...continued from title.....admitted it would take at least "10 years" off the men's lives!  Not to ention Cancer's and stroke and artery damage...the poor guy, I wish I could have found a number to call him and tell him it would help to take natural pathic remedies to get radiation and radioactive crap out of him like: chlorophile and chlorella if you can affort it and get the purest for with no toxin in it or raised in any toxic way or contaminated way!!

I learned new stuff...If you were able read my post or already know: to listen or go into the Archives of CoasttoCoastAM.com...there was a Vet. who told me some new stuff I could tell was part of what they have done to me!!  Do you feel a "buzzing" or excited cell feeling inside you??  It is Radioactive Isotopes and they track you that was..they don't care it will killl you, cause cancer and effects your arteries (according to the Vet. on Coast) you can download from their web site under the Archives, his total story!!  He didn't know and I had no way to tell him stuff I researched since: Google Cadium, I am testing high in that!  It may be part of what they use to read your total body and mind...i AM TAKING Chorella and relatad stuff that helps remove radiation and radioactive crap!!   Good Luck!!  They are using Depleted Uranium in Current war: it cause mental and physical problems and depression: but read and take Natral remedies and you stand a chance to live longer and get some of it out!!   By for now!!  Call anytime: Ms. Kris to all      480-786-8883....only call if your a positive and want network and exchange good ideas of how to deal with this stuff....Oh by the way, it was called Operation "White Coat!!"  google it for more info!!

Good Luck to all!!   Ms. Kris D. in Chandler, Az. ....from an "Undisclosed Area"!!

I am still seeking security, expert witness of Air Assaults over my house 24/7 and attorneys in exchange for part of my restitution and room and board for high ethic and standards type of person..or can live and fix up my garage into a living facility and office.....call anytime:  480-786-8883   see also coasttocoastam.com


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