post #419
CNN just reported that today is "World Human Rights Day". They mentioned that an agreement had been signed at the UN and this days is to commemorate that event and bring attention to human rights world wide. Still no acknowledgment of the human rights abuse we suffer in the US and around the world as Targeted Individuals. No mention of the abusive government surveillance programs that result in these abuses and attacks. No mention of how non-lethal weapons are being used to torture TIs and citizens world wide, or the use of psychological operations in our torture, harassment and destruction of our lives. Nothing about the forced suicides or the increase in the suicide rates.
Lastly, no mention of involuntary commitment and the mental health system used to torture, imprison and label people with a false diagnosis and then poisoning there mind and body with drugs world wide.
Peter Rosenholm
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Why Were Fort Bragg {syops Agents at CNN?
article from from TROUW, Nederlands ^ United States
sad to say...CNN is compromised as a source of information for the United States and the world....
Why Were Government Propaganda Experts Working On News At CNN?
Reports in the Dutch newspaper Trouw (2/21/00, 2/25/00) and France's Intelligence Newsletter (2/17/00) have revealed that several officers from the US Army's 4th Psychological Operations (PSYOPS) Group at Ft. Bragg worked in the news division at CNN's Atlanta headquarters last year, starting in the final days of the Kosovo War.
In the U.S. media, so far only Alexander Cockburn, columnist for The Nation and co-editor of the newsletter CounterPunch, has picked up on the story. Cockburn's column on the subject is available at
The story is disturbing. In the 1980s, officers from the 4th Army PSYOPS group staffed the National Security Council's Office of Public Diplomacy (OPD), a shadowy government propaganda agency that planted stories in the U.S. media supporting the Reagan Administration's Central America policies.
A senior US official described OPD as a "vast psychological warfare operation of the kind the military conducts to influence a population in enemy territory." (Miami Herald, 7/19/87) An investigation by the congressional General Accounting Office found that OPD had engaged in "prohibited, covert propaganda activities," and the office was soon shut down as a result of the Iran-Contra investigations. But the 4th PSYOPS group still operates.
CNN has always maintained a close relationship with the Pentagon. Getting access to top military officials is a necessity for a network that stakes its reputation on being first on the ground during wars and other military operations.
What makes the CNN story especially troubling is the fact that the network allowed the Army's covert propagandists to work in its headquarters, where they learned the ins and outs of CNN's operations. Even if the PSYOPS officers working in the newsroom did not influence news reporting, did the network allow the military to conduct an intelligence-gathering mission against CNN itself?
For instance, one PSYOPS officer worked in CNN's satellite division. According to Intelligence Newsletter, rear admiral Thomas Steffens, a psychological warfare expert in the Special Operations Command, recently told a PSYOPS conference that the military needed to find ways to "gain control" over commercial news satellites to help bring down an "informational cone of silence" over regions where special operations were taking place.
An unofficial strategy paper published by the U.S. Naval War College in 1996 and written by an Army officer ("Military Operations in the CNN World: Using the Media as a Force Multiplier") urged military commanders to find ways to "leverage the vast resources of the fourth estate" for the purposes of "communicating the [mission's] objective and endstate, boosting friendly morale, executing more effective psychological operations, playing a major role in deception of the enemy, and enhancing intelligence collection."
ACTION: Please write to CNN and ask why the network allowed government propaganda specialists to work in their news division.
Why Were Fort Bragg {syops Agents at CNN? article from from TROUW, Nederlands ^ United States
sad to say...CNN is compromised as a source of information for the United States and the world....
Why Were Government Propaganda Experts Working On News At CNN?
Reports in the Dutch newspaper Trouw (2/21/00, 2/25/00) and France's Intelligence Newsletter (2/17/00) have revealed that several officers from the US Army's 4th Psychological Operations (PSYOPS) Group at Ft. Bragg worked in the news division at CNN's Atlanta headquarters last year, starting in the final days of the Kosovo War.
In the U.S. media, so far only Alexander Cockburn, columnist for The Nation and co-editor of the newsletter CounterPunch, has picked up on the story. Cockburn's column on the subject is available at
The story is disturbing. In the 1980s, officers from the 4th Army PSYOPS group staffed the National Security Council's Office of Public Diplomacy (OPD), a shadowy government propaganda agency that planted stories in the U.S. media supporting the Reagan Administration's Central America policies.
