Toronto Police, Canadian torturers backed by Ontario Government keep hacking UN, International Human Rights Community , International Criminal Court, please reword and forward this to all.
UN Human Rights
UN Human Rights Council
International Bar Association
Human Rights Watch
Amnesty International
Amnesty International Canada
International Human Rights Community
International Criminal Court
Canadian Governments
Toronto Police, Canadian torturers backed by Ontario Government keep hacking UN, International Human Rights Community , International Criminal Court regardless of internatinal law and international orders to cover up their on-going torture, threats, terror, attempted murder by every possible means and with all possible Non-Lethal Weapons in my home and in my workplace, which are classified as weapons of mass destruction by UN.
How Toronto Police, Canadian torturers hack them,please see this link below:
I must make a motion not only for torture victims, but for torturers.
" Our world must find one way, one method, or one media, or something else for victims, especially, for torturer victims so that Toronto Police, Canadian torturers backed by Ontario Government can not put their dirty hands on them , so that Toronto Police, Canadian torturers backed by Ontario Government can not cover up their on-going torture, which is "arguably the cruellest and most brutal" ( by UN).
Canadian victim of torture
Robin Yan