Tortured for having an insight.

Ever since I was a little girl I've had insights. Its not voices in my head, it's just an insight I'm born with. I had one of these insights 6 months before 9/11. I told my doctor that I felt terror was comming from the sky. He asked me who, where, when, and why. I could not give him anymore information. My husband thought I was going crazy for that six months untill he came through the door on 9/11 and said tun on the TV ! You were right! Terror came from the sky! I told my doctor about this insight on 9/10. That night the insight came back and told me to get down on my knees and pray for many a soul will be weeping and whaling today. Because it was about 9:30pm or just a couple minutes later, it didn't make sense to me because today would be done in 2 hours and so many minutes. I did not take into account the time difference between Hawaii and New York. So, what I said to myself , my heart, is why should I get down on my knees and pray when today is almost over and I have a sick grandaughter and my grandson to take care of.  Anyway eversince I told my doctor about my insight they have been torturing me day and night 24/7. Especialy more intensively after my major car accident. The neighbors around here are in on it. I know it's coming from the neighbors unit who we are attached to because this is a town house. They also put some kind of device in my car which allow them to shock me or crush my chest while I'm driving. Like I'm having a F-ing heart attack. Soryy for the F-ing, but I'm sick of this. I wish I could stop this and save every one of you out there. They highly activate my house all day 24/7. They follow me whereever I go and even shocked me in church. How rude. How mean, how heartless. These people aren't human beings,  Here are some of the symptoms to look for, I hear four different types of ringing in my ears, some rings make you very hostile, one makes you tired, one gives you a headach, makes your jawa and teeth sore. It will even make your gums bleed. The waves they send to me make my pain medictaion that I take for my nerve damage ineffective. It does not work, due to the fact that they keep zapping my  injured left leg and back where I had surgery. They know your medical history and know exactlly where to zap you. They made three growths on my right wrist which I just had surgery to remove and now they keep zapping that and won't let it heal. Now ther's another growth growing. They can make noises and voices come from anywhere. Mine came from our back room that just a storage room. They made moaning sounds of people having sex come from there. They make my muscles twitch, give me cramps in my muscles. They make me feel very hot at one momment and freezing cold the next. They make clicking sounds on any electronics that you have. They even make it feel like someone is poking me with a needle and makes red spots on my body. They make your bones very sore. They make my vision worse. They even left burn spots on my foot and arms. How can this happen overnight when your in bed? They make clicking sounds in my brain. They even zap the little screws on my glasses. I try not to wear anything that has metal buttons, zippers, hooks ect. because they zap them. My pillow gets very hot, especially if I use an orthopedic pillow. Try putting a stethescope on your pillow. I did this and it started to vibrate on its own. Like a phone vibrating. How can this happen? I can hear the clicks through my pillow when they are trying to get through our defences which we tried to stop the harrassment. It seems like pressing the stethescope down on my pillow somehow blocked there signal. My nail are getting ridges and are peeling. That must be Radiation. I also get very nauseated, and they make me go to the bathroom making # 2 more than 12 times a day. They make you dehidrated. How can you go to the bathroom that much when I'm taking pain pills which make you constipated! This house has metal studs and they click on them real hard. Eveything in the hose has some sort of metal inside and they click on these and one time clicked the walls so hard that they shook and scared my grandchildren. They are doing it to my husband too. There's no one in this system you can trust. I don't trust the police, the FBI, CIA, And the military. They are all working together as one. Even our refridgerator was making loud cracking noises. We turned off the circuit breaker but it still makes the cracking sound. There's something going on with that, when they can't get me in the bed, they'll turn the refridgerator back on. Its mostly off because they want to listen to our conversation. I know our house is bugged and my phone tappped. They redirct some of my calls, press buttons while I talking and I even heard someone talking before I dialed. Then they get mad because I tell the other party that I heard them talking so they swtart prssing buttons. I got acuused of robbing a bank years before I told my Doctor about terror from the sky. Agent John Picus of the FBI broke down our door and searched our house even though I was at work at the time of the robbery and the picture from the bank did not look anything like me. It looked like a man dressed up as a girl. They new they had the wrong person but continued to search and harass me. They turned my house upside down and left without saying anything. I'm not afraid to use my name because this is all true facts. I just seen Agent Picus last year in Feb. With a local backup behind him. They stopped, looked at me Gave me a smirk, and the other guy said to me Hey, Gail don't forget we'll be watching you out there. I called the FBI three times and they said they have no John Picus. So I went to the office. All they could do was lie to my face. Then one day I tried to call them on my cell phone and they rerouted my call. So I called on my landline and the lady on the phone said He's and old man and that he retired. Whats up with that? Why did the story change!!!! All you out there who is suffering, something is comming this year, not only for America but for the world. I had this insight from last year. I don't know what it is, just that it's something very strong and powerful. so just hang on a little longer because then the tables will be turned. Then they will suffer too. Love, Peace be with you all. Aloha, Gail

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