UN Human Rights 

UN Human Rights Council 

International Bar Association 

Amnesty International Canada 

International Criminal Court 

Canadian Government

This webpage (https://peacepink.ning.com/ ) is last chance for me to fight for my life and to fight against torture. Why? Toronto Police, Canadian torturers backed by Ontario Government hack everything no matter who you are.

After I post part of my evidence, hoping some people can help me forward them to UN, International Human Rights Community, International Criminal Court, including International Bar Association,  however, Toronto Police, Canadian torturers backed by Ontario Government hack and filter  this page. From VPN,  I can not see my posts on this page.Please see this page, what evidence  Robin Yan, Canadian victim of torture has provided.

Toronto Police, Canadian torturers backed by Ontario Government, regardless of International law and International order, are hacking UN, International Human Rights

 Community, International Criminal Court to cover up their ongoing torture, threats, harassment, terror, attempted murder by every possible means and with all possible Non-Lethal Weapons, which have been classified 

 as weapons of mass destruction by UN and by Canadian government ; have been classified as weapons for incapacitating targets by UN.

In our world, can you find second country or second "person" who hack them all at the same time? 

UN advised me to file complaints against them  5 years ago. UN Human Rights has everything  regarding what they are doing and what I have been through now because it promises to keep evidence for torture victim.

Robin Yan 

Canadian victim of torture 


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