Quote: < … > Yet today, some officials still have the power to waive regulations requiring informed consent in classified government experiments. < … >
Currently, the 1991 Federal Policy for the Protection of Human Subjects PDF is the binding regulation on human-subject research for 17 federal agencies including the military and the intelligence agencies. Although it outlines the guidelines for informed consent, it also states, "Unless otherwise required by law, department or agency heads may waive the applicability of some or all of the provisions of this policy." In other words, a person participating in an experiment must be informed and give his consent unless a high-level government official doesn't think it is necessary. Not surprisingly, this authority doesn't stop with the heads of agencies and departments. < … >
In order to overcome more than 50 years of failed reforms, new approaches to human subject protections for classified experiments need to be developed, and troubling questions need to be an answered. How could this have happened and happened for so long? < … >
It’s bizarre but true:
Nonconsensual human experiments have been legal for nearly twenty years
How did this happen and how is it that most experts, the media, and the public did not find out until now? < … >
Those who would like to sign this letter, please contact Galina at: helenkurdin@yahoo.ca
Petition date starting in Ottawa and Toronto from Aug. 25, 2009
Dear Member of the Canadian Government:
We are writing you on behalf of the Organization of Victims of Psychotronic Weapons (OVPW) to ask for your help for the many constituents in Canada who are being targeted unjustly without their informed consent by Psychotronic (or Mind Control, Electronic, Directed Energy, Neurological, Non-lethal) Weapons. We, and many others, are being TORTURED AND MUTILATED IN A MIND CONTROL CONCENTRATION CAMP 24/7. We wouldn't be tortured and manipulated in a properly functioning legal system/society.
Victims of psychotronic weapons detail the most extreme and totalitarian violations of human rights in human history, including the most horrendous incidents of psychological torture, and mental and physical mutilations. Criminals place human subjects under continuous surveillance, no matter where he/she is. They monitor the human brain, including thoughts, reactions, motor commands, auditory events and visual images. They continuously alter consciousness, introduce voices, noises, commands, images, "dreams", and other disturbances into the brain. They directly abuse, torture and assault our bodies - including performing advanced medical procedures from remote locations. The technology they are using is so advanced that it allows the controllers to see through the eyes of the targeted individual, essentially seeing whatever the victim sees.
These are some of symptoms of targeted individuals:
1). Microwave hearing and torture with intense, loud, electronic-sounding noise.
2). Visual distortions and hallucinations.
3). Manipulation of will, emotions, feelings, and perceptions.
4). Manipulation of human behavior: forced speech, involuntary body movements, transmission of specific commands into the subconscious, compulsory execution of these commands.
5). Reading thoughts remotely, retrieving memories, implanting personalities.
6). Debilitation of mental acuity: inability to concentrate, disruption of ability to think rationally and independently.
7). Loss of memory and knowledge.
8). Inadequate states, which targeted individuals have never experienced before (states of narcotic intoxication, depression, obsessive desires and so on).
9). Control of sleep patterns: sleep deprivation or uncontrollable sleep
10). Blurred vision
11). Cramps, seizures and spasms
12). Excruciating, artificial pain in any part of the body, including heart attacks and other serious, medical conditions.
We have contacted the police, RCMP, Security/Intelligence Agencies, Courts and other Government institutions over and over and over again, but have had our appeals for assistance and protection almost completely ignored or suppressed. The government “doing nothing” in this situation is a form of sanctioning these horrendous, fascist mind control experiments on innocent and defenseless people. That is why the Canadian Government is responsible for these crimes. The government of Canada must uphold the rule of National, International and Human Rights Law and protect Canadian citizens by these laws. Instead we see the huge disconnect between its professed principles and values and the reality.
It is our responsibility to record and alert the world to these horrendous crimes and the extreme danger that these technologies pose to democracy, human rights, privacy, mental and physical freedom, and the health of all people. These are the most horrendous weapons and crimes imaginable, and the people, using them, are mass-murdering conspirators, pursuing fascist, totalitarian, fundamentalist schemes.
