VIA ENDOCRINE: - In this way, the hypothalamus produces its own hormones through the paraventricular and supraoptic nucleus, which will going to be stored in the Pituitary. Also, will generate neurosecretion (releasing factors) that will stimulate Neurohypophysis. - They will be releasing factors for each of the Hormone Trofinas's in the adenohypophysis. - These releasing factors drain through the portal system Pituitary and will stimulate the cells that form hormones as Thyrotropins, Gonadotropins, Prolactin, and all those hormones that are stimulating other glands. - However, the neurohypophysis has its own hormones which are: ADH (antidiuretic hormone) and oxytocin (involved contraction of uterine smooth muscle). Other functions of the Hypothalamus - Participation in emotional behavior. Specific regions of the hypothalamus are activated to carry out specific behaviors. For example, when activated hunger center (lateral hypothalamus), occur like eating or when you activate the thirst centers are craving for liquids. - Control of involuntary somatomotoras activities. The hypothalamus is able to direct somatomotores patterns associated with emotions of anger, pleasure, pain, sexual activity, etc.. - Participates in the regulation of body temperature. In these mechanisms, allows for coordination with other regions of nervous system mechanisms to induce production or heat dissipation. - Controls circadian rhythms. The suprachiasmatic nucleus is a center that coordinates the cycles that have to do with light and darkness. This nucleus receives direct connections from the retina and allows, through connections with other areas of the hypothalamus, acting in conjunction with the pineal gland and reticular formation in the regulation of these cycles is repeated over time. By using radiation to produce damage that might have to be invidencias radiation which may have a radius of at least 12.5 cm. One hypothesis we conclude is that the possibility for emission calculation would be based on the calculation is proposed, there is radiation in a (x) and this radiation has a radius of 12.5 cm, when considering antennas or transmitters engaged in the production of radiation with different types of uses, it is found that can emit high-frequency transmissions and these to have a specific design can to a greater or lesser extent have a diffraction (term used in optics), the issue This emission is cone shaped, according to the diffraction index can be calculated distance. The possibility of having an identification of how these organizations, through a sweep of the electromagnetic spectrum to perform various transmissions in which certain bands are available and traces of waves that have forms of encryption by the action of separation of different frequencies This is done to make transmissions from different emanadores, frequencies are performed occasionally identified from satellites taking the possibility of extracting transmissions that can be used for testing electronic harassment cases and for identifying complex studies of organization of the race human located in other countries. These cases should be presented in international courts, should be made and entered into by the entire population, the idea is to create the necessary mechanisms to coordinate and gather the evidence needed for all citizens with the intention to analyze individual cases and obecervar depth patterns and techniques of manipulation of the concept used for electronic harassment cases. For explanations of some people who suffer from this type of case, say that to make different types of impairments such as chemical burns in areas of the brain, you can achieve a partial loss of consciousness, which is usually considered irreversible neuronal damage. In cases like those described in the bibliography include the ability to transmit directly to these nano components, transmissions can produce discharges that paralyzed parts of the brain, these downloads may cause some additional downloads that unconsciousness could be interpreted as a kind of cancellation of consciousness to produce stimulation in areas of the brain, which can handle the subject without falling into science fiction. Discussed people with these types of crimes that in some cases constantly feel like parts of the brain are destroyed, the degrees of heat and pain are impossible to conduct activities, but sometimes feel like they are losing control over their psyche and control over some tips. In existing bibliographies discussed the existence of people who have undergone this type of methodology to become some sort of Scapegoats, Manchurian Candidates, and Asian cultures use a term known as Pigeons. There are also reports where the political, theological and criminals, have to presume that the use of people can be used for studies of complex human race. To block the signals produced in these cases, we designed a device that emits electromagnetic noise, this noise creates distortions in transmissions that are made from antennas and satellites, making it theoretically possible that the waves can be transmitted to its destination. Electromagnetic Noise Device: The device is an electronic device that generates electromagnetic noise, which interferes all signals in the electromagnetic spectrum, from (0 HRZ - 7.5 GHrz). Some organizations or agencies as the methodology of action, try to take information about people's creations. In presenting this case we can identify the possibility that having contact with people who are affected or are victims of such cases is set in order to steal and information projects. Banking System Project Perfectible. I was developing this project two years ago, but every time I tried to develop it, most agencies were torturing me, burning my brain and I said he could not do and had to regalárselos. Some characters were saying that these ideas had occurred to them in a dream, but the