Shills - and how to recognise them

Shills !We don't need to be a rocket scientist to recognize them!!

Below is series of statements taken from H. Michael Sweeney's 'Disinformation Playbook'. I have taken what I feel to be the most relevant assertions and observations, and embedded my own comments and observations to profile the common disinformant; as the full unabridged essay is very long and is not wholly relevant to this forum.

According to the above, some of the most recognizable traits of a Disinformant or 'Cointel Operative' are:

Avoidance: They never actually discuss issues head-on or provide constructive input, generally avoiding citation of references or credentials. Rather, they merely imply this, that, and the other. Virtually everything about their presentation implies their authority and expert knowledge in the matter without any further justification for credibility.

Selectivity: They tend to pick and choose opponents carefully, either applying the hit-and-run approach against mere commentators supportive of opponents, or focusing heavier attacks on key opponents who are known to directly address issues. Should a commentator become argumentative with any success, the focus will shift to include the commentator as well. Side attacks are relatively common though too, where the disinformant will select commentators to attack on a peripheral basis, to help camouflage their strike on a single target.

Coincidental: They tend to surface suddenly and somewhat coincidentally, perhaps with a new controversial topic, and with no prior record of participation in general discussions in the particular forum involved. They simply appear, and start their activities without delay or interest in the temperament of those around them, or the nature of other discussions.

Anti-Conspiratorial: They often assert a disdain for 'conspiracy theorists' and, usually, for those who believe legitimate and proven conspiracies, whilst at the same time they often defend outlandish and unverified conspiracies. This is designed to confuse the issue by diverting attention away from real intelligence, and toward counterintelligence, which is no threat to the adversary. If they are not defending or promoting any particular topic, then the chances are they are simply attempting to foster doubt about all material and discussions, although this is far less likely as it nurtures suspicion about their identity.

Artificial Emotion: An odd kind of 'artificial' emotionalism and an unusually thick skin - an ability to persevere and persist even in the face of overwhelming criticism and unacceptance. You might have outright rage and indignation one moment, ho-hum the next, and more anger later - an emotional yo-yo, which betrays their total lack of sincerity in the topic or discussion. For them, it is likely just a job, and so they do it without emotional attachment, although this may not always be the case.

Inconsistent: There is also a tendency to make mistakes which betray their true self/motives. This may stem from not really knowing their topic, or it may be somewhat 'freudian', so to speak, in that perhaps they really root for the side of truth or discovery deep within. They can make claims of authority on a certain topic, but once they've been shown to be wrong or fraudulent; casually change their position to suit the prevailing consensus. When observed, these traits are highly indicative of a disinformant, as the disinformant is only working toward short term goals of disruption, and is not concerned with integrity or a clean track record.

Some of the key techniques and tactics used by these people; to defame sources of information or opinion, to disrupt the exchange of information, and to contaminate the information itself, are as follows:

Imply Myth or Rumor: Avoid discussing details by describing all assertions, regardless of venue or evidence, as mere rumors and wild accusations. Other derogatory terms mutually exclusive of truth may work as well. If the assertion can in any way be associated with known myth or rumor, use this to your advantage and appeal to popular cynicism by stating that it is 'obviously' such a myth or rumor.

Straw Man: Find or create a seeming element of your opponent's argument which you can easily knock down to make yourself look good and the opponent look bad. Either make up an issue that you can imply exists, based on your 'interpretation' of their assertions, and use that to discredit their case, or take the weakest and most insignificant aspect of their argument, amplify its significance into a pivotal issue, and debate them on that. This of course, distracts from core issues, and gives you a better chance of an 'easy win'.

Distract Introduce a new topic altogether, and encourage commentators or observers to focus on this information instead. This can be accurate, partially inaccurate, or wholly inaccurate information, but which is non-threatening to your cause and which is likely to gain more attention through sensation, controversy or curiosity. Mixing a little bit of fact with a lot of fiction is often the most effective method, as this lures people in yet leaves them without any solid intelligence to use. This means spending more time on a non-issue, which is good for avoiding real issues, and may even illicit some long term believers.