A senior US official described OPD as a "vast psychological warfare operation of the kind the military conducts to influence a population in enemy territory." (Miami Herald, 7/19/87) An investigation by the congressional General Accounting Office found that OPD had engaged in "prohibited, covert propaganda activities," and the office was soon shut down as a result of the Iran-Contra investigations. But the 4th PSYOPS group still operates.
CNN has always maintained a close relationship with the Pentagon. Getting access to top military officials is a necessity for a network that stakes its reputation on being first on the ground during wars and other military operations.
What makes the CNN story especially troubling is the fact that the network allowed the Army's covert propagandists to work in its headquarters, where they learned the ins and outs of CNN's operations. Even if the PSYOPS officers working in the newsroom did not influence news reporting, did the network allow the military to conduct an intelligence-gathering mission against CNN itself?
For instance, one PSYOPS officer worked in CNN's satellite division. According to Intelligence Newsletter, rear admiral Thomas Steffens, a psychological warfare expert in the Special Operations Command, recently told a PSYOPS conference that the military needed to find ways to "gain control" over commercial news satellites to help bring down an "informational cone of silence" over regions where special operations were taking place.
An unofficial strategy paper published by the U.S. Naval War College in 1996 and written by an Army officer ("Military Operations in the CNN World: Using the Media as a Force Multiplier") urged military commanders to find ways to "leverage the vast resources of the fourth estate" for the purposes of "communicating the [mission's] objective and endstate, boosting friendly morale, executing more effective psychological operations, playing a major role in deception of the enemy, and enhancing intelligence collection."
ACTION: Please write to CNN and ask why the network allowed government propaganda specialists to work in their news division.
Good info on psyops at CNN Mikal. I also live near the naval war college in Newport RI. they also have many writing on non-lethal weapons testing.
Peter Rosenholm
i can't watch CNN. once it WAS my favorite newschannel.
what I wonder is: WHAT were they doing there?
were they coaching reporters on what not to say?
there have been so many famous cases of 'schizophrenics' who wound up in the mental health system because they said they said "the television was talking to them".
this sort of stuff makes the people who create behavior modification technology LAUGH at those who would make a change and expose it -- and I am CONVINCED they THEY NEED IT to maintain power...
...leading me to think that they will be exposed soon, and that things will get better....
the global economic downturn- could it be that some people want it that way?
i have been treating this group as a place JUST to discuss DEW and the applications of DEW.
I see that the discussion of it naturally leads to...well, just about everything.
if Adolf Hitler had access to a technology to make the world "just follow orders" he would have JUMPED at it.
but because it DOESN'T actually control every mind (if it did there would be NO discussion of the subject -- instead of some, a little) it seems that eventually it will break down...and people will begin to think again, en masse.
I still wish I could have determined via the internet just WHAT the Fort Bragg people were doing at CNN.
I find MSNBC a little suspect, as well...
i'm feeling drained, just from trying SO hard to spread a message that is censored by mainstream PROPAGANDA.
wonder what 2009 will be like. maybe it will be the year when the immediacy of the topic can no longer be ignored or glossed over.
when the Gov't makes the media their weapon...bummer.
there's an article i wrote at one of the more heavily visited fringe-conspiracy sites.
they were good but they were purchased by shills loyal to the main users of the technology.
i got banned for speaking out.
got it up there, though...
i post a little at Colbert's site now, but tend to keep it about political topics
i'll get banned for whistle blowing when i'm ready, and when I know people will see what I have to say before I am silenced there...
Colbert's a good guy. When speaking out becomes as taboo as it has become in the United States, a guy like Colbert who successfully pokes fun at the system can actually convey a lot of information for the intuitive viewer.
