very sad.
spent years compiling evidence. doing online "radio" show.
family acts controlled. unaware. very sad, depressed. been researching this for years.
active denial system and HAARP and HIPAS have connection.
i advise anyone concerned do research.
HAARP and HIPAS are doing more than just researching the ionosphere.
saw it this summer...subtle climate manipulation an EASY way to manipulate large groups of the sun goes away and comes back...
other things though...the human aura and how it shows up in Kirlian...the same as the aurora borealis...which is what they created HAARP to research and manipulate...
HAARP likely not Primary Ionospheric array in Alaska
things could go on this way for a while...glaring, once you know what to look for...i have started a new group to do research+followup...the concept is "teams without leaders..."
send invites soon...not sure when...within next 90 days...
i wish everyone struggling with loved ones who deny the validity of this situation absolutely the best, the best. i am upbeat, but more realistic than pessimistic or idealistic...
MKULTRA and COINTELPRO were/are real and part of their deployment was the strategy of DENIAL...please know this, friends, don't let it madden you into resignation, as such was what they were the 1950s before many of us were "artificial view of the world" has been created and is in many of our loved ones' minds...we must have patience, and yet still move with all possibile efficient swiftness to end this silent Holocaust...
...activists who don't know or accept the MC/MKULTRA angle are some of the worst -- as they will make mistakes that compromise activism, and do so almost on purpose over and over again as if programmed - and then vehemently deny the reality of this very real issue...
Photos from the 1999
72 page book
by N. Ansimov entitled
Psychotronic Golgotha
with comparisons to U.S. protestors
Newworld Dictionary: Golgotha, the place where Jesus was crucified.
1. a burial place. 2. a place of agony or sacrifice.
Also see Psychotronic Golgatha by by N.I. Anisimov, 1999
Mind Justice Home Page
Russian Protests 1
Three protest signs, left to right:
1. Psychotronic Genocide is the work of the Central
Committee Communist Party! Nuremberg-2 Inevitable!
2. SOS! Russia is in Danger of Going Psychotronic
3. No psychotronic weapons! no psychofascism!
Russian Protestors 2
If the government is going from communism to fascism, then where are we going?
Russian Protestors 3
The FSB is using psychotronic weapons. They can control,
paralyse, and send to prison or a psychiatric ward anyone they want to.
Russian Protestors 4
People! Your private and intimate lives are under the control of the "special Service" and the military.
Russian Protestors 5
Central Committee Russian Communist Party and KGB-
Officially stop the government from using psychotronic weapons against the people.
Russian Protestors 6
International Day to fight for the prohibition of psychotronic weapons.
(September 10th)
Russian Protestors 7
No psychotronic weapons. No psychofascism.
Take the Central Committee Communist Party and KGB to an international tribunal!
Translation by Ramon Ruelas
U.S. victims protest classifed nonconsensual weapons experiments
California State Capitol
November 17, 2002
Tom McClelland at the New York City
Peace March on March 20th 2004.
It was the largest peace demonstration that day
in the country, with over 100,000 marchers.
Tom McClelland, New York City Peace March, March,2003
Views: 5
You need to be a member of Peacepink3 to add comments!
It is very sad. I will look into your findings. Keep strong, you might want to check this out. This college sent me a questioneer to evaluate my local police after the attacks, false arrest and basic destruction of my life. I later linked them with this military writing and the naval war college. So much for rubbing it in my face.
Peter Rosenholm
Ultramicro, Nonlethal, and Reversible: Looking Ahead to Military Biotechnology
Please read this, it combines possible magic dust(chemtrails) and dirrected energy in combination as a weapon to cause mutations.
This is written by the army.
Bottom of Form 1
Peter Rosenholm
"Directional-effect Biotechnologies
Directed-energy-induced mutation. High intensity ultraviolet rays and electromagnetic waves can induce genetic-locus cell mutation."
