the science.

I'm starting what I hope with be a full scope illustration of the science behind the awful phenomenon. Feel free to contribute responsibly. I will attempt to do this in a more or less chronilogical manner. There are parallels in any industry and I will post items of relevancy but please forgive me if it's seems like a hodge podge of postings. Read, and take what you need, forget the rest. I hope some of this may prove to be helpful. I dedicate a good portion of my free time to reading and I'll add to this over time, it may take me a while.


The beginnings.


These are biographies and articles that will cast light on an industry in it's infancy. I don't have the answers. My only hope is that the reader is able come away with a broader sense of understanding and draw from these pages a deeper comprehension of what may be happening. In doing so perhaps it will educate and illuminate. The intended result would of course be a more organized effort to bring this era of experiment, surveillance and intimidation to an end.


Only by understanding the complexities of what you're dealing with can the weaknesses of its system be detected, and broken down. There are issues here for argument,...both positive and negative. The structure and usage of the system itself, it's operators and their legal liability, the policy makers and applications, environmental and health issues. The overall scope is massive, far reaching and complex. There isn't a single group to blame. It has become a complicated international policy of corruption that has to be addressed, understood at its core and evaluated. Then on a community level argued and these arguments need to be supported with hard factual evidentiary findings.


You're dealing with an multi-billion dollar industry, quite possibly the most impactive technology in the history of the civilized world. This is an age without secrets. Imagine that you're fighting a war against an adversary that knows your stratagem before its implementation. This adversary has more funding, legal advisers, experts and politicians in their pocket than you ever will. The only victory possible is one of intelligent design, passion, public awareness and patience. You need to be as informed as possible and ready to collaborate. 


This will be an ongoing discussion. I encourage you all to self educate. Regularly engage others in intelligent debate. You can discuss ideas you don't feel comfortable with anonymously or abstractly. You can use hypothetical situations as a talking point. The important thing is that you 'collectively', get into the habit of expressing your ideas, asking questions and challenging the status quo.


It is my passionate belief that if tyranny is unchallenged, it will swell to uncontrollable proportions. It will swallow us all whole if given the opportunity. Challenge the notion that an individual is helpless against an oppressive force. Loudly and with great boldness question the self righteous authority who would, in its infinite wisdom usurp your rights. Why shouldn't you ask, "Do you really think you have the right to do this and what do you stand to gain by your actions?" Hold those who seek to govern you and counsil you accountable for their misdeeds.


Historically if a person doesn't ask these questions and vehemently defend their rights a stronger person will absolutely swoop in, pillage and take excessive liberties at the expense of weaker and less outspoken man woman or child unless there are communal mores that stand in opposition.


It's okay to say "No,I don't want you to do this to me."   This basic childish exclamation transcends: politics, religion, civil and communal exchanges. These are basic HUMAN RIGHTS. We base the majority of our laws on this one expression." Do not touch me in a way I find repulsive or repugnant in a way that makes me feel bad. Do not violate my home or my sanctity. I don't want you to terrorize me or feel that my life is in danger. Don't threaten my family." What else could possibly be more important? Let me form ideas and be independent and free to find peace. I digress but my arguments will all be centered on these basic ideals. Eventually I hope this will be  the building block of an important legal argument and international legislation against neural intrusion.

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  • Today I would like to open with a quote from one of my favourite quotable notables, the master of mayhem Mr. Einstein himself. "All these fifty years of conscious brooding have brought me no nearer to the answer to the question, 'What are light quanta?' Nowadays every Tom, Dick and Harry thinks he knows it, but he is mistaken. (Albert Einstein, 1954)" As I have struggled these past thirteen years to understand the phemenon of neural intrusion, some like to call it 'microwave hearing', frey effect, and so many others. I come again and again back to science, resources both physical and financial, and motive. I do not have the answers, I only speculate but please do your own research. I like to read about Plasma interactions with waves and beams. It helps me sleep.

    In 1905, Einsteins year of miracles, he published a series of papers known as,...ta daa Annus Mirabilis Papers. wow amazing.

    Einstein despite his best effort was unable to to create a unified field theory of matter that explained both Quantum Theory / Light and Relativity / Gravity. The 'field effect', interaction of wave patterns between matter and discrete standing wave patterns, made it impossible. He did make enormous strides with his work on the photoelectric effect, confirming that light energy was emitted and absorbed only by electrons in quanta, or discrete amounts. This came to be known affectionately at the photon, creating the delimma of contradiction in reason, light behaves as a continuous electro magnetic wave (Maxwell, Albert Einstein) in addition as a discrete particle/photon (Planck, Albert Einstein). Despite himself, Albert Einstein was partially responsible for the discovery of the particle (photon) concept of light, even though he completely rejected the notion of discrete particles.