strange thing is that being very good ideas and seem to be quite viable, not found in any country. With oil drilling project wells terminal step exactly the same. And the last was a very long time and I had not much that this system was well and as I never had a degree in physics or astrophysics, I never worry about the matter. Perfectible It is based on the concept that any system is imperfect or that any system, all models are imperfect. Taking into account this concept perfected, we can develop systems based on their nature and continuous analysis of successes and failures tend to have feedback or are nourished by the interaction of variables provoking a resultant tends to be better or tends to improve in Based on the experiences and events of the past events or situations. Perfectible Banking Model Taking into account the concept described above can conceive of a banking model which takes the basics of banking and includes some innovative features that allow you to create systems or build systems that tend to feed back statistical economic processes (macro and micro) for the interaction of many variables, eg political, social, cultural and religious. This feedback is based on improving existing systems seeking to improve and overcome the mistakes that happen in legacy systems, for example, in traditional banking in the regional economy and the state as such. The bank proposes an integrated structure be improved by several points which are precisely those that give the characteristic that allows them to present a perfected system and also has other features that enable somehow through software to constantly monitor variables involved in the system and elements involved in the system, where the banking system intervention occurs when there perfectible distortions that somehow interferes with the normal process of the economy. Classification of business sectors to fund The banking system is perfectible designed to serve traditional business sectors: Small business: in which changes in interest rates could trigger vary inversely according to the projections of profitability in the company. The decline criterion of the deposit rate should tend to be higher according to whether the performance guarantees of loan repayment will give the bank a lower risk assessment. Medium enterprise: in which changes in interest rates could trigger vary inversely according to the projections of profitability in the company. The decline criterion of the deposit rate should tend to be higher according to whether the performance guarantees of loan repayment will give the bank a lower risk assessment. 1. Small Business: 2. Medium enterprises. 3. Great company. Model of financial products and services perfectible The financial service perfectible model consists of a set of investment criteria with distinct characteristics of what would be the classic investment criteria or standard of private banking today. Thus we have the following financial criteria. 1. Products perfectible: Based on financial products with characteristics of financial products the classic banking, but with the following additional features: Since the perfectible system allows maximization of economic resources. Said excess or surplus, obtained in the economic process should split so that one part of the fraction serves to calculate a percentage of interest plus the normal percentage of interest passive rate obtained by the methods normally used by the classic bank. Allow to increase the profit margin of each of the products. 2. The products normally used in traditional banks, are: ordinary savings accounts, credit number, fixed-term deposits (short, medium and long term). A summary of these products is the fraction of interest perfected to increase or decrease according to the profit margins of the company (bank) and also may tend to vary according to the criteria for revenue generation (in utilities) of each one of the individuals who invest in financial products, these criteria depend on: If the subject is a client of the bank: according to the period of membership in the bank, which will allow me to define the fraction of the interest rate which the bank will add to the interest rate liabilities. For new customers: depend on the amounts deposited and the statistical analysis of accounts of other banks and personal and business balance sheets, which will after several exhaustive analysis in order to determine statistical projections. With the determination of these statistics can define the magnitude of interest rate which the bank will add the interest rate liabilities. Time deposits business. Third parties: not affiliated with access to other exchange houses. For the allocation analysis and approval of banking products perfectible is needed the following: Integrated economic analysis centers: Made up of analysts from different areas, administration, accounting, economists, engineers, lawyers, HR, etc. 3. Perfectible Financial Investment Services: We present a new financial service that aims at increasing the utility based on a model of economic, monetary resources scarce acting product integrated global economic system where profit generation of instruments of financial services perfectible generate regular income of a banking enterprise classic which adds a fraction of the surplus generated by the financial investment services perfectible (shareholding). Taking the same concept perfectible and developing it from the perspective of financial investments we have the following. The recruitment of investment projects: which is based on the choice of those projects whose technical characteristics in terms of (innovation, technological advances, sales projections, projections of productivity of the processes and the classical criteria of valuation of projects), will select those projects which the company as a bank under the perfectible system may decide to approve taking into account: a.1. The approval of projects under classical optics. Market research (projects: technical and financial economic studies) a.2. The approval of projects on a basis of equity which has the following features. a.2.1 The decline in lending rates to the extent that the shareholding is greater (finished developing). Lending Rate, macroeconomic variables, inflation, currency exchange (search the internet formulas to determine bank lending rate) (create formula to calculate the reduction in call deposit rate be improved taking into account other formula I calculate a value within weight range of 1 to 15 (SME) (which allows me to give a value of choice for project selection) (viable projects from 8 to 15) (VAN classic criterion - IRR - IRC - IR etc). Added to another formula that I will be based on the following variables (to study the experts); • INNOVABILIDAD: (expert in marketing and production that will sort the product or service of a project according to the established scale (1 to 15) and possess the same selection criteria as above (from 8 to 15); • DESIGN: (expert in marketing and production that will sort the product or service of a project according to the established scale (1 to 15) and possess the same selection criteria as above (from 8 to 15) • TECHNOLOGY: (expert in technology that will classify the product or service of a project according to the established scale (1 to 15) and possess the same selection criteria as above (from 8 to 15); • FUNCTIONALITY • ERGONOMICS Added to another formula that I will be based on the following variables (to study through a survey in the different social strata.) • INNOVABILIDAD: (to be calculated through a survey that will serve to qualify the product or service of a project according to the established scale (1 to 15) and possess the same selection criteria as above (from 8 to 15) . • DESIGN: (to be calculated through a survey that will be used to classify the product marketing and production expert that will sort the product or service of a project according to the established scale (1 to 15) and possess the same criteria selection as above (from 8 to 15). • TECHNOLOGY: (will be calculated through a survey that will be used to classify the product expert in technology that will classify the product or service of a project according to the established scale (1 to 15) and possess the same selection criteria as above (from 8 to 15). Associated Psychology (sales shop etc.). Product surveys and types of purchases up information. Studies referred to as psychology or psyche of the person influences the moment of choice and purchase of a product EVALUATION AFTER SALES. According to these studies would develop the relationship and credit approval perfectible because not necessarily be a good project must be profitable. Based on: a.3. The business team building monitoring and intervention that will have the possibility, according to contractual agreements with those who come to the company which is financed. That in situations of local or global economic imbalance and problems in production processes of the company. These teams will intervene to implement measures that restore or achieve redress the balance in the processes tending to retrieve statistics in the profits of the company. The model also includes experts in the design of both production processes and inventory system designs which would enable rapid mobilization, allocation of sales, transportation and delivery, based on production systems, considering just in time systems and others. Marketing Strategies for Financial Service Perfectible. Perfectible Lending Rate Collection: The concept of this rate on capital gains financed. The rate is fixed taking into account many macroeconomic variables and average rates of the local banking sector also tends to be fixed according to marketing strategies that seek to attract new customers, according to the objectives of bank capital. The lending rate is perfectible forms as follows, the surplus in the bank, which in turn shall be divided and divided and assigned to new customers, (Plus Net Banking = Bank Lending Rate Lending Rate Perfectible Local + + Dividend Yield Participation in Actions) and in turn this interest income will allow the bank to locate in a more optimal (client) to the allocation of investment projects or this with the use of marketing and marketing borrow to carry out your project . The customer will increase its capital and in subsequent periods inserted into new cycles of investment and creation of investment projects. The concept of this rate on capital gains financed. In financial service strategies perfected variations in lending rates will vary with negative trend taking into account the following factors or variables of the project and the local economy, so we have the following: Classical criteria for the classification of projects, that are based on the development of investment projects consist of three phases: market research, technical study, economic study. Perfectible criteria for classifying investment projects: innovation or innovativeness of the project (product or service), ANALYSIS OF GOODS AND SERVICES (TECH-DESIGN-ERGONOMICS) in the local area (GROUP DETECTION PRODUCTS) that analyzes market all products local and global products that have greater demand with limited supply in the case of established products on the market and new product whose technical characteristics are relevant to the TEAM ANALYSIS BASED ON NEW PRODUCTS VARIABLES DESCRIBED and services to be inserted into the local market. Perfectible Banking Concept: Based on the establishment of the association looking through shareholdings in the maximization of utility, this utility previously commented, it would split, will be used to be distributed in several ways: a. Retained earnings: by paying common and preferred stock used the normal accounting procedure. b. Fractionation of Surplus-Perfectible: having a surplus and this will split so that these fractions after being canceled and paid all the debts of the company and all obligations acquired with shareholders was selected a fraction of this surplus to be distributed between customers PRODUCTS perfectible so that this fraction divided into smaller portions can be assigned to different types of customers taking into account the following factors: b.1. If the subject is a client of the bank: according to the period of affiliation to the bank, amount deposited, statistical debit and credit transactions, assessed ending balances in periods (quarterly, semiannual and annual), balance sheet analysis for personal and business methods statistics, which allows you to define the magnitude of interest rate (rate perfectible), which added to the bank deposit rate (ordinary income + surplus-Perfectible). Rate-perfectible. The basic idea is to bring economic development of the client, developing over the traditional banking system, can give the software having a window to group those customers to achieve optimal capital to be invested through equipment and Analysis of clients assigned to them the possibility of creating projects, with services (Outsourcing) project creation, associated members and / or funded by the bank itself. This idea is truly innovative, in that it creates an infinite loop in which these clients will have a statistically higher capital growth (Normal + Utility Surplus-Perfectible), which normally would with traditional banking. This growth will provide a capital increase plus a surplus in the bank, which in turn shall be divided and divided and assigned to new customers, (Plus Utility Customer = Local + Savings Rate Bank Savings Rate Perfectible) and turn the gain interest will allow the bank to locate in an optimal category (client) to the allocation of investment projects or this with the use of marketing and marketing borrow to carry out your project. The customer will increase its capital and in subsequent periods inserted into new cycles of investment and creation of investment projects. The result for the bank, which will increase their capital to that of local banks (ordinary income + surplus-Perfectible), allowing you to create new structures and improve their systems, so that it can meet its economic goals. And expand their investment projects to generate profits for the banking company, its customers and society (creating multiple projects, investment and non-profit, donations, sustainable development of the region to which it belongs). b.2. New Customer: depend on the amounts deposited or aperturados and statistical analysis of accounts held by other banks and analysis of personal and business balance sheets, allowing you to determine statistical projections of cash movements. With the determination of these statistics can define the magnitude of interest rate (rate perfectible), which the bank will add to the interest rate liability (normal + Utility Surplus - Perfectible). + Surplus-Perfectible: Sum between the statistically calculated value, taking into account the normal accounting profit by adding excess earnings from the equity. Surplus-Perfectible fraction (Striped) fractionation of the surplus, having done the planning for budgets in the best time for her company, having made reservations for special situations in terms of casualty accidents and other items of similar characteristics, having made reserve calculation and planning for the stabilization fund bank business, the surplus will be split so that a number of these fractions calculated based on future investment prospects Plus-Net-Banking: The profit percentage is calculated but exposure of this information we prefer not to record it as evidence in this case. Plus-utility-customer: The concept is the assignment of a Passive Interest Rate Savings Rate Perfectible more Local Banking, giving it a Plus-utility-customer to a financial instrument or product that would normally have a lower interest payment, seeking that the customer who decides to entrust their capital to the bank to achieve a much deeper economic development in financial instruments (banking products), other companies. Once the client receives this income plus purchasing power of savings and investment grow so that the design of new marketing strategies and investment advice can be achieved using this client believes the information and advice from a project financed with bank perfectible financing services which the bank created to further increase the surplus and a gain for the client with expert intervention of the bank that will give this a much higher economic growth, social welfare based on economic dynamism and sustainable development. Corporate Stabilization Fund: The conception of estadales accounts explaining the stock funds that are used in situations where for reasons of liquidity crisis rather than economic or management problems, it is necessary to cover any expenses in these periods . For the design of the proposed banking Perfectible the same criteria, but the reasoning arises from the inability of the state to keep costs, companies, institutions, grants, financing costs associated with organizational activities and state. These can arise from economic recurrence occurs in periods of at least 50 years. The idea is characterized by the company in terms of use may have the ability to create accounts that have characteristics that enable the economic sectors in extended periods, remain without incomes. In cycles when events leading to chain to economic fluctuations been significant stabilization accounts perímete the state to operate from the economic point of view. For companies this capital may allow the company to operate but on special occasions weight takes away funding from the state on the allocation of liquidity to the reactivation of the economy. One feature that is designed to create these