There are proven methods for TI's to try to improve their lives and survive. The book coming out is written by a TI from USA which provides direct accounts of her heart wrenching suffering of the atrocities and slaughters being carried out. Her wonderful, kind, loving father was killed by these cia type tactics carried out covertly organized by the same domestic terrorist cells that haunt us and other innocent law abiding honorable, gentle, kind citizens. They use cops, judges, unemployed, union members, phone company grunts, lawyers, illegal aliens, landlords, and more dummies that are disparate and soulless. Narrowly escaping death many times but loosing her dear beloved loving cats that the evil cabal did torture, maim, and kill them. Please Peter, provide your 2 page story for the book. Let us group up and improve our lives and try to avoid the stalking, fake fbi files character assignations, satellite tracking, radiations, staged attacks, high powered military weapon lasers, directed energy weaponry, low frequency acoustics mind control, set ups, perps posing as friends to get close then harm us, slander tactics, lies, spies, killing, slaughter, staged accidents, and extermination they plan for us. Please send 2 page TI testimony to: anewcolor at hotmail dot com We are energy, our souls are freer than we know.
There is one consolation prize for being a victim of targeting and finally discovering these tactics used to frame and punished the non-criminal and the public. "The reward is knowing the truth and discovering the evil that is destroying America today". That everything in society and in our lives is controlled.
The Soprano's seemed such an entertaining TV show because it is held in the context that it is mostly criminals robbing criminals and exploiting the evil that is in men. They only lightly touch on the police and politicians that can be bought and the systematic robbery of the government and all American people. The truth is they are only imitating the government. The government has control of and law enforcement, government jobs and non profit agencies like Universities, hospitals, mental health, drug clinics and government regulated utility companies. The worst it become the more they appear the same.
That of course is why the doctors the mental heath system, police and FBI are either involved or won't help.
There is a lesson I think I learned a long time ago. It is, that when Rome was concurring the world and had taken over Israel that Jesus was fighting back by take over the hearts and minds of men by spreading truth.
With all the power Rome had they didn't hide there evil intent and lust for power. the bible even says give Rome whats is Romes and give God what is God's. Jesus started the first peaceful revolution.
Religions were the first form of government after all. How do you think man became civil and societies developed? It is what is in the hearts of men, the conscience or the soul that truly controls people and makes a civil society. The Romans's were so impressed that they nailed Jesus to a cross and put him out in the sun to die so everyone would know there fate if they followed him with this peaceful revolution shit. But it didn't die with him, it spread. Religion was a government within the government that controlled with the truth or beliefs not weapons and torture but just the truth or beliefs. I say truth or belief because a belief doesn't need to be the truth but must be believed as if it is the truth.
The conscience of men is our soul it is the warm feeling in us when we know we are doing the right thing or the sick feeling when we screw up. People can ignore it or suppress it but it is always there. Following it alternately makes it stronger.
The Romans's were so impressed that they adopted this movement as there own. With this religion they could spread there army around the world because people everywhere had been corrupted by those in power. They could walk into a new area and spread the truth. A belief system is like the program on a computer. It is how a computer is programmed or controlled and the same goes for people.
Everybody has a soul and a conscience no matter where they came from, no matter what color or language they spoke. This belief system in a large part is based on truth, but with careful manipulation it can be altered through deceit. Our greedy masters have obviously studied this in great detail.
Communism out lawed religion because what started as truth could eventually be turned if the pursuit of truth didn't continue and became corrupted. Communism was the truth now and all men were going to be equal. They would now tell the truth to everyone. They called in propaganda. But they forgot the lesson of religion that in time the truth is twisted by those in power for their own benefit and that the truth breaks free when twisted to far. People once again looked elsewhere for the truth.
So governments became aware that the people must not know that they are being deceived. They must be told that we are feeding the worlds poor but not that we are making them poor to gain their natural resources for next to nothing. The Government declared that old people will be taken care of in nursing homes that it was the humane thing to do, not that the politicians were building them and taking all the wealth they had created in there lives leaving nothing for their decedents, not that they were isolating families and breaking the families unity. The ability for families to educate themselves as to what is true needed to be compromised. That unity that kept families strong, together and grounded. Now the young earners would work day and night without the lessons of the old passed on. They used TV to sew the message that youth, beauty and wealth were what was important. Don't worry about the elderly the government will take care of them.
That is when the public was told drugs were being created to cure the sick, but not that drugs, chemical and biological weapons were being made to kill. When all the wealth was taken in the nursing homes then it was time for seroquel to easy there pain, take their life and limit the financial liability to the government otherwise what would there be to steal.
It will be declared that the mentally infirm will be given care, but not that this will be how future assassinations will be done.
