I for one would like to know exactly what type of communication they want. everyone knows that Nephilim ships landed on the white house lawn in the 1940's and there were photos taken and published in various periodicals.
Perhaps they just an excuse for the huge amount of money invested in them over the last few years making it possible for handlers that were once limited to local harassment to access their targeted individuals and track them world wide.
Thanks to the spineless Prince Charles who was too afraid to fly and recently gave a holographic speech TI's can no longer be laughed at when they try to tell someone about images that have been projected to them in their homes and else where. Previously no one wanted to admit to the existence of such technology but now we can thank the royal family for the ability to validate it. Too bad he didn't validate it to help anyone other than himself!!
flim flam royal family = englands royalty are really nazi germans who moved to england and changed their name to windor in order to avoid association with those who would commit such crimes against humanity.
flim flam usa president = Obama who has 2 birth certificates. 1 from south africa and 1 from hawaii
flim flam alien hunters = SETI claiming to be looking sending waves into space trying to hear if there are any other species in the universe and denying that aliens exist when they know that Eisenhower actually met face to face with them.
Seems like TI's are the only ones who know what the truth is anymore !!