I have been a TI for 5 years now and my life, spirit, and well being are all destroyed as a result. I've lost my art business, Haley J's Natural Art, which sustained me since 1992. So much has occurred it seems insurmountable at this point. I've lost my family, friends, home and reputation ruined. I did a google search on Haley J's Natural art the other day and all of the images of my artwork that came up had many key tags, and one of them was 'insane person'. This has devastated me beyond belief. It's all such a long horrid story but I am most definitely a TI. My life has been destroyed along with my health. I can't even find a therapist because of the targeting. I don't know how to end it and have fought long and hard for 5 years now. I am 'stuck' at my ex-husbands house and it is so toxic I can't stand it anymore. Sometimes I just want to give up because I can't get this crap to stop. It has cost me everything, my once peaceful and productive life is gone. I can't fight anymore, I am so tired of it all. 18 computers, 8 cell phones, every penny spent on stopping this all to no avail. I am single with no children and very alone. An easy target for sure.
An incident occurred 5 years ago which so violated my rights by 3 major institutions in Charlottesville Va. And that's when all of this started. To prevent me from sueing they took control of me and my life. Hanging on by a thread here. Any advice?
I cannot even believe such a thing exists in the US, but there is no other explanation for what has and is being done to me through electronics and also to mu health. Strange shit that is hard to explain. I just don't know how I can go on living this way.
Point.this is unbelievable! I need help
From a tecky nerd, cool guy.
I am lost and alone.
Write everything what is happening to you down. Document everything they do. Share your findings with your family. If the people behind this get exposed, We can sue them! Remember, if we pass away. Our family and our children have the right to sue still on our behave. Please explain this to them.