Who on here hears voices ? how do you now what it is how to you discern? Do you thin its a mental ilnness/ spiritual or technology based ? Is it possible to be a mixture?
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sue I not some isolated person that sits in front of his pc all day getting his ideas and beliefs from the net, I am in my 40`s been targeted since I was 33 but before that I had a normal life work married kids bought house etc...even thou I targeted now I still try to function in society and look after my responsibility's...so I have life experience.
also I done a lot of tests like with my ELF detector ,body voltage ,bone conduction mic , and yes I have gained allot from researching on the internet, but go normally to respect sources that have actually done some research on the subjects or on relevant one. now the reason I post links on here ....is so other people can check them out and know it's not just my personal opinion.
again DR Persingers stuff is really a must for TI`s again its does explains allot about paranormal experiences ....ghost hunters use EMF detectors because they know abnormal EMF can cause a verity of effects in a human .....plus just about every hunted house were people feel the presences of a ghost is associated with fluctuations in EMF
The research also threw up evidence suggesting a link between magnetic fields and ghostly sightings.
At both Hampton Court Palace, in Surrey, and the South Bridge Vaults in Edinburgh, the variance in local magnetic fields was highest in the areas thought to be most haunted, and lowest in areas where people typically did not record experiencing ghostly phenomena.
The variations in magnetic fields were incredibly small - about 100 times less than you get from sitting about a metre away from your TV - but the researchers think the findings are significant.
"The correlations between ghostly activity and magnetic variance were relatively large and tie in with laboratory findings that suggest varying magnetic fields have a measurable effect on human physiology," said Dr Paul Stevens, of the Koestler Parapsychology Unit at Edinburgh University, who obtained the magnetic field measurements at both sites.
plus sue think about it why would they need to tell you or Persuade you that they are "supernatural" that's sounds like psychological direction
"One can envision the development of electromagnetic energy sources, the output of which can be pulsed, shaped, and focused, that can couple with the human body in a fashion that will allow one to prevent voluntary muscular movements, control emotions (and thus actions), produce sleep, transmit suggestions, interfere with both short-term and long-term memory, produce an experience set, and delete an experience set. It would also appear possible to create high fidelity speech in the human body, raising the possibility of covert suggestion and psychological direction...Thus, it may be possible to 'talk' to selected adversaries in a fashion that would be most disturbing to them."
United States Air Force Scientific Advisory Board, New World Vistas: Air and Space Power For The 21st Century
Sue said:
I just think its naive of any of you to draw conclusions based on what you read on the net alone. Deca from what lve read your symptoms have mostly been EH like (bodily disturbances) which of course sways you towards man made weapons being the only cause of this. I have a much larger view of the universe and believe we are NOT the only beings in the world (not by far) hence I have a supernatural belief. You cant base your beliefs solely on net info because the real truth has not been disclosed with concrete evidence. Dot my perps tell me they ARE of a supernatural nature so we have had the same experience but different facts told to us. Which is correct? Who knows for sure? The experts are debating these beliefs, how can we novices state something is simply untrue?
I must point out that Jake Maverick is a friend of Decas. And Tracy left a post for you saying she agreed with you to a degree, but asked you to stop with your attempts at 'protecting' the community. By her own admission she is relatively new at this. Im not understanding why you are using her as a reference to bashing others...when she askec YOU to stop.
Are you seeing a pattern here LaBrat?
Other members dont see difference in opinion about gangstalking or v2k, or the true nature of mental illnesses, as being reason to call others a perp or troll. You are kinda on your own there. I mean, I must ask....are Deca and I the only troll perps you can see? Out of 3400 members were the only two? If were not, when will you so kindly point out the others? There are plenty of members that don't share your opinion of gangstalking, or v2k. Will you then bash them for not agreeing with YOUR version of gangstalking? ??
LaBrat said:
that doesn't sound like karen if she put it on deca's status, she may well be being facetious: everybody knows HE'S a troll even jake maverick and tracy, two of the most generally informed and lucid writers/thinkers i have had the privilege to encounter on this site, have recently confirmed dire suspicions of dastardliness on his part
you gotta suspect if he'd only stop bashing members g-s testimonies, pushing 'm.i.' as relevant despite soleilmavis's and tracy's admonitions, calling people like LEBOWSKI liars (well, that was REALLY stupid), and mimicking to perfection the entire c.i.a. debunking repertoire ("thou shalt NOT discuss e.t." etc...), he even might fool someone!
Sue said:
I still believe that more is involved here than just man and machine. The perps doing this are dehumanized. I dont believe they have human spirits.
As for Karen, Labrat she either referred to you or me (or both) as being perps....on Decas status. The mind boggles on this site.
And LaBrat, can you tell me if you have ever gotten V2k? Can you provide a few exmples? The blog post is about tbat subject. It seems tgat you have successfully made this blog about your favorite subject, again, ....how Deca and I are perps. When will the high jacking stop???? Now, honestly, before all, tell us what you know about v2k so you can enlighten us!
