the stalker...the accessing your body, your mind, your life...through a tiny electrode that your dentist placed during a routine visit. It’s undetectable! It radiates from your left jawbone, then your auditory system, and, then, throughout your body to produce vibrations, pulses, pain, pleasure.........It’s in your upper left molars or between them, and I can’t figure out how to remove it. It produces static, which sucks the moisture from your mouth, and noticeably, your throat...affecting your voice, your sinuses, then, your breathing! Ultimately, the dehydration will affect your brain and organs. It is called Voice To Skull Technology, and it is was first created for Warfare! So, if you Masturbate, you are with them! “Them” is the “New World Order”! If you pray, well, the fact are serving them! Mind control is Wrong! So,fight to get it out! Confront your dentist and the American Dental Association in Your STATE
okemos, ******Michigan. 1800 589 2632. ******
*********Tell them you want “Peer Review”. (This is so they have to disclose information related to the electrode they placed in your filling)******