New weapons have been created that can attack covertly. With these weapons normal people can be made to appear mentally ill, have a stroke or other mental disabilities. It's like shorting out and electrical circuit. Seroquel will ease there pain. when Seroquel is discovered to be deadly it will reappear under a new name and slightly altered. New drugs will replace old drugs at such a pace that this deception will be easily performed.
For these new weapons to work we will need new laws and a new enemy. When these suppressed people of the world retaliate we will call it "Terrorism". When there is a struggle for power somewhere in the world we will call the side we support, "Freedom fighters". we will call the other side leftists, terrorist, communists or my favorite the, "axis of evil".
Truth is controllable. Productive aged citizens will live as high paid slaves. The family unit and the neighborhood unity must be broken. If people work all the time they become isolated units. TV will be used to create a fantasy world they will slave for. Children will detach from their parents and the parents will ignore the old. In a few generations all the age old family, religious and group ties will be broken for the average American. TV will give them the beliefs of what is a meaningful life. Schools will reinforce what children should think. Parents will loose control of their children, the children will rebel. Once detachment is established they will be herded into one group or another.
America must be kept in a state of no security. Words like "Socialism that provide the the minimum needs of survival will be considered evil. People will invest there lives into there homes as security it is a natural tendency, a survival instinct. But mortgages will be given and regulated by the government so that if they miss 3 payments they will loose there home. The time to pay will be lengthened making it more and more difficult to accomplish. Minimum wage meant to make life survivable will not be allowed to advance with inflation forcing people to work harder and harder to not break this chain of payments until husbands and wives will need to work to survive. Americans will be called the most productive workers in the world. Another name for self motivated slaves. With mother and father working and grandpa and grandma isolated, in a nursing home or dead. The control of the children or future generations will be under complete control.
To add to this instability we will promote divorce. A system will be created where the controlling powers and there children will act as lawyers. We will make the law so confusing that it can be easily manipulated and confused. People won't know if a yes or no or a guilty verdict or not guilty verdict is correct. The manipulation of these rules will make Judges follow them even when they are absurd. We will claim all these laws are made to protect the innocent. This will also explain why some criminals are let go.
Money will now decide the fate of the judged. Soon the clerk who passes on the case to hard nosed or lenient Judges will be the most powerful person in the court house. For the right amount of money you will receive a lenient Judge or police will have forgotten to read you your rights or the evidence will be contaminated.
Those living these lies will begin to show cracks. Elected officials will fill the jails on bribery charges. Elected to represent the people they will represent the largest bribe. The moral authority will molest little children. Those entrusted to uphold the law will be criminals intent on breaking the law. Those entrusted with or money will be stealing it. Those we we look to for the truth will be lying and spreading propaganda. Those we entrust with our children will be turning them against us. Those we entrust with our elderly will be killing and robbing them while we up hold the title of the most productive workers on earth. Those entrusted with our retirement money will have stolen it. The mental health system will be destroying minds. The medical establishment will be harming health. Those meant to interpret the law will be distorting the law. The most honest will be made to appear criminal, mentally ill or killed and the criminal will be revered as righteous and a prominent citizens.
The prisons are full. What once made money for criminals now is controlled by our government, Alcohol, cigarettes, drugs, gambling, loan sharking and prostitution. Government jobs are handed out as favors with expected repayment. We must be near the breaking point.
The greater the lies and corruption the greater the strain and the more desperate the corrupt will become. They will do anything to protect the lies. Imprison, kill, torture, bankrupt anyone who could expose them. Then it will collapse and everyones money will be found to have been stolen. Those who thought they were on the inside will find they were pawns. People will begin to loose there homes and they will stop working. The corrupt may start a war or spread a disease to try and take the attention away from themselves, but it will all end. Then people will start talking to family and neighbors and reestablish those long lost ties. Many will suffer and many will die. The truth will spread because the lies became to twisted and broke. The money will have all been stolen and we will have been bled dry and then it will all start again with good intentions.
At least we are not powerful successful criminals. right.
