I've  had a lot of time to think about this kind of stuff  over the years and have come to some stark revelations that your perps would rather you overlook. 

One of the major ones being, there are no such thing as unsolved mysteries, murders, kidnappings, unknown drug dealers, etc. We can and do spy the whole planet to the point that every single tree and animal are counted.

Not only that, but as some of you know as well as i do, every single thought of anyone can be heard or conversation eavesdropped. This means that when the wrong guy is convicted, it's on purpose.  It also means that the missing children from the time the technology was in operation,  aren't really missing at all. Every drug dealer, federal and private,  are known about by the same ones doing this to us.

Life in this system is going on as a complete illusion, or was to us and still is to the ones fast asleep.

Forget the system if you want, you can live off the grid, but we have been sold some huge piles of shit here. I am 100% honest and innocent of everything but stealing sometimes or i might have remained confused of this. There are 'people ' that like it this way because it goes on making the most money for them. 

This is how lashing out works. They give themselves away a little something by showing a capability they can deny is old, when we know that JFK even knew about "a plan to enslave every man, woman, and child." It's another reason to keep your head on straight in times of trouble. Fear and anger destroy solid thinking.

Every time a 'new' technology is aired out for manipulative  purposes, they become exposed in what they knew, which solves all the crimes for us, and it lays bare every tactic, every weapon of deceit. Then all you have to do is apply this knowledge to almost 50 years ago and reap the knowledge most might have suspected, but can now be sure of.

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