Doctor Joseph Mengele and other Nazis, who started developing these techniques in concentration camps during World War II, were brought over here from Europe after the war to continue their atrocities. MKULTRA was the first of these illegal and immoral experiments with unwilling victims. We are the latest victims. THIS MUST STOP! And the people responsible exposed and brought to justice for these unspeakable crimes against humanity. We demand only that our human rights are respected, and that the Canadian Government appoint a Committee to get to the bottom of this most serious matter based upon the evidence collected, intercepted, and compiled by victims for many years.
This gross violation of human rights must be investigated immediately.
Galina Kurdina, helenkurdin@yahoo.ca, 385 Apache Trail, North York, ON, Canada, M2H 2W6. TARGETED INDIVIDUAL, member of Organization of Victims of Psychotronic Weapon and THE WORLDWIDE CAMPAIGN AGAINST TORTURE AND ABUSE, USING DIRECTED ENERGY AND NEUROLOGICAL WEAPONS.
Carlo Calandra, carlocalandra@hotmail.com, 21 Knowland Dr, Toronto, ON, Canada, M9A 4L7. TARGETED INDIVIDUAL, member of Organization of Victims of Psychotronic (Mind Control) Weapon.
David Smith, davidlsmithss@yahoo.ca, 1454 Trillium Way on Gabriola Island, BC, Canada. TARGETED INDIVIDUAL, member of Organization of Victims of Psychotronic (Mind Control) Weapon.
Jiansheng Yang, eslontario@gmail.com, 305-1562 Trossacks Ave, London, ON, Canada, N5X 2P2. TARGETED INDIVIDUAL, member of Organization of Victims of Psychotronic (Mind Control) Weapon.
Carmen Marie France Markey, cmarkey06@hotmail.com, 406-1575 Best Street White Rock, BC, Canada, V4B5K1. TARGETED INDIVIDUAL, member of Organization of Victims of Psychotronic (Mind Control) Weapon.
Nicole Delpeuch, Nicole1124@videotron.ca, 3130 rue Berthiaume, Laval, Quebec, Canada, H7M 2K3. TARGETED INDIVIDUAL, member of Organization of Victims of Psychotronic (Mind Control) Weapon.
Robin Yan, speakoutandrr@hotmail.com, 1807-160 Alton Towers Cir., Scarborough, ON, Canada, M1V 4X8. TARGETED INDIVIDUAL, member of Organization of Victims of Psychotronic (Mind Control) Weapon.
Alan Grieve, agrieve12@sympatico.ca, 31 Alexander St, suite 312, Toronto, ON, Canada, M4Y 1B2. TARGETED INDIVIDUAL, member of Organization of Victims of Psychotronic (Mind Control) Weapon.
Rob Beattie, quantumleap1@live.com, 10 Redfield Ave, Nepean, ON, Canada, K2H 6A8. TARGETED INDIVIDUAL, member of Organization of Victims of Psychotronic (Mind Control) Weapon.
Derrick Robinson, derrickcrobinson@gmail.com. President of Freedom From Covert Harassment and Surveillance, www.freedomfchs.com
Dr Feisal Salim A S, informvictim@gmail.com, Crescent, Kaniyapuram P O, Trivandrum,
695301, Kerala, INDIA. TARGETED INDIVIDUAL, member of Organization of Victims of Psychotronic (Mind Control) Weapon.
Moe Hosny, moe_hosny@yahoo.ca, PO BOX 10, Gedimino Str. 7, Vilnius 01002, Lithuania. TARGETED INDIVIDUAL, member of Organization of Victims of Psychotronic (Mind Control) Weapon.
< … >
Quote: < ... > Die russische Zeitung "Nowaja Gazeta" schrieb: Wie in Russland Tötungen im Interesse des Staates begangen werden …
Die russischen Geheimdienste haben parallele Strukturen für die Vollziehung von außergerichtlichen Urteilen geschaffen.
Darüber schrieb am Donnerstag "Nowaja Gazeta" mit Bezugnahme auf das vorliegende Dokument, das nach den Angaben von Journalisten eine geheime Instruktion der russischen Geheimdienste ist, die den Mord im Interesse des Staates sanktioniert.