I researched my mental health records and found out I was accused of being a bomber. I was attacked by MEDUSA after already suffering for a year or two of V2K. the records say my home was searched while I was being involuntarily committed. The the police who were setting me up and had already set up an attack that fail and a false arrest. They were preventing me from exposing the attempted attack and false arrest. Research your records and tell them thing you can prove or that others have proven. The people like us are being set up. It's that we are conditioned, all of us to follow rules but we are too naive. We are under attack by what Hoover started. Surveillance that gets dirt on people then pits them against each other or the information is used to control us. No one is meant to hear every word we say. We rant some times to relieve frustration not for others to hear and be hurt by our comments and none of us is perfect.
But we have to speak up to end this corruption. Maybe we can divert the crash coming and lessen the severity. Police have said to me,"do you know they are putting cameras everywhere we work"? They are afraid of the surveillance society and are lashing out at people like me that are critical of them.
The war taking place is using the dirt they can dig up on people as a weapon. One customer and later my employer played a tape of another company talking about him. He should not have been able to get that recording and I wonder who gave it to him. Most customers of mine could tell me things about other customers that they should not have known. The truth is usually best but not to the point of being hurtful and destructive.
They enlisted my fathers help too. He won't tell me anything but cries if I press him he's afraid and has said more than once that my problem is that I'm too good. I forgive him, my x-wife for helping to screw me and my mother for turning against me. The more I look into things I see psychological warfare techniques. I've told my father he can never decide anything for me again after he went along with them and had me involuntarily committed. He used to get tickets fixed and make pay offs in the town. He even had a billboard and would advertise for polititians.
They probably have dirt on him and used it against him. He will have to deal with God on that. He's too old for me to press him anymore, I'll end up killing him if I do. I know they tried to dig up dirt on me and question me in my dreams. This is how the FBI and psychological warefare people deal with a threat to police who commit crimes to protect them. I've explained to my neighbors that I was attacked an acused of making bombs and that my house was searched. I think they have my back now. The mental health clinic I left after discovering I was being massively overdosed offered to treat me for post traumatic syndrome before I left. They have to believe me now too. They were also afraid.
Screw them, after what I've been through I believe you. Be strong, finding others screwed like me on the Internet gives me the strength I need and the evidence helps too. They play a game of a fabricated paper trail to make a case against you. Don't give them anything, but research you police and mental health records, it's you right.
There are becoming too many of us to ignore. what they have done is criminal.
It's my belief and the evidence and experiences that I have show it is the police and other government agencies that are targeting us. Definitaly in my case police had pulled more shit on me right to my face. Then it led to TI type harassment and attacks. They do use criminals and are connected or controled by organised crime. I don't have a police record but not for lack of effort by police and they have written reports as if I made them. I understand there are good cops out there but it seems when they attempt to help a TI that they soon are stopped.
article from from TROUW, Nederlands ^ United States
sad to say...CNN is compromised as a source of information for the United States and the world....
Why Were Government Propaganda Experts Working On News At CNN?
Reports in the Dutch newspaper Trouw (2/21/00, 2/25/00) and France's Intelligence Newsletter (2/17/00) have revealed that several officers from the US Army's 4th Psychological Operations (PSYOPS) Group at Ft. Bragg worked in the news division at CNN's Atlanta headquarters last year, starting in the final days of the Kosovo War.
In the U.S. media, so far only Alexander Cockburn, columnist for The Nation and co-editor of the newsletter CounterPunch, has picked up on the story. Cockburn's column on the subject is available at
The story is disturbing. In the 1980s, officers from the 4th Army PSYOPS group staffed the National Security Council's Office of Public Diplomacy (OPD), a shadowy government propaganda agency that planted stories in the U.S. media supporting the Reagan Administration's Central America policies.
A senior US official described OPD as a "vast psychological warfare operation of the kind the military conducts to influence a population in enemy territory." (Miami Herald, 7/19/87) An investigation by the congressional General Accounting Office found that OPD had engaged in "prohibited, covert propaganda activities," and the office was soon shut down as a result of the Iran-Contra investigations. But the 4th PSYOPS group still operates.
CNN has always maintained a close relationship with the Pentagon. Getting access to top military officials is a necessity for a network that stakes its reputation on being first on the ground during wars and other military operations.
What makes the CNN story especially troubling is the fact that the network allowed the Army's covert propagandists to work in its headquarters, where they learned the ins and outs of CNN's operations. Even if the PSYOPS officers working in the newsroom did not influence news reporting, did the network allow the military to conduct an intelligence-gathering mission against CNN itself?