Salve Regina University Newport Rhode Island
US Army: Professional writing
Ultramicro, Nonlethal, and Reversible: Looking Ahead to Military Biotechnology
Possible Military Uses of Biotechnology
Aggressive Biotechnology
Direct effects. Direct-effect weapons can be used on human bodies to alter their biological features. Modern biotechnology looks at life in a new way-at the molecular level. Many unknown or unidenti�ed substances of physiological activity have been discovered, and the structure-function relationship of biomacromolecules has been clari�ed. As a result, we might soon be able to design, control, reconstruct, and simulate molecules in living beings. Methods to change and rebuild biological features and biomolecule functions will soon appear in great number. Genome and proteome technologies can accurately modify living tissues according to precise procedures and conditions. Through the interaction of proteins, we can modify cell functions as needed. In the �nal analysis, war is simply human behavior that forces enemies to lose the power of resistance. Biotechnological weapons can cause destruction that is both more powerful and more civilized than that caused by conventional killing methods like gunpowder or nuclear weapons.
Reversible wounds. Modern biotechnology reveals pathologies of products that can do great harm to people. It can also provide effective ways to explore human health hazards. We can also use this knowledge during war to damage and injure individuals in a more accurate, effective fashion. We can choose military biotechnologies with different pathogenic factors to achieve various military goals. A military attack, therefore, might wound an enemy's genes, proteins, cells, tissues, and organs, causing more damage than conventional weapons could. However, such devastating, nonlethal effects will require us to pacify the enemy through postwar reconstruction efforts and hatred control.
Multiple vulneration. Modern biotechnology makes it possible to combine two or more pathogenic genes and place them inside a susceptible living body to create a multiple-vulnerating effect. In addition, delaying the time required for a causative agent to take effect is possible by using a living body with a relatively longer incubation period or a pathogenic living body that produces no symptoms when inserted into the human body. When some other factor activates the causative agents, a timed causation of disease or pathopoiesis is possible. What is more, it is now possible to make bioproducts that can target and destroy an enemy's armaments and food and water sources. For example, rubber-invading compounds can attack rubber goods exclusively.
Directional-effect Biotechnologies
Directed-energy-induced mutation. High intensity ultraviolet rays and electromagnetic waves can induce genetic-locus cell mutation. If we determine the relationship between the speci�c frequency, wavelength, or power of the ray or wave and the speci�c gene or locus, we can cause injury by remote, radiation-induced, genetic function changes
Ultramicro damage. When attacking an enemy with biotechnological military weapons, we could choose targets from a nucleotide sequence or protein structure. We could cause physiological dysfunction by producing an ultramicro damaging effect to a gene's or a protein's structure and functioning. Precision injury and ultramicro damage are two vulnerating methods based on genomics and proteomics. Because they target the primary structure of the gene or protein, they are completely different from traditional weapons of war that directly damage tissues and organs.
Crypticity. Although applications of military biotechnology are complicated, the �nished products are convenient to carry, easy to use, and do not require large support systems. Detecting and predicting their use is dif�cult. Only after obvious wounding occurs will enemies realize they are under attack. In this sense, using military biotechnology weapons is a good tactic.
Controllability and recoverability. Unlike weapons that use ammunition whose damaging effects can only be ascertained after shooting, we can test in a laboratory the degree of damage biotechnological weapons produce. We can control the degree of injuries and damage produced and even provide an antidote or a cure (a vaccine, a countervulnerating agent, or a piece of bioinformation). Providing such an anodyne to our enemies would represent real "mercy."
Dif�culty in taking precautions. Because of the sheer number of living bodies military biotechnology can use, the reformed (managed) gene order or protein structure is like a specially made lock: Only the developer has the key, and it is dif�cult for enemies to unlock. Because so many human genes and proteins are vulnerable to attack in so many ways, de�nite diagnosis and prompt treatment of injury is dif�cult. So, how and when can we take precautions against attacks?