Ad-Hominem: This is also known as the primary 'attack the messenger' ploy, though other methods qualify as variants of that approach. Associate opponents with unpopular titles such as 'kooks', 'right-wing', 'liberal', 'left-wing', 'terrorists', 'conspiracy buffs', 'radicals', 'militia', 'racists', 'religious fanatics', 'sexual deviants', 'drunks', 'drug addicts' and so forth. This makes others shrink from support out of fear of gaining the same label, and you avoid dealing with issues. This can also assist in provoking an emotional response in your opponent, thus putting them on the defensive, where they are more likely to try and prove your personal attacks inaccurate.

Hit & Run: In any public forum, make a brief attack of your opponent or the opponent position and then scamper off before an answer can be fielded, or simply ignore any answer. This works well in making an accusation without having to dignify the response, and avoids getting caught in a direct confrontation over a single issue, which can be risky.

Question Motives: Much like the Ad-Hominem ploy; Twist, amplify or invent any fact which could be taken to suggest that the opponent operates out of a hidden personal agenda or other bias. This avoids discussing real issues and forces the opponent on the defensive, so more time is spent countering these allegations than dealing with the core information.

Invoke Authority: Claim yourself to be, or associate yourself with an authority and present your argument with enough 'jargon' and 'minutia' to illustrate you are 'one who knows'. By simply repeating these assertions with confidence and making frequent references to jargon, you can maintain the veneer of authority without having to deal in specifics for any length of time.

Play Dumb: No matter what evidence or logical argument is offered, avoid discussing issues except with denials they have any credibility, make any sense, provide any proof, contain or make a point, have logic, or support a conclusion. Mix well for maximum effect, and simply repeat over and over so that you appear to hold the stronger position.

Enigma: Drawing upon the multitude of facts and information surrounding the assertion, claim that they are too complex and too complicated to ever come to any reasonable conclusion on. This works best when your position is weakening and it is time to move on: offer the 'truce' of an unsolvable mystery; making you appear more objective, whilst your opponent appears more subjective for trying to push the issue.

Backward Logic: Avoid discussion of the issues by reasoning backwards or with an apparent deductive logic which forbears any actual fact. For example: Create a faulty premise which you know will appeal to a popular misconception, and use that 'logic' as the grounds to discredit your opponent's argument to the contrary.

Demand Complete Solutions: Demand a comprehensive and complete explanation of your opponent's premise, and use any unanswered questions or uncertainties as the basis for dismissing the entire argument altogether. This works well in swaying the opinion of others, because you are demonstrating that your opponent does not have all the answers. Thus, their argument is incomplete, and is therefore faulty 'by any reasonable standards'.

Change the Subject: Usually in connection with one of the other ploys listed here such as 'distract'; find a way to side-track the discussion with abrasive or controversial comments in hopes of swaying attention to a new, more manageable line of discussion, where you can take hold of the narrative.

Antagonize & Provoke: If you can't do anything else, insult and taunt your opponents and draw them into emotional responses which will tend to make them look foolish and overly motivated, and generally render their material somewhat less coherent. Not only will you avoid discussing the issues in the first instance, but even if their emotional response addresses the issue, you can further avoid the issues by then focusing on how 'sensitive they are to criticism' or how 'you've damaged their ego'.

Project: Take all of the tactics you have used to discredit and attack your opponent, and turn it all around by accusing them of using the very same techniques. This creates confusion for the casual observer or commentator, allowing you to go on the offensive, where your opponent is suddenly put on the defensive again, and the argument is reduced to a series of heated yet basic assertions.

And much more at Camelot Forum

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  • I'm a perp eh, David? LOL And you, calling me a disgusting human specimen after threatening my family after I refused to support your "mind-reading machine"? Get a life, shill perpo.

  • Coly paste in context. It us very very telling tbat you two are The Only member s who are taking tgese statement out of context. 

    The ironic thing is when you show the actual context, it clearly shows that these were my experiences and they were being compared to yours, which pale in comparison. This is most likely why you use this slander tool,  by intenintentionally leaving out the context when copy pasting. 