For instance, one PSYOPS officer worked in CNN's satellite division. According to Intelligence Newsletter, rear admiral Thomas Steffens, a psychological warfare expert in the Special Operations Command, recently told a PSYOPS conference that the military needed to find ways to "gain control" over commercial news satellites to help bring down an "informational cone of silence" over regions where special operations were taking place.
An unofficial strategy paper published by the U.S. Naval War College in 1996 and written by an Army officer ("Military Operations in the CNN World: Using the Media as a Force Multiplier") urged military commanders to find ways to "leverage the vast resources of the fourth estate" for the purposes of "communicating the [mission's] objective and endstate, boosting friendly morale, executing more effective psychological operations, playing a major role in deception of the enemy, and enhancing intelligence collection."
ACTION: Please write to CNN and ask why the network allowed government propaganda specialists to work in their news division.
See FAIR's Archives for more
Peter Rosenholm
what I wonder is: WHAT were they doing there?
were they coaching reporters on what not to say?
there have been so many famous cases of 'schizophrenics' who wound up in the mental health system because they said they said "the television was talking to them".
this sort of stuff makes the people who create behavior modification technology LAUGH at those who would make a change and expose it -- and I am CONVINCED they THEY NEED IT to maintain power...
...leading me to think that they will be exposed soon, and that things will get better....
the global economic downturn- could it be that some people want it that way?
i have been treating this group as a place JUST to discuss DEW and the applications of DEW.
I see that the discussion of it naturally leads to...well, just about everything.
if Adolf Hitler had access to a technology to make the world "just follow orders" he would have JUMPED at it.
but because it DOESN'T actually control every mind (if it did there would be NO discussion of the subject -- instead of some, a little) it seems that eventually it will break down...and people will begin to think again, en masse.
I still wish I could have determined via the internet just WHAT the Fort Bragg people were doing at CNN.
I find MSNBC a little suspect, as well...
i'm feeling drained, just from trying SO hard to spread a message that is censored by mainstream PROPAGANDA.
wonder what 2009 will be like. maybe it will be the year when the immediacy of the topic can no longer be ignored or glossed over.
when the Gov't makes the media their weapon...bummer.
there's an article i wrote at one of the more heavily visited fringe-conspiracy sites.
they were good but they were purchased by shills loyal to the main users of the technology.
i got banned for speaking out.
got it up there, though...
i post a little at Colbert's site now, but tend to keep it about political topics
i'll get banned for whistle blowing when i'm ready, and when I know people will see what I have to say before I am silenced there...
Colbert's a good guy. When speaking out becomes as taboo as it has become in the United States, a guy like Colbert who successfully pokes fun at the system can actually convey a lot of information for the intuitive viewer.
There is one consolation prize for being a victim of targeting and finally discovering these tactics used to frame and punished the non-criminal and the public. "The reward is knowing the truth and discovering the evil that is destroying America today". That everything in society and in our lives is controlled.
The Soprano's seemed such an entertaining TV show because it is held in the context that it is mostly criminals robbing criminals and exploiting the evil that is in men. They only lightly touch on the police and politicians that can be bought and the systematic robbery of the government and all American people. The truth is they are only imitating the government. The government has control of and law enforcement, government jobs and non profit agencies like Universities, hospitals, mental health, drug clinics and government regulated utility companies. The worst it become the more they appear the same.
That of course is why the doctors the mental heath system, police and FBI are either involved or won't help.
There is a lesson I think I learned a long time ago. It is, that when Rome was concurring the world and had taken over Israel that Jesus was fighting back by take over the hearts and minds of men by spreading truth.
With all the power Rome had they didn't hide there evil intent and lust for power. the bible even says give Rome whats is Romes and give God what is God's. Jesus started the first peaceful revolution.
Religions were the first form of government after all. How do you think man became civil and societies developed? It is what is in the hearts of men, the conscience or the soul that truly controls people and makes a civil society. The Romans's were so impressed that they nailed Jesus to a cross and put him out in the sun to die so everyone would know there fate if they followed him with this peaceful revolution shit. But it didn't die with him, it spread. Religion was a government within the government that controlled with the truth or beliefs not weapons and torture but just the truth or beliefs. I say truth or belief because a belief doesn't need to be the truth but must be believed as if it is the truth.