In dem Artikel wird auch mit Bezugnahme auf Augenzeugen und Teilnehmer jener Ereignisse eine Serie von Anschlägen und Morden analysiert, die kriminelle Staatsbeamte und -Funktionäre, Journalisten und Mitarbeiter der Nachrichtendienste und des FSB seit 1990 bis heute begangen haben. Der Autor kommt zu dem Schluss, dass die Geheimdienste von der Sanktionsgewalt des Kremls die Rolle "der staatlichen Killer" übernommen haben. Die Zeitung bringt Auszüge aus dem Dokument, das nach deren Urteil "außerordentliche öffentliche Bedeutsamkeit" hat. Dem Artikel zufolge kann man feststellen, dass die hochgeheime Instruktion von 70 Seiten vieles erklärt, was in Russland in den letzten 15 Jahren vor sich ging.
< ... >
Staatliche Menschenversuche, Folter und Mord in der BRD, Video, youtube.com, 4 augustus 2009,
Quote: Auch in der BRD wird gefoltert und gemordet. Jeder kann es selbst verstehen und nachweisen. Unser Verein hat viele Beweise und es wird in Kürze zu einer Anklage gegen die BRD kommen. Wir alle leben noch immer im Dritten Reich. Alles ist immer noch eine Diktatur. Zu weiteren Erkärungen wenden Sie sich bitte an den Verein gegen den Missbrauch psychophysischer Waffen e.V..
Alle Kommentare, die versuchen auch noch die Opfer zu diffamieren bzw. diese lächerlich zu machen werden sofort gelöscht.
For english speaking people, The " Association against the Abuse of Psychophysical Weapons ", Video, youtube.com, 1 juli 2009,
Quote: Countless people are cruelly tormented day and night in Germany with ray-weapons . The police, the public prosecutor's office, the regional crime department, the Criminal Investigation Department, and above all, politicians do not take any action.
How is it possible that in our democratic constitutional state the most horrendous human rights' violations like mental institutionalisation, criminalisation, torture and murder can be tolerated and be kept secret for many years with the full knowledge of all responsible and influential organs ?
The " Association against the Abuse of Psychophysical Weapons " and hundreds of German victims request our Federal Chancellor Mrs. Merkel to give a public account of these inconceivable human experiments which have already caused death tolls.
Verein gegen den Missbrauch psychophysischer Waffen e.V., Weitere Informationen:
Quote: < … > July 30, 2009
< … > Credibility reviews, posted here, are intended to help those who are not familiar with the crime of organized stalking and electronic harassment, or are targets who may be new or have limited awareness of literature relating to this crime. < … >
Dear @Sir, @Madam,
Cheryl Welsh, Outlaw nonconsensual human experiments now, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, thebulletin.org, 16 June 2009, < http://www.thebulletin.org/web-edition/op-eds/outlaw-nonconsensual-... >.
Quote: < … > Yet today, some officials still have the power to waive regulations requiring informed consent in classified government experiments. < … >
Currently, the 1991 Federal Policy for the Protection of Human Subjects PDF is the binding regulation on human-subject research for 17 federal agencies including the military and the intelligence agencies. Although it outlines the guidelines for informed consent, it also states, "Unless otherwise required by law, department or agency heads may waive the applicability of some or all of the provisions of this policy." In other words, a person participating in an experiment must be informed and give his consent unless a high-level government official doesn't think it is necessary. Not surprisingly, this authority doesn't stop with the heads of agencies and departments. < … >
In order to overcome more than 50 years of failed reforms, new approaches to human subject protections for classified experiments need to be developed, and troubling questions need to be an answered. How could this have happened and happened for so long? < … >
Read full article:
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Cheryl Welsh, JD, mindjustice.org, June 2009, < http://mindjustice.org/legalhuman.htm >
It’s bizarre but true:
Nonconsensual human experiments have been legal for nearly twenty years
How did this happen and how is it that most experts, the media, and the public did not find out until now? < … >
Read full article:
Yours sincerely.
