Really not a whole lot to say I had a surgery in April 2015 and well changes were made at work, a co worker admits to me he knows how to hack computers next thing you know cell phone, computer, and ipad were hacked that went on a while , I notice that my home was being broken into and next thing I know another co worker admits he knows how to pick locks , I had feelings at work and when using my ipad that I was under some sort of hypnosis, spell, or some sort of subliminal messaging
Went to a job agency I got the impression the lady could read minds went on youtube bam found out all about gang stalkling, remote neural monitoring, brain implants etc then the voice to skull well wow you wouldn't believe these people or maybe you would
so my whole thing is anyone have any ideas on how to destroy brain implants I've tried a few things no success yet though and I have some ideas though I would like some feedback on whats work and not worked
Like I said before I believe the implant is in my brain the doctor put went through my nose or my throat so lets hear some thoughts