The conscience of men is our soul it is the warm feeling in us when we know we are doing the right thing or the sick feeling when we screw up. People can ignore it or suppress it but it is always there. Following it alternately makes it stronger.
The Romans's were so impressed that they adopted this movement as there own. With this religion they could spread there army around the world because people everywhere had been corrupted by those in power. They could walk into a new area and spread the truth. A belief system is like the program on a computer. It is how a computer is programmed or controlled and the same goes for people.
Everybody has a soul and a conscience no matter where they came from, no matter what color or language they spoke. This belief system in a large part is based on truth, but with careful manipulation it can be altered through deceit. Our greedy masters have obviously studied this in great detail.
Communism out lawed religion because what started as truth could eventually be turned if the pursuit of truth didn't continue and became corrupted. Communism was the truth now and all men were going to be equal. They would now tell the truth to everyone. They called in propaganda. But they forgot the lesson of religion that in time the truth is twisted by those in power for their own benefit and that the truth breaks free when twisted to far. People once again looked elsewhere for the truth.
So governments became aware that the people must not know that they are being deceived. They must be told that we are feeding the worlds poor but not that we are making them poor to gain their natural resources for next to nothing. The Government declared that old people will be taken care of in nursing homes that it was the humane thing to do, not that the politicians were building them and taking all the wealth they had created in there lives leaving nothing for their decedents, not that they were isolating families and breaking the families unity. The ability for families to educate themselves as to what is true needed to be compromised. That unity that kept families strong, together and grounded. Now the young earners would work day and night without the lessons of the old passed on. They used TV to sew the message that youth, beauty and wealth were what was important. Don't worry about the elderly the government will take care of them.
That is when the public was told drugs were being created to cure the sick, but not that drugs, chemical and biological weapons were being made to kill. When all the wealth was taken in the nursing homes then it was time for seroquel to easy there pain, take their life and limit the financial liability to the government otherwise what would there be to steal.
It will be declared that the mentally infirm will be given care, but not that this will be how future assassinations will be done.
New weapons have been created that can attack covertly. With these weapons normal people can be made to appear mentally ill, have a stroke or other mental disabilities. It's like shorting out and electrical circuit. Seroquel will ease there pain. when Seroquel is discovered to be deadly it will reappear under a new name and slightly altered. New drugs will replace old drugs at such a pace that this deception will be easily performed.
For these new weapons to work we will need new laws and a new enemy. When these suppressed people of the world retaliate we will call it "Terrorism". When there is a struggle for power somewhere in the world we will call the side we support, "Freedom fighters". we will call the other side leftists, terrorist, communists or my favorite the, "axis of evil".
Truth is controllable. Productive aged citizens will live as high paid slaves. The family unit and the neighborhood unity must be broken. If people work all the time they become isolated units. TV will be used to create a fantasy world they will slave for. Children will detach from their parents and the parents will ignore the old. In a few generations all the age old family, religious and group ties will be broken for the average American. TV will give them the beliefs of what is a meaningful life. Schools will reinforce what children should think. Parents will loose control of their children, the children will rebel. Once detachment is established they will be herded into one group or another.
America must be kept in a state of no security. Words like "Socialism that provide the the minimum needs of survival will be considered evil. People will invest there lives into there homes as security it is a natural tendency, a survival instinct. But mortgages will be given and regulated by the government so that if they miss 3 payments they will loose there home. The time to pay will be lengthened making it more and more difficult to accomplish. Minimum wage meant to make life survivable will not be allowed to advance with inflation forcing people to work harder and harder to not break this chain of payments until husbands and wives will need to work to survive. Americans will be called the most productive workers in the world. Another name for self motivated slaves. With mother and father working and grandpa and grandma isolated, in a nursing home or dead. The control of the children or future generations will be under complete control.
To add to this instability we will promote divorce. A system will be created where the controlling powers and there children will act as lawyers. We will make the law so confusing that it can be easily manipulated and confused. People won't know if a yes or no or a guilty verdict or not guilty verdict is correct. The manipulation of these rules will make Judges follow them even when they are absurd. We will claim all these laws are made to protect the innocent. This will also explain why some criminals are let go.
Money will now decide the fate of the judged. Soon the clerk who passes on the case to hard nosed or lenient Judges will be the most powerful person in the court house. For the right amount of money you will receive a lenient Judge or police will have forgotten to read you your rights or the evidence will be contaminated.