    And, it is quite clear tgat you use the word Jen-eric as a means of degrading the member wjo asked you not to use her name in reference to this slander. This particular TI is anything but Generic, shes a very positive person who is quite successful in life.

    LaBrat said:

    david-for-today seems to have forgotten a couple of crucial details here while contradicting his own lies: 

    "lebowski you are a liar...when I talked of being locked in a cell and having family threatened with death, it was a situation that I was put through. I brought it up t in comparison with your own experience.  the idea that it is a threat to Lebowski is a blatant lie..."

    i DID copy paste the original howls of denial that he had ever even brought it up in the first place, in no way different from his 'defense' that he only mentioned the possibility of 'jen-eric's' kids being fed to dogs while her parents are murdered and she is anally raped while her guts hang down and pencils poke her to death - all while she's 'imagining real g-s' - NOT to threaten her, but to convince her that these more real threats 'from his own experience' need her attention more

    this is exactly why we're waiting over half a year for the 'hospital report' where he one-upmanship's a sexual assault victim with his 'rnm rape experience' to PROVE her g-s attack was not real!   that is a considerably broad range of coincidentally matching experiences to 'not' threaten members with, isn't it?

    david-for-today stupidly forgot taunting us about not having the main room lebowski family murder threats copied, then months later forgot about that with this familiar 'explanation' for why he did what 'we can't prove he did' - unless he wants to explain why his (copy/pasted) shotgun lobotomy, anal rape and torture threats to me were examples of his own unlimited experiences?  did somebody threaten you with a shotgun lobotomy, troll?  how silly!   tell us MORE lies now - show us duncan's 'doctorate' ha ha!

  • LaBrat is employing this one right here on this blog by twisting the statement of comparison I had made into a 'threat'. Notice how this constant misdorection keeps him from posting anything relevant to our plight. A look at Labrats blog list will show Zero informative blogs that build up;

    "Question Motives: Much like the Ad-Hominem ploy; Twist, amplify or invent any fact which could be taken to suggest that the opponent operates out of a hidden personal agenda or other bias. This avoids discussing real issues and forces the opponent on the defensive, so more time is spent countering these allegations than dealing with the core information."

  • The fact that i said, 'if' and and, "had to worry", is quite significant. And, so is the fact the Incredible Woman didnt see it as a threat. No one else did either. You are twisting what I said and repeating the slander over and over to try and gain an audience.
    You need to realize that people dont come here to take part in troll bashing. They come here to get support because tgey are being bashed by perps. They kinda wanna get some relief from bashing. So, it would be in your best intersst to try to post some positive blogs that dont have a backdoor agenda of belittling others. In other words, experience some personal growth.

  • If anyone is interested in something a little more positive in nature, i would suggest this blog;

  • Im going to use this list to explain to Solielmavis exactly what LaBrat has been doing. Even if he did erase all his blogs, he woukd have to leave completely to erase his posts on other blogs. And, even that wont erase the copy pastes on my group. LaBrat is methodically using each and everyone of these troll tools on a regular basis. 

  • Lebowski,  I like this list so much, i copy pasted it as a blog, too!

    I think all members should familiarize themselves with it. Its incredibly ironic that LaBrat is methodically doing each and every one of these things daily! Honestly, its appearant to all.

  • Every one of the members you mention except Lebowski,  have made friends with me si ce then. Its a result of growth. Something you cannot do. You will notice that the dates of the things you quote grow farthef and farther into the past. All intelligent TIs know success lies in the Future, and in positive growth. 

    So, master shep-basher, bash your sheep. The moderators are giving you fredom to do so.

