Targeted Individual Statistics

About 52.303 million people worldwide suffer from schizophrenia.

Auditory hallucinations are a hallmark of schizophrenia: 50 percent to 75 percent of the 2.8 million Americans who suffer from the illness hear voices that are not there. A small minority of the patients said the voices they heard were always or almost always supportive and positive in tone. But more than 70 percent described them as always or almost always negative.

~62.5%=.625 of schizophrenics hear voices.
~70%=.7 of voices heard are negative.
~43.5% of schizophrenics hear negative voices.  These negative voices will insult, degrade, etc.
52.303 million * 43.5%=22.75 million people hear negative voices.

Between 10% and 15% of people with schizophrenia have historically committed suicide.

About 5% of people with schizophrenia commit suicide.

Taking a simple median, about 10% of the people who hear negative voices will commit suicide.  That's about 2.2 million of the people who hear negative voices at this time. Many of those will suicide due to endless degradation, insults, and mental rape, where they have no one to help them. 

There are no statistics that describe the percentage of people who hear negative voices who are being attacked from an external source, however:
It appears that all of the people describing voices are describing voices that are being created by something that can think.  All of the accounts appear to describe the origin of the voice as a being or person that can both see the victims thoughts, and speak to the victim, without the victim being able to perceive the attackers logical planning thoughts.  It would be difficult for a reasoning piece   of one's mind to spy and cast it's voice in this manner. The negative voices appear to operate by a common pattern of behavior, e.g. endless insults, sexual stimulation, etc.  These facts are arguments for the attackers being from a source external to the victims mind. 

Given these arguments, the vast majority of the approximately 22.75 million people who hear negative voices may be misdiagnosed.  The total number of people being attacked may be larger yet, given the number of people who believe they are targeted individuals and people who believe they are demon possessed.  Approximately 890 of those diagnosed with schizophrenia who hear negative, insulting, degrading voices, will commit suicide today.

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  • Lyn said:

    In my case it´s clearly computerized voices. AI pattern, sometimes people log on to it as if to ask something extra. If you multitask cognitively, it appears the machine can only follow one thread. Cameron-machine repeating mantra-like endless propaganda. Artificial regression and then extra abuse. Wrap around approach, hypnotic, ..sexual torture.

    Apart from making people suicidical, the sheer stress can acutally kill you. Any dictator would love this machine, screening out those unliked to make them silently disappear, hyping a crowd into an election, etc.

    Community based violence. I´m not sure, who "ownes" this technology. When I watched Buddhists rioting in Nepal I was thinking about Raytheon..

    bonjour cela ressemble un peu à ce que je dis ici, Non ?

    (attention c'est ma page TAPAGEUR, DESSUS JE ME LACHE UN PEU !)

    Comment by Spartacus on June 21, 2013 at 11:51am


    Autrefois jusqu'à environ février/mars de cette année (pour dire que cela à durée) je n'avais qu'à tendre l'oreille pour sembler être abruti par ''  V2K '' et entendre ressasser de façon aliéné.

    Absolument là, la possib...

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