Approximately every 11 years the Sun begins a new solar maximum. At this time the Sun's light energies reach a new peak and many sunspots become visible upon the surface of the Sun. The 24th Solar maximum is believed to begin in the year 2011 or 2012.

For thousands of years mankind has been energized by these 11 year cycles of the Sun. Great wars and revolutions are begun and ended by this solar cosmic drumbeat. Now this cosmic cycle of energy must become widely known to end our ignorance of wars and revolutions. Governments must beware the solar maximums of our Sun. It is a time of great energy for good or evil which can cause wars, revolutions, and riots of great masses of peoples.

Governments who try to remain in power over strong opposition will often have to kill and maim their own brothers and neighbors to remain in power. Police and armies will be turned upon the people and great riots and massacres of men will occur.

To remain in power through the force of arms and your own will is not necessary. For the people must learn that power is difficult to use power wisely and a new group of power seekers must rule to learn these new lessons of life. It is always the way of life that those that are ignorant must be given the chance to learn these new experiences. So the way of power is to someday step aside graciously and offer your wisdom and knowledge to those that are new to it. If this last lesson of power is not learned then great harm may come to the people because of it.

The solar maximums are a time of renewal and change but are a time of great peril. It is now that the greatest good or evil for man can come about. There is only one cure for this time of energy and conflict. It is daily meditation and contemplation. Only wisdom and understanding can harness the energy of the Sun and this energy of mankind.

Most all men today are ignorant of life and God. Most all men are lost to their own illusions of life. And most all men have no knowledge of how they can achieve their goals, of love, understanding, and great spiritual wisdom. Because of this most men suffer their entire life in ignorance.

Maya or illusion is without in the world of sight and sounds. All of the worldly achievements that tempt men from God are outside of man. Truth, love, and wisdom are within. Only by going within can men know true knowledge and wisdom yet it is the last place most men will look for it.

Daily meditation and contemplation can lead men to good and God. No other experience or practice of mankind can do this. Yet how many men do you know that do this daily-- seek God and wisdom within. Without daily wisdom men do many evil things unknowingly and unintentionally. But the harm is done just the same. Without daily meditation and contemplation men have no spiritual strength to do the right thing instead of the easiest thing and so evil is done to men.

Wars, revolutions, and riots are the lack of wisdom to channel individual energy and hopes to good deeds and accomplishments. Each man must be responsible for their own wisdom and actions. Each man must seek knowledge and wisdom within every day to know good and know God.

Free will is not free. God gives us free will but he does not give the wisdom to use it well. Man must return to God daily to know wisdom lest he use free will poorly and for evil. Free will must be used wisely or we do great harm to ourselves and others.


All of my 90 plus articles on the web are free to repost without permission anywhere.--J.E. Ante

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