To all, may relieve pain and suffering:
Journal of History Fall 2011 TABLE OF CONTENTS
Cancer Cure
Cancer, Stopped by Grapes
Author Unknown
Yes, Cancer, Is a Food Penalty, It Has Been Stopped by Grapes!
In the March-April 1950 issue of HEALTH REVIEW Bernarr Macfadden announced a wager of $10,000 on Grapes vs. Cancer. The announcement read as follows: "There is not the slightest need for mercy killing to relieve incurable cancer pain," says Bernarr Macfadden, who has $10,000 lying idle in the National City Bank--any part of which he offers to wager that an exclusive grape diet (with nothing else but water, if so desired) will normalize the physical function to such an extent that the patient, no matter how serious the case might be, will be relieved of all pain within a few days without the use of nerve-doping drugs of any kind. He says in curable cases, the patient will slowly advance towards recovery under the blood purifying influence in this diet.
As an advisor in health building, Mr. Macfadden has had sixty-five years of experience, first as student-teacher, and for more than one-quarter of a century he was engaged almost entirely in directing the treatment of patients in large sanatoriums, never losing, as a publisher, his intense interest in natural health-building methods. He treated his first case of cancer in his sanatoriums immediately across the street from Kellogg's great institution in Battle Creek, Michigan nearly forty years ago.
He maintains that it is an unspeakable outrage, a crime beyond all description, that thousands -- even millions -- of people have to suffer when such a simple measure will bring relief in practically every instance.
A short time later, when newspaper headlines were reporting the trial of Dr. Hermann N. Sander for the mercy killing of one of his patients, some newspapers ran the following item: "Mercy killer Dr. Hermann N. Sander should not be tried for murder, but for ignorance of natural methods of relieving cancer agony," says Bernarr Macfadden of physical culture fame, who in the latest issue of his HEALTH REVIEW announces a wager of any part of $10,000 that an exclusive grape diet, water included, will relieve all pain of cancer within a few days without nerve-doping drugs."
Both the announcement in HEALTH REVIEW and the mention in the newspapers brought forth a deluge of letters to Mr. Macfadden. Here is a paragraph from one of them written by a research engineer in Toledo, Ohio: "I was greatly interested in the article '$10,000 vs. Cancer' appearing in the March-April issue of HEALTH REVIEW. It was the death of my mother and niece, caused by cancer, that started my research in the quest for the cause and the elimination of cancer and other so-called diseases. I announced through the press and the radio last year that we had the answer to cancer. The response I received over that announcement was just silence and lots of it. The only people interested were the people who had cancer."
In the face of propaganda of the American Medical Association against any treatment which is unorthodox, it is difficult to make people realize that Mother Nature is so willing to help man in the quest for health.
Grapes were given to man undoubtedly in the Garden of Eden, and those who have investigated and experimented have found that cancer is practically unknown where grapes are eaten in abundance.
Of course, many articles and some books have been written on the subject. One of the most outstanding books is that called: "The Grape Cure," by Johanna Brandt, M.D., Ph.D. Mrs. Brandt cured herself of cancer and came to New York claiming the prize of $50,000 offered by the Cancer Society. She treated numerous cases while in New York with astonishing results.
The Physical culture Library Service also prepared a Letter of Digest on Cancer -- Its Causes and Treatment by Grapes and Other Methods, based upon the understanding of God's divinely natural means for avoiding and eliminating disease.
Here are some of the highspots:
In fasting, the mental and spiritual faculties all seem to take on a new life, and is well known by those who fast for religious reasons. If an exclusive grape diet (nothing else) is decided upon, take one or two glasses of pure water flavored with lemon juice, honey, or sea salt, according to taste, followed an hour later by the first meal of grapes. The grapes should be washed well to avoid any arsenic spraying still clinging to the stems. Both skins and seeds should be thoroughly masticated in the mouth.
Editor's note: I would wash each grape individually in order to remove every bit of the residue that one sees on them.
Where the stomach is in sound condition, a few of the seeds and skin may be swallowed to serve as roughage.
Grapes can be eaten every two hours, or as dictated by appetite, beginning in the morning and straight through until a few hours before retiring.
This exclusive grape diet is continued for several weeks; in fact, in certain chronic conditions patients have gone on a grape diet lasting as long as two or more months where the entire body-soil needs alteration.
Where chronic constipation is a contributing cause of long standing, it may take some time for the corrective physiological process to remove the encrustations and filth in the alimentary canal from which poisons have been emanating and carried into the tissues. In such cases it may take a week or more before any favorable results are observable.
The cleansing and purifying work on the part of the organism must first take place before a new, clean tissue-soil can be produced in the body.
Any kind of grapes--white, blue, purple, or green, may be used, with preference, of course, for grapes grown in mineralized soil. The principal value of the grape is that it possesses tartrate of potash and other mineral salts helpful in cancerous conditions. The seedless variety are convenient when a grape diet is followed, but the monotony of the diet may be relieved by choosing different varieties.
The quantity eaten depends for the most part on individual inclination. Where an aversion exists the indications are that there is still a large amount of poison in the body as a whole, and under conditions of this kind, the most advisable thing to do is to have the patient continue the fast until the body has become more chemically balanced and the patient thoroughly relishes the grapes.
It is well to begin with a moderate quantity of two or three ounces at each grape meal, gradually increasing this as the desire and inclination for this kind of natural nourishment increases.
Yes, Cancer is a FOOD PENALTY, it has been STOPPED by Grapes! STOP eating sugar products and foodless food. See Freedom Tracts #27, 72. (Send $4.00)
-- SUGGESTED READINGS -- Miracle Food Cures from the Bible..$20.00 Why Christians (People) Get Sick..... 13.00 Honey, Garlic, Vinegar Remedies.... 18.00 Grandma's Favorite Cure-all #72.... 4.00 Freedom Calendar........................... 15.00 Explains meaning and proper use of our RIGHTS with supporting quotes from our Forefathers & Scripture for each RIGHT.
Distribute Freedom Tract #76 - Donations HELP Distribution - Dan Pilla (Sr) -- Pamphleteer 704 Edgerton St. Paul, MN 55101 Truth in Print -- 1st Amendment Right
The Journal of History - Fall 2011 Copyright © 2011 by News Source