few.
  • You cant change the fact that you are dillusional. And, yes, i can tell that Forwood is a joke without reading his book. Trying to equte Any part of the bible with aliens is a direct contradiction. The rest of what was mentioned was only interesting to people who find it entertaining, or idiots, or the mentally ill. And, aknowledgeing that you are mentally ill is not adhominem. Its fact. You need to get help for your dillusions. Can i ask what kind of psych meds yohr doctors have suggested for your illness? There's nothing wrong withbeing Mentally ill. I am. But, i am responsible with it. You need to learn to be.

    LaBrat said:

    lol!  or, you could try changing the subject and not reading it at all - like your "don't buy anthony's book because of the cover" high silliness    finally - here's deca's chance to see what a real 'ad hominem' argument looks like   (he's been having as much trouble with those as you do)   i'd say carrin behr called your number - "such a joke" ha ha!  

                                 btw - did you have some point or other smuggled in with that venting machine?  :-)

     Reply by David ofTomorrow 8 minutes ago

    "Any leap of faith you ofder is Huge! This is shown by the fact that you think you have had two lobotomies because you foubd marks on your scalp when you went bald, and you claim it is not a leap of faith, but fact. This shows that any leap of faith you propose is based on the illness of a severely disabled person. I mean..."
  • If you dont have a prescription, then the weed you smoke is illegal, and thus you are a criminal propagating illegal drug use.
    You Have been seen by a doctor, for you have said that the doctor said you are 80% mechanically disabled. And, I happen to know a bit about disability award factors. When you claimed to the doctors that you had had a lobotomy, they Definitely made an issue of it. Most likely your belief that you had those lobotomies were central to the Doctor's recommendation for disability.


    LaBrat said:

    you're projecting again, 'dotty'   i'm not medicated   (you forgot again)   i have never been diagnosed or even examined    wishful thinking is poor science     don't keep trying to pretend your contrived false dichotomy that i'm putting down certain categories of people just because i don't happen to include myself in their number   

    favouring the anti-psychiatry models which include r.d. laing (cited by soleilmavis in her 'psychiatry' article main page), i don't consider the medical 'illness' model appropriate for the mind - particularly the social mind (culture)

    your unqualified ("horrendous", in psych pro tracy's words) fake diagnoses of convenience (this unstable cretin then labelled tracy "schizophrenic" for calling him on his b-s) are bog-standard discrediting ploys, the manic manner of their delivery a 'TI=MI by example', and the facts inevitably diametrical to how your contorted portrayals of them seem to be trying to go

    airline passengers are advised to attend to their own oxygen masks before attempting to assist others!    dotty, i'm not the one here who's "dillusional"   you have threatened me with a "shotgun lobotomy", rnm rape and torture, threatened members families etc and, all in all, demonstrated very little self control    

    please try to follow your own advice and try to be a little more responsible about playing 'doctored truth'

                                                                imposition:  feel thyself!  ;-)

  • And, its Not psychological projecting when i openly aknowledge my OCD. And, yes, i have taken many medications.

    Oh, and by the way...I Do have a prescription for medical marijuanna.

  • I Have done an examination!  You offer, not only pictures, but a 9 month running offering of psychological information.  Including lies like, I dont have a daughter.  And you didnt say i am advocating heroin use. Or that you didnt say you get v2k. 

    You are. Compulsive liar, and quite schizophrenic.  Any doctor viewing your posts, would make the same diagnosis. In fact, they would have done it in 90 minutes, no need for the 9 month inadvertent Admission of mental illness you've made for yourself, by sharing your dillusions with others.

    LaBrat said:

    it is psychological projecting when you make an incorrect diagnosis of delusion without any examination - you are in this case (albeit in an ocd faux-manic manner) 'projecting' the DELUSION that you could ever be correct committing such an (as psychiatric professional tracy said) "horrendous" pathological gaffe

                                                                       ask your doctor!

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