Dear Sir, Madam,
Conference Call News, FFCHS Weekly Newsletter, August 22, 2009, Freedom From Covert Harassment and Surveillance,
< http://docs.google.com/View?id=ddjf2c5x_158g9kg3672 >,
< http://www.freedomfchs.com/id1.html >,
< http://www.freedomfchs.com/index.html >,
Those who would like to sign this letter, please contact Galina at: helenkurdin@yahoo.ca
Petition date starting in Ottawa and Toronto from Aug. 25, 2009
Dear Member of the Canadian Government:
We are writing you on behalf of the Organization of Victims of Psychotronic Weapons (OVPW) to ask for your help for the many constituents in Canada who are being targeted unjustly without their informed consent by Psychotronic (or Mind Control, Electronic, Directed Energy, Neurological, Non-lethal) Weapons. We, and many others, are being TORTURED AND MUTILATED IN A MIND CONTROL CONCENTRATION CAMP 24/7. We wouldn't be tortured and manipulated in a properly functioning legal system/society.
Victims of psychotronic weapons detail the most extreme and totalitarian violations of human rights in human history, including the most horrendous incidents of psychological torture, and mental and physical mutilations. Criminals place human subjects under continuous surveillance, no matter where he/she is. They monitor the human brain, including thoughts, reactions, motor commands, auditory events and visual images. They continuously alter consciousness, introduce voices, noises, commands, images, "dreams", and other disturbances into the brain. They directly abuse, torture and assault our bodies - including performing advanced medical procedures from remote locations. The technology they are using is so advanced that it allows the controllers to see through the eyes of the targeted individual, essentially seeing whatever the victim sees.
These are some of symptoms of targeted individuals:
1). Microwave hearing and torture with intense, loud, electronic-sounding noise.
2). Visual distortions and hallucinations.
3). Manipulation of will, emotions, feelings, and perceptions.
4). Manipulation of human behavior: forced speech, involuntary body movements, transmission of specific commands into the subconscious, compulsory execution of these commands.
5). Reading thoughts remotely, retrieving memories, implanting personalities.
6). Debilitation of mental acuity: inability to concentrate, disruption of ability to think rationally and independently.
7). Loss of memory and knowledge.
8). Inadequate states, which targeted individuals have never experienced before (states of narcotic intoxication, depression, obsessive desires and so on).
9). Control of sleep patterns: sleep deprivation or uncontrollable sleep
10). Blurred vision
11). Cramps, seizures and spasms
12). Excruciating, artificial pain in any part of the body, including heart attacks and other serious, medical conditions.
We have contacted the police, RCMP, Security/Intelligence Agencies, Courts and other Government institutions over and over and over again, but have had our appeals for assistance and protection almost completely ignored or suppressed. The government “doing nothing” in this situation is a form of sanctioning these horrendous, fascist mind control experiments on innocent and defenseless people. That is why the Canadian Government is responsible for these crimes. The government of Canada must uphold the rule of National, International and Human Rights Law and protect Canadian citizens by these laws. Instead we see the huge disconnect between its professed principles and values and the reality.
It is our responsibility to record and alert the world to these horrendous crimes and the extreme danger that these technologies pose to democracy, human rights, privacy, mental and physical freedom, and the health of all people. These are the most horrendous weapons and crimes imaginable, and the people, using them, are mass-murdering conspirators, pursuing fascist, totalitarian, fundamentalist schemes.
Doctor Joseph Mengele and other Nazis, who started developing these techniques in concentration camps during World War II, were brought over here from Europe after the war to continue their atrocities. MKULTRA was the first of these illegal and immoral experiments with unwilling victims. We are the latest victims. THIS MUST STOP! And the people responsible exposed and brought to justice for these unspeakable crimes against humanity. We demand only that our human rights are respected, and that the Canadian Government appoint a Committee to get to the bottom of this most serious matter based upon the evidence collected, intercepted, and compiled by victims for many years.
This gross violation of human rights must be investigated immediately.
Galina Kurdina, helenkurdin@yahoo.ca, 385 Apache Trail, North York, ON, Canada, M2H 2W6. TARGETED INDIVIDUAL, member of Organization of Victims of Psychotronic Weapon and THE WORLDWIDE CAMPAIGN AGAINST TORTURE AND ABUSE, USING DIRECTED ENERGY AND NEUROLOGICAL WEAPONS.
Carlo Calandra, carlocalandra@hotmail.com, 21 Knowland Dr, Toronto, ON, Canada, M9A 4L7. TARGETED INDIVIDUAL, member of Organization of Victims of Psychotronic (Mind Control) Weapon.
