They are filtering the key word "email" when I try to find UN Human Rights new chief' s email, Volker Türk . Everything is clear. Please send ASAP.


Canada can not and refuses to stop all my neighbours', 3 Philippine couples' war crimes and crimes against humanity.

ICC and UN's highest court, please "ask" Canada to hand over them to you and "ask" Canada to do what they should for me, the victim of war crimes and crimes against humanity according to UN Human Rights Office's emails to me , International Criminal Court 's tweets to me and to them , Canadian war criminals and criminals against humanity, and UN Security Council's recent concerns about serious crimes in our world; and because Canada donated around 6 million dollars to UN Human Rights Office.

Various investigators, Canadian media, some app told me who they are. 4 years ago, Prime Minister of Canada, Canadian government...they have known everything about them after I disclosed their "IDs" to them. For over 20 years, due to the use of Non-Lethal Weapons by my neighbours, I have hardly had one entire and good sleep. ( Microwave weapons, rays guns )

PM and Canadian government sent already:



All my neighbours, 3 Philippine couples, those who are gathering around and hiding in my work place, those who are operating drones and aircrafts to trace me every where in Ontario, Canada... they do not work at all for 5, 10 years. They are not only brutal, but evil, but cowardly ( stop me from contacting UN, ICC, International Bar Association...; stop me from using any VPNs; stop me from using any safe European browsers..)

1. ( they changed this address on my phone's notepad )

2. ( they changed this address on my phone's notepad. )

Now, they still wear invisibility cloaks to hide in my house any time. Is this terror? Is this evil? (  invisibility cloaks )

Now, they still wear invisibility cloaks to steal my new phone when I left it in my home: to destroy my Nikon camera, to kill my 5 baby birds, to...

If they don't commit any serious crimes in Ontario, Canada, why are they hacking, blocking, filtering and fire-walling everything
, anyone no matter who you are, regardless of UN, ICC, International Bar Association, UN Security Council?

Fight  for my life being  threatened ; fight against ongoing terror, (psychological ) torture ( which UN and UN Human Rights deeply began to worry about 2 years ago) , MK Ultra ( which was reported by all Canadian media several years ago ) , poison ( Amnesty International, UN Human Rights Office knew how and why Canada repeatedly poisoned me) , death threats and attempted murder by every possible means and with all possible Non-Lethal Weapons, I am not alone and I need your help.

This website's event has more details about how they keep committing war crimes and crimes against humanity in Ontario, Canada.


Although English is my second language,
It is time for "Final Account"


Robin Yan

Canadian victim of torture

August 12, 2023

Please send to International Bar Association, UN Human Rights Office , UN Human Rights Council by fax  and, thanks.



Prime Minister of Canada
UN Secretary-General
UN Security Council
UN Peacekeeping
UN Investigation Team
UN Serious Crimes Investigation Team


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