accounts business stabilization is to make the whole enterprise may be able to maintain its economic process and in addition prevents the state from having to transfer capital to making investment activities to be dedicated to keeping the system running will be redirected to activities that allow the recovery of the economy. Finance Company to the State: as explained above, does not lead to a re view of what would be the accounts of economic stabilization and as the state funds periods of economic crisis, this concept is presented, the operation of the allows the capital account can be sent more efficiently to productive economic processes whose characteristics have different types of treatment for the allocation of resources. By creating business accounts liquidity stabilization would normally assigned by the state, this theory would not be necessary as the capital of stabilization would be created in the company, for distribution to economic processes. There is a conception that from the standpoint of economic philosophy allows us to explain that funding for capital, the company would address the state even when the flow of capital does not go directly to accounting State concerned. The explanation about how the state during periods of breakdown of the economy, you have to keep internal processes, addresses the need for this type of account that makes the state to keep citizens on terms acceptable from the point of view their needs. Banking Software Perfectible structure. Software: Concept perfectible is based on the development of systems based on software modifications that will: Preferential Pricing Suggested Definition: To exchange between the business partners. When Project Appraiser Fix Lending Rate: That will decrease in proportion to the projection of the feasibility and project risk and the characteristics and variables mentioned above. The graphical interface can observe the lending rate to charge the customer (Local Bank Lending Rate Lending Rate + Perfectible). Connect the Bank of Databases Funded Enterprises Set: For the bank, which will be used to calculate and observe, indicators, statistics and warnings in times of economic distortions or production processes of companies. Observe and Calculate: The Client Utility Plus, the Savings Rate Local Banking, Savings Rate Projections Perfectible and Interest Income Statistics, based on the local deposit rate and the Savings Rate Perfectible. Share Ownership: calculate the ideal number of shares owned by the bank so that the share of profits, develop later. Calculate the Number of Companies: What can be financed, taking into account the Utility Plus customer. Graphical interface: Used by the advisory teams, Exa-Groups (Groups), center of economic analysis for project appraisal, planning, monitoring and control of corporate clients and associates to the bank. Graphics Interface: It allows the center of economic analysis, based on information generated by the state, macroeconomics and information direct from companies in information generated by all companies, detect macroeconomic and microeconomic distortions. (Insider). Graphical Interface for Global Expansion. Local Fault Detection: Economic, political, social, unemployment, security, and social conflict-war, continental and global economic distortions and negative externalities are not considered. Business Exchange: Calculations of projected prices suggested, Subdividing Business: In such a way that they can be observed as a whole, statistics, accounting data (income - costs - Debt - etc.). Business Networks: Definition of system variables business network, (Raw Materials - Supplies - Products - Goods - Services - Production Volumes - Grade Product Manufacturing - Production Surplus - Reductions - Consumption of Utilities (Approval of the Company ) - Geographical Areas - Transportation Systems Management (Approval Company) and Public - Industrial Waste - Variables Estate - Person - HR (Human Capital) training, HR (Database) (Approval of the Company) - Organizational Systems (Approval of Company) - Software - Production System (Approval of the Company). Calculation of the Effects of Individual Enterprises and Sectors: On the local economy, the expansion phase calculation of effects on the global economy. (GDP - Social Index - Labor - Poverty - Security). Index CINERGIA improved. Calculating the Impact of Macroeconomic Adjustment: On individual companies by sector and globally. Calculating the Impact of Different Countries Macroeconomic Adjustments: On individual companies by sector and globally in crisis situations. Manufacturing Product Rating: That show in its graphical interface, the different possibilities of trade in various degrees of manufacturing, with the intention of detecting surplus time that perishable goods may be damaged, allowing the possibility of marketing products Semi - Manufactured in various degrees of manufacturing, with gains given preferential production time, local prices, production system failures, local economic distortions continental and global structural failure of the local economy overall regional, variations in demand and supply allocations to enable products or commodities in different degrees of development in specific times. In situations of Productive System Failures: Those companies that have a limited capacity (for failure) or in one or more of its production lines there full or partial capacity, this production may be assigned or traded between companies customers Business (Banking perfectible). The allocation of goods between member companies can in periods in which the dynamics in the production and sales dynamics, influence on the income of the organization. The methodology for product allocation in terms of profits should generate enough revenue to cover fixed costs to the overhead of the company maintaining an income to help the same conditions in terms of failures of their