Again, I did not threaten Karen. Evety bit of those things, dogs eating someone...that was a family member of mine!
The toturous rape shit...that was mock execution of me!!
I have these things documented throughout my time here on peacepink. I went tgrough those things in 2008. I found pecepink on 2009. So I did not make tjise up to applybto Karen. And my response, the one you refer to, was not made directly to Karen , but to Any reader, the YOU was an indefinite you.
Now, Karen and I are friends. She has explained to you that she understood the meaning of my post. She kindly asked you to stop refering to her. I am reiterating this request on her behalf.
LaBrat said:
you misrepresent habitually you have disagreed (as in, allowed the possibility that they may be correct about their own testimonies) with every member who claims to experience 'real' g-s', there really are only so many ways to try to avoid that statistical fact you only allow 5% in THEORY so who are we kidding here? there have been NONE in practice whose word (or, 'accuracy of perceptions') you have not 'corrected', and not nicely either you'll recall carrin and others' objections to your threatening, for example why deny it? it's all still there! and, again, you deflect from the real issue, which is your LYING as itemized repeatedly above when you lie with yet another false accusation of me 'misrepresenting' your lies, and i catch it again, i feel obliged to point out that you are again lying, as other members who may not know you as well yet could believe these false accusations about me (and about others - can you show us where deep thought, who himself calls this site a c.i.a. front - look it up - was as you say "psychotically incoherent"? and, could these alleged ravings be as wild as your shotgun lobotomy and anal rape threats?) so, please stop hiding behind member misquotes and address the lie you told in daily journal, and the one you told in main room (that i recorded) where you alleged i posted your timeline on facebook after i had aready recorded you admitting that you were wrong to allege that i even threatened to, BEFORE the (lie) false accusation this lying and making false accusations about alleged lying is a very serious issue and it is definitely NOT something that real members do
David ofTomorrow said:
100% of member testimony???? I can remember 7 members who have directly told you that they consider most gangstalking to be actually v2k. 4 of these 7 are 5 years plus as TIs. Do you not remember these discussions with these people? I have been around to see many opinions, so have others. Differing opinions do not mean both or either are perps! This is a destructuve view point. If you will notice, Noone is taking part in your accusations. People are individually and repeatedly been asking you to either stop overalll, or stop using them in your bashing. Can you try and be a peaceful member? If you must be a troll basher, can you point out how many of us are trolls so we can be clear on that? I mean, if it is onky Deca and I out of 3400 it doesnt then appear t to be a CIA site, or whatever you may call it. Honestly, perp diviner, who next are you going to label, target, then bash? Simply because they share differing opinions?
This 'backing down' from threatening you is important, very important. The motive was for peace. Just like when I twice for extended periods ignored you. Out of peaceful concern. Your reply was to call me coward. Like the idea tgat I threatened you. You said the tgreat made me a perp, the NOT following through made me a a coward. What would I be if I HAD followed through, a hero?
It becomes aperant that your motive is to distract from subjects...you have still not told us your experience on the current blog subject...you are not at all comcernec with perps or trolls, I think your motuve is all tigether different.
You are becoming transparent, in large part due to evasion of pertinent questions like how you know anything at all about the blog subject, or why you choose rookies as mentors. LaBrat said:
you misrepresent again 'as if!' you don't remember our conversation when you backed down from threatening me, and i reminded you (when you chose to back-pedal the facade of your nastiness) what carrin said about you preferring to threaten women note the spelling CARRIN - here you again insinuate the lie that i have alleged you "threatened" Karen/her kids with the dogs - you misrepresent habitually as i have noted above/just below, as well as on previous occasions with the terms compulsive and pathological LIAR i notice you have found another diversion from addressing the issue of your lies, btw how long and/or often will you refuse to address this issue before it becomes as obvious to you as it is to the rest of us that you simply can't lie your way around it?
David ofTomorrow said:
Again, I did not threaten Karen.
LaBrat said:
you misrepresent habitually you have disagreed...you only allow 5% in THEORY so who are we kidding here? there have been NONE in practice whose word (or, 'accuracy of perceptions') you have not 'corrected', and not nicely either you'll recall carrin and others' objections to your threatening, for example why deny it? it's all still there! and, again, you deflect from the real issue, which is your LYING
We ARE ALL TIs. I agree with this. This means tgat we have a common enemy. I woukd choose to learn from differences rather than use them for the fractioning of our group. This serves the enemy.
Peace is right...and acceptance, or at least tolerance of differences.
This setting oneself up as troll diviner will get old quick, there are 3400 members to divine! Imagine all the turmoil.