Those living these lies will begin to show cracks. Elected officials will fill the jails on bribery charges. Elected to represent the people they will represent the largest bribe. The moral authority will molest little children. Those entrusted to uphold the law will be criminals intent on breaking the law. Those entrusted with or money will be stealing it. Those we we look to for the truth will be lying and spreading propaganda. Those we entrust with our children will be turning them against us. Those we entrust with our elderly will be killing and robbing them while we up hold the title of the most productive workers on earth. Those entrusted with our retirement money will have stolen it. The mental health system will be destroying minds. The medical establishment will be harming health. Those meant to interpret the law will be distorting the law. The most honest will be made to appear criminal, mentally ill or killed and the criminal will be revered as righteous and a prominent citizens.
The prisons are full. What once made money for criminals now is controlled by our government, Alcohol, cigarettes, drugs, gambling, loan sharking and prostitution. Government jobs are handed out as favors with expected repayment. We must be near the breaking point.
The greater the lies and corruption the greater the strain and the more desperate the corrupt will become. They will do anything to protect the lies. Imprison, kill, torture, bankrupt anyone who could expose them. Then it will collapse and everyones money will be found to have been stolen. Those who thought they were on the inside will find they were pawns. People will begin to loose there homes and they will stop working. The corrupt may start a war or spread a disease to try and take the attention away from themselves, but it will all end. Then people will start talking to family and neighbors and reestablish those long lost ties. Many will suffer and many will die. The truth will spread because the lies became to twisted and broke. The money will have all been stolen and we will have been bled dry and then it will all start again with good intentions.
At least we are not powerful successful criminals. right.
Peter Rosenholm
I researched my mental health records and found out I was accused of being a bomber. I was attacked by MEDUSA after already suffering for a year or two of V2K. the records say my home was searched while I was being involuntarily committed. The the police who were setting me up and had already set up an attack that fail and a false arrest. They were preventing me from exposing the attempted attack and false arrest. Research your records and tell them thing you can prove or that others have proven. The people like us are being set up. It's that we are conditioned, all of us to follow rules but we are too naive. We are under attack by what Hoover started. Surveillance that gets dirt on people then pits them against each other or the information is used to control us. No one is meant to hear every word we say. We rant some times to relieve frustration not for others to hear and be hurt by our comments and none of us is perfect.
But we have to speak up to end this corruption. Maybe we can divert the crash coming and lessen the severity. Police have said to me,"do you know they are putting cameras everywhere we work"? They are afraid of the surveillance society and are lashing out at people like me that are critical of them.
The war taking place is using the dirt they can dig up on people as a weapon. One customer and later my employer played a tape of another company talking about him. He should not have been able to get that recording and I wonder who gave it to him. Most customers of mine could tell me things about other customers that they should not have known. The truth is usually best but not to the point of being hurtful and destructive.
Peter Rosenholm
They enlisted my fathers help too. He won't tell me anything but cries if I press him he's afraid and has said more than once that my problem is that I'm too good. I forgive him, my x-wife for helping to screw me and my mother for turning against me. The more I look into things I see psychological warfare techniques. I've told my father he can never decide anything for me again after he went along with them and had me involuntarily committed. He used to get tickets fixed and make pay offs in the town. He even had a billboard and would advertise for polititians.
They probably have dirt on him and used it against him. He will have to deal with God on that. He's too old for me to press him anymore, I'll end up killing him if I do. I know they tried to dig up dirt on me and question me in my dreams. This is how the FBI and psychological warefare people deal with a threat to police who commit crimes to protect them. I've explained to my neighbors that I was attacked an acused of making bombs and that my house was searched. I think they have my back now. The mental health clinic I left after discovering I was being massively overdosed offered to treat me for post traumatic syndrome before I left. They have to believe me now too. They were also afraid.
Screw them, after what I've been through I believe you. Be strong, finding others screwed like me on the Internet gives me the strength I need and the evidence helps too. They play a game of a fabricated paper trail to make a case against you. Don't give them anything, but research you police and mental health records, it's you right.
There are becoming too many of us to ignore. what they have done is criminal.
Peter Rosenholm
Peter Rosenholm