If they don't commit systematic torture, terror, attempted murder, why are they madly hacking
UN , Human Rights Community, International Criminal Court?
UN Human Rights
UN Human Rights Council
International Bar Association
International Criminal Court
Canadian Government
International Criminal Court and Coliation for The International Criminal Court inveted us, torture victims , everyone in our world to "fight for global justice" and " global justice for atrocities"
UN Human Rights has everything (evidence) I have provided, including email letters from Mr Attorney General of Canada and Ontario Ombudsmen.
Toronto Police, The Scarborough Hospital, Canadian torturers backed by Ontario Government, who are living as my neighbors, and who are gathering around my workplace, keep attacking my head, attacking my heart, attacking my hearing with Rays Gun, Heart
Attack Gun, EMF Weapon, Microwave Weapon, Jammers...which are classified as weapons of mass destruction by UN; which are classified as weapons of incapacitating targets by UN.
Meanwhile, Toronto Police, The Scarborough Hospital, Canadian torturers backed by Ontario Government, regardless of international law and International order, are hacking everything I am using , hacking UN, Human Rights Community, International Criminal Court.
Everything they hack are : Youtube Canada, Facebook Canada, Google Canada, Twitter Canada, Emails...
If they don't commit systematic torture, terror, attempted murder, why are they madly hacking
UN, Human Rights Community, International Criminal Court?
What can we do? How can we deal with their brutalities and atrocities ?
Robin Yan
Canadian victim of torture