    We're still working out the details but the theory of general relativity implies the representation of physical reality by a continuous field, the concept of particles or material points cannot play a fundamental part, nor can the concept of motion. (Albert Einstein)

    To say that dear old Albert was the unwitting architect of the future would be grossly inadequate. His research would establish many axioms in the scientific annals of discovery. In 1906 he published a paper on the Quantized atomic vibrations, in so far that atoms are not connected to each other, leading to standing waves with different frequencies, each atom had a fixed point more or less with a specific heat is 3NkB, hence the number of independent oscillations stays the same.

    He published many papers and articles on gravitomagnetic fields in the subsequent years working on his theories of modern quantum theory which would lead to much cooler things ie.
    Quantum tunnelling the mathematically equivalence to the evanescent wave coupling effect that occurs in optics. There are many phenomena that have theduplicate wave-mechanical behavior. The same mathematics used in to describe quantum tunnelling (i.e. but not limited to the Schrödinger equation) can be used to accurately describe these phenomena.

    Some examples are the wave coupling effects, which are the application of Maxwell's wave-equation to light, and of the non-dispersive wave-equation from acoustics, that is to say what has been termed "waves on strings". In quantum mechanics evanescent wave coupling has been called "tunnelling".additionally "photon tunnelling" and "acoustic tunnelling" are now commonly used in the research literature.

    In 1924 Indian PhysistSatyendra Nath Bose sent Albert a mathematical paper based on a counting method that assumed that light could be understood as a gas of indistinguishable particles.
    In physics, plasma is a substance similar to gas in which a certain portion of the particles are ionized or charged with negative or positive energy. The presence of a non-negligible number of charge carriers makes the plasma electrically conductive so that it responds strongly to electromagnetic fields. Plasma surrounds us, and are by far the most common phase of matter in the universe, both by mass and by volume, but you knew that. Needless to say Al,...started to experiment with matter and energy fields in plasma.
  • I cannot illustrate the science behind neural intrusive technologies with out paying homage to my favouite neurotic mad scientist, Tesla. His 1894 demonstration of wireless communication through radio made him immortal in the scientific and industrial community a pioneer in modern electrical engineering.

    He can be credited with being the father of all wireless devices and the International System of Units unit measuring magnetic field B, the magnetic flux density and magnetic induction would be named in his honor. whoo hoo. His work in electromagnetism and electromagnetic engineering has been heralded as the most influential in the history of the second industrial revolution.

    Unfortunately Tesla's amazing and awe inspiring 'dynamic theory of gravity' was never published but he did claim to have worked out all of the details. In the following years he announced a teleforce weapon. This is where things start to get really interesting as the 2010 law enforcement has publicly announced its applied use of a weapon to subdues crowds and unruly citizens into blind submission, leaving some curled up in the fetal possition, braying like wounded beasts.

    Tesla's design emcompassed the following:
    An apparatus for producing manifestations of energy in free air instead of in a high vacuum as in the past. This, according to Tesla in 1934, was accomplished.
    A mechanism for generating tremendous electrical force. This, according to Tesla, was also accomplished.
    A means of intensifying and amplifying the force developed by the second mechanism.
    A new method for producing a tremendous electrical repelling force. This would be the projector, or gun, of the invention.

    Neat maybe if I collect enough cereal box tops I can get my super secret agent device in the mail. keep eating those super sugar zaps.

    incidentally the press of the day called it a death ray or a peace ray. Modern press knows it as, denial system, v2k,extreme alternative defense systems,....yada yada yada. at least it's the same principal. the japanese tried desperately to turn a monster death ray out before we hit em with the bomb. the Japanese death ray harnessed microwave energy to create the first actualized weaponized beam of energy. Nohorito Laboratory in japan began testing during world war 2 and their death ray worked well from a distance of 30 meters. Tests were done first on live rabbits and documented cases of live human testing exist. There were only two major drawbacks to the device, the testee being subjected to the ray needed to remain stationary and it took a full ten minutes for the death ray to fry the brains of said test subject. Dr. von Karman’s illustrious group is quoted as saying at the end of the report, "However, the experiments indicate progress and if continued, probably would lead to the development of a death-dealing ray reaching greater distances. I can't immagine that a portable energy supply would accomodate that which was required for implementation in the field so failllll. but now, seems that the bugs have been worked out, or at least whipped into submission.

    In the end it was rumored that Tesla's sanity was ebbing but he left behind an awful legacy of weaponized energy.
    I'll still offer a toast in his honor, may my contributions be,...memorable.

    another good site with lots of information on the genius behind the magic,...visit also do your own research on action potentials of the human brain.
  • you have to understand the terminology, before you can read the text and understand the text to grasp the concept,...keep reading.
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