Not Yet an Instrument of Military Power
Military biotechnology has not yet become an instrument of military power. The laws, rules, and essential qualities of modern biotechnology have not yet been clari�ed. We cannot use and control it at our will. Progress is still needed in supporting areas such as military information technologies and material science. Even so, the increased pace of development of modern biotechnology tells us that the day on which we will begin to make full military use of its advantages is not too far off.
We believe that command of military biotechnology is a reasonable scienti�c presumption, not a scienti�c illusion. In the near future, when military biotechnology is highly developed, modern biotechnology will have a revolutionary inuence on the organization of military power with its more direct effects on the main entity of war-human beings. Modern biotechnology offers an enormous potential military advantage.
Maj. Gen. Peter W. Chiarelli, U.S. Army and Maj. Patrick R. Michaelis, U.S. Army
Military Review July-August 2005
Major General Peter W. Chiarelli, U.S. Army, is the commanding general of the 1st Cavalry Division. He received a B.S. in political science from Seattle University, an M.P.A. from University of Washington, and an M.A. in national security strategy from Salva Regina University; and he is a graduate of the U.S. Army Command and General Staff College (CGSC) and the National War College. He has served in various command and staff positions in the continental United States (CONUS), Germany, Belgium, and Iraq.
Major Patrick R. Michaelis, U.S. Army, is the operations of�cer of the 1st Squadron, 7th U.S. Cavalry, 1st Cavalry Division. He received a B.A. in history from Texas A&M University, an M.P.A. from the Harvard Kennedy School of Government, and is a graduate of CGSC. He has served in various command and staff positions in CONUS, Germany, Bosnia, and Iraq.
Classes begin January 16, 2007
Peter Rosenholm
Ultramicro, Nonlethal, and Reversible: Looking Ahead to Military Biotechnology
Please read this, it combines possible magic dust(chemtrails) and dirrected energy in combination as a weapon to cause mutations.
This is written by the army.
Bottom of Form 1
Peter Rosenholm
"Directional-effect Biotechnologies
Directed-energy-induced mutation. High intensity ultraviolet rays and electromagnetic waves can induce genetic-locus cell mutation."
Salve Regina University Newport Rhode Island
US Army: Professional writing
Ultramicro, Nonlethal, and Reversible: Looking Ahead to Military Biotechnology
Possible Military Uses of Biotechnology
Aggressive Biotechnology
Direct effects. Direct-effect weapons can be used on human bodies to alter their biological features. Modern biotechnology looks at life in a new way-at the molecular level. Many unknown or unidenti�ed substances of physiological activity have been discovered, and the structure-function relationship of biomacromolecules has been clari�ed. As a result, we might soon be able to design, control, reconstruct, and simulate molecules in living beings. Methods to change and rebuild biological features and biomolecule functions will soon appear in great number. Genome and proteome technologies can accurately modify living tissues according to precise procedures and conditions. Through the interaction of proteins, we can modify cell functions as needed. In the �nal analysis, war is simply human behavior that forces enemies to lose the power of resistance. Biotechnological weapons can cause destruction that is both more powerful and more civilized than that caused by conventional killing methods like gunpowder or nuclear weapons.
Reversible wounds. Modern biotechnology reveals pathologies of products that can do great harm to people. It can also provide effective ways to explore human health hazards. We can also use this knowledge during war to damage and injure individuals in a more accurate, effective fashion. We can choose military biotechnologies with different pathogenic factors to achieve various military goals. A military attack, therefore, might wound an enemy's genes, proteins, cells, tissues, and organs, causing more damage than conventional weapons could. However, such devastating, nonlethal effects will require us to pacify the enemy through postwar reconstruction efforts and hatred control.
Multiple vulneration. Modern biotechnology makes it possible to combine two or more pathogenic genes and place them inside a susceptible living body to create a multiple-vulnerating effect. In addition, delaying the time required for a causative agent to take effect is possible by using a living body with a relatively longer incubation period or a pathogenic living body that produces no symptoms when inserted into the human body. When some other factor activates the causative agents, a timed causation of disease or pathopoiesis is possible. What is more, it is now possible to make bioproducts that can target and destroy an enemy's armaments and food and water sources. For example, rubber-invading compounds can attack rubber goods exclusively.
