It would seem to me that your best approach to exposing these experiments would be to prove that their effects can be neutralized and/or obstructed. These experiments are indeed susceptible to sabotage. For starters, what I suggest is that you equip yourself with the following items, as a minimum:
(1) a radio frequency scanner which has the capacity to pick up frequencies in the Megahertz
(2) a portable acoustical frequency detector,
(3) a portable EMF detector with a loop antenna; and
(4) a substantial quantity of copper wire mesh. My reasons for suggesting that you acquire these items are as follows:
First, the auditory input is being conveyed to you on microwave frequencies which can be picked up, if not immediately deciphered, on relatively sophisticated radio frequency scanners (something above a standard police scanner, in other words). What sounds to you like "voices in the head" can be discerned by the astute casual bystander as a classic high-pitched microwave "hum"; that is, assuming this bystander is not equipped with cochlear implants (receivers) which operate on the same frequency or frequencies being employed in your case; and assuming, absent cochlear implants, that the bystander's skull and brain are not structured like yours and, thus, are non-responsive to the auditory signal embedded in the frequency being aimed at you.
Your scanner should have the capacity to track broad-band spectrum transmissions, in the event the transmissions being aimed at you are being rotated from one frequency to another for disguise purposes. My current suspicion is that some of these auditory transmissions are occurring in the 27-29 Megahertz range --a frequency range being rather too-ferociously protected by the U. S. Government, given their assaults on outlaw CB'rs who try to communicate on these frequencies so as to avoid having to pay FCC licensing fees. When I say that the auditory input may be picked up but may not necessarily be decipherable on a scanner, I am alluding to the fact that some of these induced voices in the head involve the transmission of speech analogs, which, in effect, are encryptions of human speech which the brain has been found capable of deciphering. I refer to this preliminary in the enclosed monograph, _Microwave Harassment and Mind Control Experimentation_. If it happens that you have been equipped with cochlear implants, then the analog process should not be necessary--in which case, you should have a fair amount of success in picking up decipherable transmissions on a high-frequency scanner.
I recommend the acquisition of portable acoustic and electromagnetic frequency detectors because I rather doubt that you, your family and or your friends can afford to acquire a more sophisticated spectrum analyzer and non-linear junction detector. These experiments, as a rule, involve highly-focused directed energy, which can be detected by all of the equipment just mentioned. A spectrum analyzer would let you know what frequencies are involved; however, spectrum analyzers cost about $25,000 to $50,000 and are probably beyond your means.
The loop antenna on a portable EMF detector will give you some limited direction-finding capability, but will not identify the frequencies involved. One thing these freaks are having a terrible time overriding is copper-wire mesh. In order or a focused signal to have the desired impact in these directed-energy experiments the signal must remain focused. Copper-wire mesh deflects focused EMF in the Hertz to Megahertz ranges. Other types of frequencies can be physically obstructed/deflected by other physical means for examples, mirrors can deflect certain forms of lasers. Radar is susceptible to absorption and/or deflection by heavy-duty plasticized rubber and rubberized fabric. Ultrasound and infrasound--acoustical frequencies used in these experiments--can be disrupted abruptly by means of loud FM or AM radio broadcasts--so abruptly as to suggest that this method may damage acoustical transmitters. "Bee-sting" laser burns can be neutralized by commonly available forms of dental anesthetics (Anbesol or SensoGuard) and can be deflected by generous applications of medicated Vaseline on the area being targeted. I could go on and on; however, I think you get my point. Copper-wire mesh, incidentally, is readily available in the form of such things as Brillo pot scrubbers. The pot scrubbers are in fact tubes of copper wire mesh, measuring about 10-12" in length by about 7" in circumference, held into a wadded shape by a metal ring, or glue. I suggest that, if it can be arranged, you start with about 30-50 of those mesh tubes in constructing your assorted barriers to directed-energy harassment. The barrier effect is instantaneous. Covering any area of your body being targeted by EMF will result in an instant "cure" of the symptoms being experienced. All-day headaches focused in one area of your brain will be immediately cured without resort to pain medications. Arthritic and bursitis-like pains in your joints and spinal nerves (under the shoulder blades) will disappear abruptly, as will sudden muscle "spasms" in your upper arms and thighs when the areas are covered with copper-wire mesh.
Views: 27
Hi Lisa,
Following your question, here comes a second one " if and when the brain seems to be the only target of the very quick attacks, could that mean that there won't be any possibility to check, record and memorize freq used ?"
Did anybody in that case tried to use ambulatory EEG device to demonstrate the suffering of the brain during those attacks ? jumping suddenly from theta wave to high beta wave
There may be, in the States, a company renting that kind of device with infos to be recorded and explained afterwards by a specialist.
We have nothing of the sort in France . The ambulatory EEG must be bought ... but none of the companies contacted was willing to sell .
Lisa Davis said:
You can get a decent PC based digital oscilloscope that will go from DC to above AM for about a thousand bucks. It will most likely come with spectrum analyzer software. That will give you the option of looking at the signal like you would with a normal scope, running the spectrum analyzer, and recording waveforms for further software based analysis. You can run an antenna into it, or tap your body to see if you've been embedded. It'll cover the ELF band, but it'll costs big bucks to get one that'll cover frequencies up to the microwave band.