Brain zapping is directed energy weapon attacks to the brain. Goals of brain zapping is to dumb down, knock out and/or incapacitate the target. These materials neither shield ultrasonic brain zapping (transcranial ultrasonic stimulation) nor ultrasonic hearing ("the hum"). See
TIs who experience microwave auditory effect or hearing inner voices (synthetic telepathy from computers to targets' brains) please test these materials and submit a shielding report.
Reports of successful shielding
[Shielding: Brain] [Shielding: Clay] Round clay packs inside an australian outback hat shields being put to sleep, knocked out, stabbed and pulsed but not blasted.
[Shielding: Clay] [Shielding: Brain] Blasts and brain zapping at the upper back of the head.
[Shielding: Brain] [Shielding: Clay] Brain shielding while sleeping
[Shielding: Water] Dr. Matthew Aaron (alias) discovered steam shields directed energy weapons.
[Shielding: Clay] [Shielding: Brain] [Shielding: RNM] Wear leather aviator helmet inside Australian outback hat with clay packs
[Shielding: Clay] [Shielding: Brain Zapping] Clay pack for neck shields brain zapping of brainstem while sleeping.
[Torture Tactics] [Shielding: Brain] Continuous wave lasering of brain during sleep
Reports of partial shielding
[J] [Shielding: RNM] Wearing two thick long wool caps shields remote neural monitoring.
[Shielding: Brain Zapping] Water bottles do shield heavy pressure on the top of the head
[Shielding: Brain Zapping] Fluid-filled helmet liner concept for protection against blast-induced traumatic brain injury
[Shielding: Brain] [Shielding: Radiofrequency: Absorption] Great advice from Tim Rifat to use carbon cooker hood filter pads and wear a carbon bandana around the skull while sleeping.
[Shielding: Brain] 'Method and Apparatus for Shielding a Person from the Polluting Effects of Extremely Low Frequency (ELF) Magnetic Waves, and all Other Environmental Electromagnetic Emissions' by Dr Andrija Puharich of Essentia Research Associates
[SHIELDING BRAIN] Shielding Tips by Robert Duncan
Reports of barely shielding
[Shielding: Brain] Magnetic head band constructed of small round magnets and flannel.
[Shielding: Brain] [Magnetic Field Therapy] Brain Protection Band, Magnetic Field Shield P300,' copper energy traps and copper bracelets by DocStar
[Shielding: Brain] [Shielding: Magnetic Near Field] Several layers of cobalt film shield heavy pressure on the top of the head caused by magnetic near field more than other shielding materials.
[Shielding: Brain] Ed Harris erroneously recommended wearing a MagnetShield band around the skull and neck. Whereas, MagnetShield solely shields magnetic DC fields.
[J] [Shielding: Brain] [Shielding: Microwave Auditory Effect] [Shielding: Radiofrequency: Absorption] Head scarf of carbonized fiber welding blankets.
[SHIELDING BRAIN] Copper foil lined wool watch cap
[SHIELDING: BRAIN] Silver hats that reflect harmful signals
Reports of no shielding
[Shielding: Remote Neural Montoring] Chainmail coif does not shield brain zapping and remote neural monitoring
[Shielding] Using chainmail to protect myself from DEW torture on September 27, 2015 by Mike Matloff
[SHIELDING BRAIN] Sleep inside stacked galvanized steel trash cans wearing a steel helmet
Steel Helmet to Protect Brain
[Shielding: Aluminum] [Shielding: Brain] 'Study on the effect of tinfoil hats on blocking mind control satellites' (2005)
Joint wiki with /r/electromagnetics