just listening to Cathy O' Brien's voice feeding back ever so slightly in the room she is addressing in the video on google fills me with a real excitement. And I have listened to it before.
I can't say that she's my friend. I CAN say that she's my ALLY, and I can say it with accuracy and deep understanding. We have been through very similar things.
To be sexually abused from a young age is something that societies that have a way to go as far as maturing is concerned tend to laugh at, do too little about -- or as the known pattern is, insist on DENIAL.
When I listen to Cathy O'Brien talking in clear, AWAKE tones--! --because when Arizona Wilder talks to researcher David Icke in another video -- I shudder because she STILL SOUNDS ROBOTIC, as if she has barely recovered. Monotone, as if dulled...
I bet she goes through further efforts to regain SELF-control.
Cathy O' Brien, on the other hand, speaks out with zest and deep conviction talking about her youth of being sexually abused. And she talks about it to a room full of people with a microphone.
She says that she is someone who since childhood was victimized. Maybe it makes Dick Cheney and the others she NAMES hopping mad because the secret was meant to remain a secret -- and NOW Americans and people world wide get to wonder -- why is the man not facing any trial at all when a woman has screamed RAPE, CHILDABUSE, PERVERSION and a man who has held power in seven presidencies still faces NO criminal charges?
hey, peacepink...
WE know why.
I wrote a series of articles entitled "BrainWashington" in the years before I abandoned IndyMedia.org because of their bias and lack of consistent approach to journalism. I have to dust them off and use that title again, because some of the most mind controlled and psi-amplified individuals targetted are "working" as IndyMedia "geeks" -- that, they call themselves -- with political bias and...
...it's got to come out. Any news service gives itself away telltale with what they DON'T report about.
As Cathy O' Brien speaks about her torturous experiences -- it's inspiring and exciting -- to imagine what political tyrants of the lowest calibre cannot KEEP SECRET anymore.
Others on lower levels of society than the highest levels of leadership have secrets like this too.
Millions live in frightened silence and isolation.
i have wondered why the habit of self-mutilation among other young punks rose sharply in the 2001 and after years --
and of course, hating one's self because sexual abuse has led one to feel pointless, some people find that a reason for self mutilation.
And Cathy O'Brien, herself a tough, tough survivor speaks about compartmentalization of the mind and disassociation disorder -- and she speaks as a recovered person from experience.
It's inspiring.
as a person who experience sexual abuse prior to the age of five, prior to the age of eight, myself, a person who had to go to severe lengths and through lots of therapy to reclaim myself -- i can only imagine that there are a LOT of people whom the perverts who have abused them and silenced speaking out frankly think would be better off shutting up and not speaking about their pain. But we will keep speaking out as we recover.
the result will be the eventual protection of innocence. even while those who, oppressed by the cruel and sexually abusive --
It is horror, and it's the why of the picture on the main page i have here at peacepink.
And it is coming slowly to a definitive end, as those who are in the most denial are confronted and asked what it IS they are denying...
perhaps for poster child Richard B. Cheney it will be in front of an international tribunal at the World Court. Perhaps with a lot more charges attached.
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AS CATHY O' BRIEN CLAIMS to a roomful of people that Gerald Ford approached her FATHER about selling her -- SELLING HER -- into mind control -- I am excited.
i have listened to the speech before.
and I remember being a small child and thinking that ANYTHING had to be better than Nixon.
But as I hear Cathy O' Brien naming names -- i produce internet feed for radio and so I do a lot of listening to video...but I can hear from the slight feedback that it's a BIG room...it's exciting.
It's MORE than just a note passed from one like mind to another -- it's a whole room of people learning from a sincere and alert survivor things that will truly EMBARASS people who have told lies to defend those who seek to brainwash and cripple the world.
It's exciting. It makes it seem like despite the cold millenarian pronouncments of planetary doom that good things are in play for the near future.
Who would be bothered or dismayed by that?
I can guess a LOT of hands go up after THAT question.
that's an above clip of Cathy O' Brien talking about her years of victimisation and how it connects
to the Globalist NWO conspiracy. You know the one, you bring it up and it's like tossing chum off the back of a shark fishing boat -- they rush up to deny it, to say it's just a conspiracy theory and there's no truth to it.
It's more than conspiracy and there's LOTS of truth to it. Others here know what I mean, and many people are far less recovered than Cathy O' Brien.