Sue said:
There are supernatural powers at work here pitting man against man (killing, abusing, war, family breakup, personal breakdown, all disdainful things) when they are our one true enemy. Know your true enemy. Peace Labrat and Dot.
well i DID post a photo of a brain surgery for which there are no medical records and I DID send you a message asking for directions with this evidence and it's NOT like i've been glossing over the technical difficulties of forwarding material myself due to the brain-damage and surgery-induced 20 percentile in mechanical aptitude i scored after the injury no response so far consider the request recinded btw in other news, i don't follow the "you what?" thing i do believe i successfully conveyed the gist of big 'l's clearly worded thoughts which you seemed to be having difficulty addressing directly it appears that i then offered suggestions so that your actions would not be misrepresented in a bad light by doubters if i take any of that back, how will you then be able to thank me? speaking of which, evidently you have not been paying attention to the several excellent references cited by the big lebowski pity, since some of them were intended for your personal and professional edification on your own blogs
So, let me get this straight, YOU, after being a TI less tgan a year, have come to the conclusion tgat both peacepink and ffchs are both perp sitez???? Do you expect us all to buy that???? Honestly.
I think it is spiritual or rather functions unknown to science, what would have been known in the past as magic. I also believe schizophrenia is highly related to the mystical experience, or the rising of the subconscious and that is the actual goal of most perps I believe is the raising of the kundalini through torture, this can all be found as ancient science, in the Egyptian book of the dead. Hitler studied this same stuff while making super soldiers
sue I not some isolated person that sits in front of his pc all day getting his ideas and beliefs from the net, I am in my 40`s been targeted since I was 33 but before that I had a normal life work married kids bought house etc...even thou I targeted now I still try to function in society and look after my responsibility's...so I have life experience.
also I done a lot of tests like with my ELF detector ,body voltage ,bone conduction mic , and yes I have gained allot from researching on the internet, but go normally to respect sources that have actually done some research on the subjects or on relevant one. now the reason I post links on here ....is so other people can check them out and know it's not just my personal opinion.
again DR Persingers stuff is really a must for TI`s again its does explains allot about paranormal experiences ....ghost hunters use EMF detectors because they know abnormal EMF can cause a verity of effects in a human .....plus just about every hunted house were people feel the presences of a ghost is associated with fluctuations in EMF
Ghostly magnetism explained
plus sue think about it why would they need to tell you or Persuade you that they are "supernatural" that's sounds like psychological direction
Sue said:
I must point out that Jake Maverick is a friend of Decas. And Tracy left a post for you saying she agreed with you to a degree, but asked you to stop with your attempts at 'protecting' the community. By her own admission she is relatively new at this. Im not understanding why you are using her as a reference to bashing others...when she askec YOU to stop.
Are you seeing a pattern here LaBrat?
Other members dont see difference in opinion about gangstalking or v2k, or the true nature of mental illnesses, as being reason to call others a perp or troll. You are kinda on your own there. I mean, I must ask....are Deca and I the only troll perps you can see? Out of 3400 members were the only two? If were not, when will you so kindly point out the others? There are plenty of members that don't share your opinion of gangstalking, or v2k. Will you then bash them for not agreeing with YOUR version of gangstalking? ??
LaBrat said:
And LaBrat, can you tell me if you have ever gotten V2k? Can you provide a few exmples? The blog post is about tbat subject. It seems tgat you have successfully made this blog about your favorite subject, again, ....how Deca and I are perps. When will the high jacking stop????
Now, honestly, before all, tell us what you know about v2k so you can enlighten us!
Again, I did not threaten Karen. Evety bit of those things, dogs eating someone...that was a family member of mine!
The toturous rape shit...that was mock execution of me!!
I have these things documented throughout my time here on peacepink. I went tgrough those things in 2008. I found pecepink on 2009. So I did not make tjise up to applybto Karen. And my response, the one you refer to, was not made directly to Karen , but to Any reader, the YOU was an indefinite you.
Now, Karen and I are friends. She has explained to you that she understood the meaning of my post. She kindly asked you to stop refering to her. I am reiterating this request on her behalf.
LaBrat said:
This 'backing down' from threatening you is important, very important. The motive was for peace. Just like when I twice for extended periods ignored you. Out of peaceful concern. Your reply was to call me coward. Like the idea tgat I threatened you. You said the tgreat made me a perp, the NOT following through made me a a coward. What would I be if I HAD followed through, a hero?
It becomes aperant that your motive is to distract from subjects...you have still not told us your experience on the current blog subject...you are not at all comcernec with perps or trolls, I think your motuve is all tigether different.
You are becoming transparent, in large part due to evasion of pertinent questions like how you know anything at all about the blog subject, or why you choose rookies as mentors.
LaBrat said:
Peace is right...and acceptance, or at least tolerance of differences.
This setting oneself up as troll diviner will get old quick, there are 3400 members to divine! Imagine all the turmoil.
Sue said:
LaBrat said:
AGAIN..... can you state how you know about v2k? Your experience please????
So, let me get this straight, YOU, after being a TI less tgan a year, have come to the conclusion tgat both peacepink and ffchs are both perp sitez???? Do you expect us all to buy that????
I think it is spiritual or rather functions unknown to science, what would have been known in the past as magic. I also believe schizophrenia is highly related to the mystical experience, or the rising of the subconscious and that is the actual goal of most perps I believe is the raising of the kundalini through torture, this can all be found as ancient science, in the Egyptian book of the dead. Hitler studied this same stuff while making super soldiers