David Smith, davidlsmithss@yahoo.ca, 1454 Trillium Way on Gabriola Island, BC, Canada. TARGETED INDIVIDUAL, member of Organization of Victims of Psychotronic (Mind Control) Weapon.
Jiansheng Yang, eslontario@gmail.com, 305-1562 Trossacks Ave, London, ON, Canada, N5X 2P2. TARGETED INDIVIDUAL, member of Organization of Victims of Psychotronic (Mind Control) Weapon.
Carmen Marie France Markey, cmarkey06@hotmail.com, 406-1575 Best Street White Rock, BC, Canada, V4B5K1. TARGETED INDIVIDUAL, member of Organization of Victims of Psychotronic (Mind Control) Weapon.
Nicole Delpeuch, Nicole1124@videotron.ca, 3130 rue Berthiaume, Laval, Quebec, Canada, H7M 2K3. TARGETED INDIVIDUAL, member of Organization of Victims of Psychotronic (Mind Control) Weapon.
Robin Yan, speakoutandrr@hotmail.com, 1807-160 Alton Towers Cir., Scarborough, ON, Canada, M1V 4X8. TARGETED INDIVIDUAL, member of Organization of Victims of Psychotronic (Mind Control) Weapon.
Alan Grieve, agrieve12@sympatico.ca, 31 Alexander St, suite 312, Toronto, ON, Canada, M4Y 1B2. TARGETED INDIVIDUAL, member of Organization of Victims of Psychotronic (Mind Control) Weapon.
Rob Beattie, quantumleap1@live.com, 10 Redfield Ave, Nepean, ON, Canada, K2H 6A8. TARGETED INDIVIDUAL, member of Organization of Victims of Psychotronic (Mind Control) Weapon.
Derrick Robinson, derrickcrobinson@gmail.com. President of Freedom From Covert Harassment and Surveillance, www.freedomfchs.com
Dr Feisal Salim A S, informvictim@gmail.com, Crescent, Kaniyapuram P O, Trivandrum,
695301, Kerala, INDIA. TARGETED INDIVIDUAL, member of Organization of Victims of Psychotronic (Mind Control) Weapon.
Moe Hosny, moe_hosny@yahoo.ca, PO BOX 10, Gedimino Str. 7, Vilnius 01002, Lithuania. TARGETED INDIVIDUAL, member of Organization of Victims of Psychotronic (Mind Control) Weapon.
< … >
Read full article
Thank you!
Yours sincerely.
Google Search:
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Dear @Sir, @Madam,
Die staatlichen Psychotron-Sadisten Russlands, Verein gegen den Missbrauch psychophysischer Waffen e.V., psychophysischer-terror.de.tl, < http://psychophysischer-terror.de.tl/Die-staatlichen-Psychotron_Sad... >.
Quote: < ... > Die russische Zeitung "Nowaja Gazeta" schrieb: Wie in Russland Tötungen im Interesse des Staates begangen werden …
Die russischen Geheimdienste haben parallele Strukturen für die Vollziehung von außergerichtlichen Urteilen geschaffen.
Darüber schrieb am Donnerstag "Nowaja Gazeta" mit Bezugnahme auf das vorliegende Dokument, das nach den Angaben von Journalisten eine geheime Instruktion der russischen Geheimdienste ist, die den Mord im Interesse des Staates sanktioniert.
In dem Artikel wird auch mit Bezugnahme auf Augenzeugen und Teilnehmer jener Ereignisse eine Serie von Anschlägen und Morden analysiert, die kriminelle Staatsbeamte und -Funktionäre, Journalisten und Mitarbeiter der Nachrichtendienste und des FSB seit 1990 bis heute begangen haben. Der Autor kommt zu dem Schluss, dass die Geheimdienste von der Sanktionsgewalt des Kremls die Rolle "der staatlichen Killer" übernommen haben. Die Zeitung bringt Auszüge aus dem Dokument, das nach deren Urteil "außerordentliche öffentliche Bedeutsamkeit" hat. Dem Artikel zufolge kann man feststellen, dass die hochgeheime Instruktion von 70 Seiten vieles erklärt, was in Russland in den letzten 15 Jahren vor sich ging.