She is exemplary because for the many many people who have been victimized and felt like no one would believe them she provides EVIDENCE that people recover and that they can speak out without dying.
as an adult survivor of incest and rape by an adult who was supposed to be a caretaker, i whole heartedly look forward to the day when such things don't happen anymore.
And to anyone who says that such days will never come...I would really want to question them why.
To their faces.
As for Mark Phillips, his testimonies can be heard online too. Somewhere there is even a clip of Richard B. Cheney denying rumors about his equipment --
Mark is also a survivor because he WAS a Federal Agent. He knows how they worked, and listening to him is scary.
You could also call him a survivor or even a "defector" -- and the book The Trance*Formation of America
is available online.
Mark and Cathy pose for a photo on the site.
On August 3rd, 1977 the 95th U.S. Congress opened hearings into the reported abuses concerning the CIA's TOP SECRET mind control research program code named MK-Ultra. On February 8th, 1988, a top-level MK-Ultra victim, Cathy O'Brien, was covertly rescued from her mind control enslavement by Intelligence insider Mark Phillips. Their seven year pursuit of Justice was stopped FOR REASONS OF NATIONAL SECURITY. TRANCE Formation of America exposes the truth behind this covert government program and its ultimate goal: psychological control of a nation.
TRANCE Formation of America is the first documented autobiography of a victim of government mind control. Cathy O'Brien is the only vocal and recovered survivor of the Central Intelligence Agency's MK-Ultra Project Monarch operation. Tracing her path from child pornography and recruitment into the program to serving as a top-level intelligence agent and White House sex slave, TRANCE Formation of America is a definitive eye-witness account of government corruption that implicates some of the most prominent figures in U.S. politics.
i have listened to the speech before.
and I remember being a small child and thinking that ANYTHING had to be better than Nixon.
But as I hear Cathy O' Brien naming names -- i produce internet feed for radio and so I do a lot of listening to video...but I can hear from the slight feedback that it's a BIG room...it's exciting.
It's MORE than just a note passed from one like mind to another -- it's a whole room of people learning from a sincere and alert survivor things that will truly EMBARASS people who have told lies to defend those who seek to brainwash and cripple the world.
It's exciting. It makes it seem like despite the cold millenarian pronouncments of planetary doom that good things are in play for the near future.
Who would be bothered or dismayed by that?
I can guess a LOT of hands go up after THAT question.
that's an above clip of Cathy O' Brien talking about her years of victimisation and how it connects
to the Globalist NWO conspiracy. You know the one, you bring it up and it's like tossing chum off the back of a shark fishing boat -- they rush up to deny it, to say it's just a conspiracy theory and there's no truth to it.
It's more than conspiracy and there's LOTS of truth to it. Others here know what I mean, and many people are far less recovered than Cathy O' Brien.
She is exemplary because for the many many people who have been victimized and felt like no one would believe them she provides EVIDENCE that people recover and that they can speak out without dying.
as an adult survivor of incest and rape by an adult who was supposed to be a caretaker, i whole heartedly look forward to the day when such things don't happen anymore.
And to anyone who says that such days will never come...I would really want to question them why.
To their faces.
As for Mark Phillips, his testimonies can be heard online too. Somewhere there is even a clip of Richard B. Cheney denying rumors about his equipment --
Mark is also a survivor because he WAS a Federal Agent. He knows how they worked, and listening to him is scary.
You could also call him a survivor or even a "defector" -- and the book The Trance*Formation of America
is available online.
Mark and Cathy pose for a photo on the site.
On August 3rd, 1977 the 95th U.S. Congress opened hearings into the reported abuses concerning the CIA's TOP SECRET mind control research program code named MK-Ultra. On February 8th, 1988, a top-level MK-Ultra victim, Cathy O'Brien, was covertly rescued from her mind control enslavement by Intelligence insider Mark Phillips. Their seven year pursuit of Justice was stopped FOR REASONS OF NATIONAL SECURITY. TRANCE Formation of America exposes the truth behind this covert government program and its ultimate goal: psychological control of a nation.
TRANCE Formation of America is the first documented autobiography of a victim of government mind control. Cathy O'Brien is the only vocal and recovered survivor of the Central Intelligence Agency's MK-Ultra Project Monarch operation. Tracing her path from child pornography and recruitment into the program to serving as a top-level intelligence agent and White House sex slave, TRANCE Formation of America is a definitive eye-witness account of government corruption that implicates some of the most prominent figures in U.S. politics.