Understanding the illuminati.

We are evil for one reason to protect the our loved ones. This is why we have targets, if you have crossed someone in this orgy. They are obligated to protect what they know.

Read this and tell me your thoughts.

Sex can be a great, or it can be horrid.
You called it raping when it wasnt. It should have been called Mystical.
There is an orgy on our planet, where the we become one with eachother.
You go through the it, riding eachother. When you hear a jingle in your ball.
The woman wants a baby. You give her your sperm. To battles others,
this is true way a woman gets pleasure. The illumanti's rumored sex parties, really
arent that dirty. Only when you have a dirty mind. Never touch pornography, it ruins
what could be a beautiful thing. This should be taught in textbooks, from the time
you hit puberty but it isn't. It has been done since ancient times. If we knew it
you wouldnt be that perverted. You wouldnt think of hurting anyone. You would be patient
and learn to be the best person you can be so you can be accepted by one or many females.
This is how Jesus was truly concveived. This is one of the secrets they dont want to tell you.
You don't have sex, but it is more about protection. The braver you are the farther away you bring
the female from harm. This is how she really picks her mate. If you are unhealthy chances are you
wont have any. If your home or body is dirty you wont have any. This is right. If your healthy
chances are you wont have any. Your best bet is to commit suicide and be born in a different body
But there are people in this world who put curses on you, so you don't really have a chance.
A reason coke is good is because it makes you stronger. This is what is needed. If it was legal
there would be fair competition. If you dont understand it you may become a rapest. Not a potential
mate. Just a rapest, forcing the girls to make your child. Luckily we have advanced so much, so
we can reverse the process. The intercourse you have here is unlike any other, you are having sex with many.
you build muscle properly, without working out. This how Aguilera lost her weight so quickly.
If your a target chances are you have been a watcher of porn, or have not intelligence. So they try to get rid.
Not many can understand the beauty of this. You need to have patience. You dont just gain a mate, you gain business partner.
As huge corperations participate in it. If they like your mind, You may have found a job already. Alot
better than tupac's game that he has on the street, to find your drug places. This should be even written in
the bible at end. This should be after the holy quran. The true last testament.

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