< ... >
Read full article
--- ---
Google Translate
Die staatlichen Psychotron-Sadisten Russlands, Verein gegen den Missbrauch psychophysischer Waffen e.V., psychophysischer-terror.de.tl, < http://psychophysischer-terror.de.tl/Die-staatlichen-Psychotron_Sad... >.
Google Translate
--- ---
Staatliche Menschenversuche, Folter und Mord in der BRD, Video, youtube.com, 4 augustus 2009,
Quote: Auch in der BRD wird gefoltert und gemordet. Jeder kann es selbst verstehen und nachweisen. Unser Verein hat viele Beweise und es wird in Kürze zu einer Anklage gegen die BRD kommen. Wir alle leben noch immer im Dritten Reich. Alles ist immer noch eine Diktatur. Zu weiteren Erkärungen wenden Sie sich bitte an den Verein gegen den Missbrauch psychophysischer Waffen e.V..
Alle Kommentare, die versuchen auch noch die Opfer zu diffamieren bzw. diese lächerlich zu machen werden sofort gelöscht.
Watch this video
Mind Control und die Psychiatrie Teil1, youtube.com, 11 juli 2009,
--- ---
For english speaking people, The " Association against the Abuse of Psychophysical Weapons ", Video, youtube.com, 1 juli 2009,
Quote: Countless people are cruelly tormented day and night in Germany with ray-weapons . The police, the public prosecutor's office, the regional crime department, the Criminal Investigation Department, and above all, politicians do not take any action.
How is it possible that in our democratic constitutional state the most horrendous human rights' violations like mental institutionalisation, criminalisation, torture and murder can be tolerated and be kept secret for many years with the full knowledge of all responsible and influential organs ?
The " Association against the Abuse of Psychophysical Weapons " and hundreds of German victims request our Federal Chancellor Mrs. Merkel to give a public account of these inconceivable human experiments which have already caused death tolls.
Verein gegen den Missbrauch psychophysischer Waffen e.V., Weitere Informationen:
www.psychophysischer-terror.de.tl/ ,
www.volkstribune.de.tl ,
www.psyterror.ru ,
LG Swetlana
Watch this video
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For russian people: Mind Control and the psychiatries, Part 1, youtube.com, 15 juli 2009,
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For russian people: Mind Control and the psychiatries, Part 2, youtube.com, 15 juli 2009,
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For russian people: Mind Control and the psychiatries, Part 3, youtube.com, 15 juli 2009,
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For russian people: Mind Control and the psychiatries, Part 4, youtube.com, 15 juli 2009,
--- ---
helenkurdin, Against use of Psychotronic (mind control) Weapons, www.hosnyinfo.com, Video, youtube.com, 17 juni 2009,
--- ---
Eleanor White, Credibility Reviews: Organized Stalking and Electronic Harassment, creviews.net, November 21, 2008, < http://www.creviews.net >, < http://www.creviews.net/#REVIEWS >.
Quote: < … > July 30, 2009
< … > Credibility reviews, posted here, are intended to help those who are not familiar with the crime of organized stalking and electronic harassment, or are targets who may be new or have limited awareness of literature relating to this crime. < … >
Read full article
Thank you!
Yours sincerely.
Dear @Sir, @Madam,
Thank you for all these resources.
Read more here:
mindcon, HELP THE VICTIMS!, January 17, 2010,
mindcon, Brain Destruction, January 17, 2010,
mindcon, Mind Control = Mind Destruction, January 17, 2010,
mindcon, Brain Destruction, January 14, 2010,
mindcon, Mind Control = Mind Destruction, January 10, 2010,
mindcon, STOP INFOWAR AGAINST CIVILIANS!, January 1, 2010,
Thank you!
Yours sincerely.
Welcome to the Infowar against Civilians!
Dear @Sir, @Madam,
Here’s more info:
WELCOME TO YOUR BRAIN!, in STOP INFOWAR AGAINST CIVILIANS!, February 14, 2010, mindcon.wordpress.com,
Thank you!
Yours sincerely.
You can read more here:
Thank you!
Yours sincerely.
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