production systems. Trade Property: graphical interface that shows which companies are in sales, solvency conditions of debt, debt with the company, fixed assets, automatic valuation of the company, selling price, market, possible preferential sale price and residual value. Technical specifications of land, buildings, warehouses, factories, local registration data, etc. Through Interface Definition Graphics: calcification of standardization and quality levels. WEB resources. Stabilization Fund and Compensation-Corporate Banking-Perfectible: The show interface, compensation funds of each company, compensation funds at sectoral and global hedge funds. These projects have been exposed to teachers from the University of Carabobo and acquaintances. But the model is explained in full. Banking System Project Perfectible. I was developing this project two years ago, but every time I tried to develop it, most agencies were torturing me, burning my brain and I said he could not do and had to regalárselos. Some characters were saying that these ideas had occurred to them in a dream, but the strange thing is that being very good ideas and seem to be quite viable, not found in any country. With oil drilling project wells terminal step exactly the same. And the last was a very long time and I had not much that this system was well and as I never had a degree in physics or astrophysics, I never worry about the matter. Perfectible It is based on the concept that any system is imperfect or that any system, all models are imperfect. Taking into account this concept perfected, we can develop systems based on their nature and continuous analysis of successes and failures tend to have feedback or are nourished by the interaction of variables provoking a resultant tends to be better or tends to improve in Based on the experiences and events of the past events or situations. Perfectible Banking Model Taking into account the concept described above can conceive of a banking model which takes the basics of banking and includes some innovative features that allow you to create systems or build systems that tend to feed back statistical economic processes (macro and micro) for the interaction of many variables, eg political, social, cultural and religious. This feedback is based on improving existing systems seeking to improve and overcome the mistakes that happen in legacy systems, for example, in traditional banking in the regional economy and the state as such. The bank proposes an integrated structure be improved by several points which are precisely those that give the characteristic that allows them to present a perfected system and also has other features that enable somehow through software to constantly monitor variables involved in the system and elements involved in the system, where the banking system intervention occurs when there perfectible distortions that somehow interferes with the normal process of the economy. Classification of business sectors to fund The banking system is perfectible designed to serve traditional business sectors: Small business: in which changes in interest rates could trigger vary inversely according to the projections of profitability in the company. The decline criterion of the deposit rate should tend to be higher according to whether the performance guarantees of loan repayment will give the bank a lower risk assessment. Medium enterprise: in which changes in interest rates could trigger vary inversely according to the projections of profitability in the company. The decline criterion of the deposit rate should tend to be higher according to whether the performance guarantees of loan repayment will give the bank a lower risk assessment. 4. Small Business: 5. Medium enterprises. 6. Great company. Model of financial products and services perfectible The financial service perfectible model consists of a set of investment criteria with distinct characteristics of what would be the classic investment criteria or standard of private banking today. Thus we have the following financial criteria. A. - Products perfectible: Based on financial products with characteristics of financial products the classic banking, but with the following additional features: Since the perfectible system allows maximization of economic resources. Said excess or surplus, obtained in the economic process should split so that one part of the fraction serves to calculate a percentage of interest plus the normal percentage of interest passive rate obtained by the methods normally used by the classic bank. Allow to increase the profit margin of each of the products. The products normally used in traditional banking are current savings accounts, credit number, fixed-term deposits (short, medium and long term), etc.. Internet search product names or types of accounts savings accounts and other banking products. A summary of these products is the fraction of interest perfected to increase or decrease according to the profit margins of the company (bank) and also may tend to vary according to the criteria for revenue generation (in utilities) of each one of the individuals who invest in financial products, these criteria depend on: If the subject is a client of the bank: according to the period of membership in the bank, which will allow me to define the fraction of the interest rate which the bank will add to the interest rate liabilities. For new customers: depend on the amounts deposited and the statistical analysis of accounts of other banks and personal and business balance sheets, which will after several exhaustive analysis to determine statistical projections so. With the determination of these statistics can define the magnitude of interest rate which the bank will add the interest rate liabilities. Time deposits business. Third parties: not affiliated with access to other exchange houses.
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