I picked up a Pico3404B and recorded my brainwaves. It'll function as a high speed eeg(it's much faster than a normal eeg. Here's a link to the unfiltered data. My best guess is I've been embedded with some form of nanotech. The Pico only goes up to 60Mhz but that covers most of the spectrum.
here's the data: MindControlVictims.com/eeg1.zip
Here's a pic of the Pico...
Pico will let you download the app you need to open the files for free. You can export it to text/csv from there.
You can build a cheap 'headset' out of an old hat and some round headed screws. Just punch some holes for the screws and put the round head side on the inside, across the forehead. Then hook up some alligator clips on the outside so you can just put the hat on and turn on the data acquisition.
'Brainwaves' might not be the right term. The Pico will pick up embedded radio transmitters as well. So long as they are under 60Mhz and not spread spectrum or well encrypted. My body picks up lots of 60Hz hum, I'll try and get some cleaner recordings up, and some 4 channel recordings.