Directional-effect Biotechnologies
Directed-energy-induced mutation. High intensity ultraviolet rays and electromagnetic waves can induce genetic-locus cell mutation. If we determine the relationship between the speci�c frequency, wavelength, or power of the ray or wave and the speci�c gene or locus, we can cause injury by remote, radiation-induced, genetic function changes
Ultramicro damage. When attacking an enemy with biotechnological military weapons, we could choose targets from a nucleotide sequence or protein structure. We could cause physiological dysfunction by producing an ultramicro damaging effect to a gene's or a protein's structure and functioning. Precision injury and ultramicro damage are two vulnerating methods based on genomics and proteomics. Because they target the primary structure of the gene or protein, they are completely different from traditional weapons of war that directly damage tissues and organs.
Crypticity. Although applications of military biotechnology are complicated, the �nished products are convenient to carry, easy to use, and do not require large support systems. Detecting and predicting their use is dif�cult. Only after obvious wounding occurs will enemies realize they are under attack. In this sense, using military biotechnology weapons is a good tactic.
Controllability and recoverability. Unlike weapons that use ammunition whose damaging effects can only be ascertained after shooting, we can test in a laboratory the degree of damage biotechnological weapons produce. We can control the degree of injuries and damage produced and even provide an antidote or a cure (a vaccine, a countervulnerating agent, or a piece of bioinformation). Providing such an anodyne to our enemies would represent real "mercy."
Dif�culty in taking precautions. Because of the sheer number of living bodies military biotechnology can use, the reformed (managed) gene order or protein structure is like a specially made lock: Only the developer has the key, and it is dif�cult for enemies to unlock. Because so many human genes and proteins are vulnerable to attack in so many ways, de�nite diagnosis and prompt treatment of injury is dif�cult. So, how and when can we take precautions against attacks?
Not Yet an Instrument of Military Power
Military biotechnology has not yet become an instrument of military power. The laws, rules, and essential qualities of modern biotechnology have not yet been clari�ed. We cannot use and control it at our will. Progress is still needed in supporting areas such as military information technologies and material science. Even so, the increased pace of development of modern biotechnology tells us that the day on which we will begin to make full military use of its advantages is not too far off.
We believe that command of military biotechnology is a reasonable scienti�c presumption, not a scienti�c illusion. In the near future, when military biotechnology is highly developed, modern biotechnology will have a revolutionary inuence on the organization of military power with its more direct effects on the main entity of war-human beings. Modern biotechnology offers an enormous potential military advantage.
Maj. Gen. Peter W. Chiarelli, U.S. Army and Maj. Patrick R. Michaelis, U.S. Army
Military Review July-August 2005
Major General Peter W. Chiarelli, U.S. Army, is the commanding general of the 1st Cavalry Division. He received a B.S. in political science from Seattle University, an M.P.A. from University of Washington, and an M.A. in national security strategy from Salva Regina University; and he is a graduate of the U.S. Army Command and General Staff College (CGSC) and the National War College. He has served in various command and staff positions in the continental United States (CONUS), Germany, Belgium, and Iraq.
Major Patrick R. Michaelis, U.S. Army, is the operations of�cer of the 1st Squadron, 7th U.S. Cavalry, 1st Cavalry Division. He received a B.A. in history from Texas A&M University, an M.P.A. from the Harvard Kennedy School of Government, and is a graduate of CGSC. He has served in various command and staff positions in CONUS, Germany, Bosnia, and Iraq.
Classes begin January 16, 2007
i feel very small and weak when i look at these Big Richards and all they have pointed
at everyone...
...this is a lot of information that is sort of new to my eyes. I will take my time dissecting it.
all very much appreciated...
to let you know...