    LaBrat said:

    this evasion accounts neither for carrin's point (that you threatening women plural), endless pain's, or the fact that peacenik never returned after your rudeness to her on that same 'alpo' blog (channel ducking...') from which the hostess christine finally had to block you

    so what if i wasn't terrorized?    that's no big deal   i've had ptsd from infancy (unaccounted skin graft etc) and have been radically desensitized    but the issue was the effect of this misbehavior on women members (those still here, at least)   


         karen accepting your misbehaviour can never excuse you from responsibility in these other cases

    and more to the point, it does not 'distract' from the unsubstantiated allegations you have been recording for posterity, piling up one atop another in a big, stinking pile:  duncan's 'diploma', my "suture" and "heroin" quotes...    

    none of this fluff bears directly on all the shill accusations driving you to 'change the subject' with a 'coincidental "new controversial topic", such as your deep thought double defection, a la robert duncan:


                                                  'secret triple agent man'  HA HA!


    Permalink Reply by David ofTomorrow on Wednesday

    You miss the point that noone was terrorized. Not even you, shown by the laughinly calling me a coward for not following through sith what i DID say to you

    (laBrat Sass!)

    more than incorrect: it is deliberately so     i laughingly called you a coward for threatening to "send someone" instead of backing up your seriously disturbed fantasies yourself - in 'person'

                    (same as with the big lebowski family threat - the true sign of a cowardly bully)

    you will never get your reputation back after getting caught in all these stupid lies    now, if you want to try for recovering your 'manhood' - i'm still here waiting for you to back up all your big talk  

                                                 but i'm not holding my breath lol!

  • Your openi g, calling names like a child , is this:

    Antagonize & Provoke: If you can't do anything else, insult and taunt your opponents and draw them into emotional responses which will tend to make them look foolish and overly motivated, and generally render their material somewhat less coherent. Not only will you avoid discussing the issues in the first instance, but even if their emotional response addresses the issue, you can further avoid the issues by then focusing on how 'sensitive they are to criticism' or how 'you've damaged their ego'.

    The rest is all lies. Youre fundamentally screwed, because you claim to have had a lobotomy, the claimed you never said lobotomy, just lobotomy scar.....
    nothing you say about me is true. Time will prove out things. I grow, you dont. This draws people to me. Its funny, that you're overplaying your 'slow' bit by writing the wY you do. Many members dont even bother reading your stuff because its a difficult task. Writing mechanics include unctuation and capitolization for a reason.

    LaBrat said:

    no surprise there   "when the boys came out to play - georgie porgie ran away!"   this same cowardice informs your debating style, aptly described above under 'hit and run', with the clear emphasis on the 'run'   speaking of which, did you find the "heroin" reference yet?   how about the "sutures" quote?  and duncan's 'doctorate'?   it is to laugh!

    bullying women and threatening members families are not the sort of treatment we expect from legitimate targets

    but lying so consistently (as i say, on average at least once per post) can only mean one of two things (if not both):

    a perp/shill/troll/gov't stooge/disinfo agent of sub-par mental faculties - or a desperately lonely pontificating blowhard with a god complex and an ego the size of texas to make up for being such an inadequate 'human' being

    but your chronic, pathological lying streaks never end   although some people don't mind a little bullying, i would be rather surprised to find, among your many 'friends', carrin (whom you falsely called a liar after lying to and about her - and who has accused you of bullying women plural), peacenik (whom you called a "fucking retard" upon first meeting her during her last 'chat' here) or christine (who got so grossed out by the aggressive negativity you deployed to shut down the 'channel ducking...' blog - discussing the verboten 'real g-s' heresy - that she had to block you from it     i would be willing to bet serious money on this and give odds of ten to one   any takers?  lol!

    i predict that the rightful shame which should properly attenuate such circumstances shall continue to elude you, and that the fact that the entire world is aware of your proclivity for threatening women and running away when the boys come out to play will continue undeterred   i would caution these members that mild deterrents are useless

  • LaBrat said;
    "bullying women and threatening members families are not the sort of treatment we expect from legitimate targets"

    The woman you lyingly say i bullied, are now my friends. Lebowski mistook what i said about my experience, and thought it was a threat to him. He did something similar with Sanjuro. Lebowski isnt a reliable source of information.

    Can you adress the Misinformation you spread about Tesla creating the Neurophone, and hearing aliens through it????? Links please! !!

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