What do you mean by torture?

Lots and lots of targets talk about torture, but I don't think all of us define it the same way. Torture, for me, is the use of direct energy weapons that inflict a layer of energy over the head and deep, total pain that is electronic. It is crippling pain. Some people say, "They tortured me endlessly," when really they mean, it was voices, something they tend to call V2K. To me, this is not torture. This is a product of our minds that befuddles us and causes us grief. I'm not sure if there is a universal way of expressing what we experience, since I know, Scott, that you and I both get the laser induced plasma, which many times feels like torture, but its not nearly as bad as direct energy weapons that inflict the kind of pain that is so astronomical by comparison. I Have Been Tortured. Many people have. And I think we should only talk about the "real" stuff, and not the other.

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  • Scott, there are many types of abuse, I do agree with you there, but for us as targets, many people throw around the word torture which causes it to lose its audacity. People who hear voices, are going through harassment that are manifestations in their own minds, harassment is not torture. When I tell people I have been tortured electronically, many other targets can relate to what I'm talking about because they have felt it too, in a majority of situations torture is physical infliction of pain and suffering. I just wish that a lot of targets would use words like harassment, or abuse, or attacks, instead of the word, torture, because, for me, there is only one form or torture while you are a target, its direct energy weapon electronic torture.

    Scott, I'm glad to hear you have your own place hopefully safer with more privacy and I hope you won't be driven from there because of the perps. I have worried for your health and safety. I appreciate you being concerned about me too. I have head pain today, just a bad headache that won't go away with pain killers. The gas-like plasma is not as bad, and I'm enjoying long periods (3 or 4 days) of no pain, smells, or plasma. This allows me some comfort to relax and enjoy some things and to raise my kids.
  • The measure of torture is the suffering it causes. Have you ever heard of the Chinese water torture?

    International law makes no distinction between mental and physical torture: both are condemned. I spoke several times on the phone with the late Carol Sterling. She was experiencing the same V2K and thought-reading torture as I have experienced since 1987. She committed suicide.

    Sheri, you have a poetic soul. Can you imagine how it feels to be subjected to the obnoxious virtual presence of degenerate psychopaths who threaten almost daily to "finish you off?" Can you imagine the anguish of fearing constantly that those you love, even members of the opposite sex to whom you are attracted, may be subjected to cruel and degrading treatment? Can you imagine that the worst people in the world know your every thought, intention, or inclination before anyone else does? Can you imagine the lengths to which these satanic monsters will venture in trying to turn others against you, in thwarting your every attempt to bring them to justice? Can you imagine the despair of knowing that half the world covers up their crimes and the other half doesn't give a damn?

    Also, don't imagine that EM assault is the only thing they do. I have also been subjected to assault with ionizing radiation that depresses my immune system, as well as repeated poisoning with microbes. There is no way to measure the suffering and debilitation these unacknowledged and unremedied crimes have inflicted upon me these 23 years. The monsters have damn near stolen my life. Because they have reduced me to poverty, my liberty is radically limited. Aside from music, food, and superficial social contacts, pursuit of happiness is mostly a dream I can hardly manage to resurrect.

    I submit that we who experience primarily V2K and thought-reading are the most anathematized and disenfranchised TIs of all. We are not taken seriously even by other afflicted persons.
  • You are talking to someone who has mental illness, James, believe me, I've been tormented too with not only voices but false thoughts, accusations, paranoia, delusions, so of course I can sympathize with others who mention V2K, and I certainly agree that there are terrible treatments of persons that would constitute torture, I'm only trying to understand the language we use and/or misuse in describing our travails.
  • SheriGrutz said:
    You are talking to someone who has mental illness, James, believe me, I've been tormented too with not only voices but false thoughts, accusations, paranoia, delusions, so of course I can sympathize with others who mention V2K, and I certainly agree that there are terrible treatments of persons that would constitute torture, I'm only trying to understand the language we use and/or misuse in describing our travails.

    St. Thomas Aquinas wrote "Veritas est adaequatio rei et intellectus" (Truth is the adequation of reality and the mind). If what the mind perceives is really happening, there is no delusion. Reality is the measure.

    Mental illness is mental illness. Reality is reality. A person's experience may be the result of one, the other, or both. Early on, I called these perps "insanity squads." Their purpose is to commit the perfect crime, forcing the victim to discredit him-or-herself. If they can't make you crazy, they simply pretend that you are. They are the ultimate advantage-takers, the ultimate molesters.

    I am sane, and my observations are as accurate as those of any other sane person. I have no mental illness, and have had none in the past, except for the profound depression that drove me to attempt suicide after three European countries treated me like garbage. For the record, as I state in my Facebook profile, every event I have reported on the Web, every experience I relate, is true, to the best of my knowledge and judgment. To those who might doubt my sanity, I must say that truth will prevail, even if I am no longer around when the facts come to light.
  • hello, i am about to tell u the recent torture i have experienced physically injured while sleeping.. i woke to chunks of flesh and blood coming out of my vagina and just having had my period this is not from that. my vaginal tract raw and painful ii move in pain from my rectal area also.. a foriegn object has been inserted in while sleeping .. diarrhea pouring out for three to four days afterwards what would u call this??
  • I have been seing it in two simple ways. There are dark forces and good forces at work.Unfortunately, an individual is powerless to all of the weapons that cause us pain . Darkness seems to prevail.
    Mankind is at war with his own intellect. That is what makes most of us a target to begin with.
    Whether you were molested as a child by a preacher, a relative etc...or whether you have been a sex slave...or even addicted to drugs and sex, you ca n survive this and live a normal lot in life if you strive to not let what you dont know bother you. We tend to torture our minds ourselves. Take your time to understand everything and be careful in how you anylize the weapons and the use of these weapons and how you see the mounting force that will prevail with these machines.
    . You may have been the target of 'Set'-an evil cult that is millions in membership world wide. These are the most likely culprits that have MILITARY CLEARANCE...Michael Aquino-Mind War-Hub 4 is an example,we all have our faults that were coherced. The weapons..are technology that is simply being tested as a weapon and Dialogue or Doctrine is the purpose of such tests. BUT WHO THE FUCK IS BEHIND IT ALL?. Some of us have been monitored even in the peak of an orgasm...the good uses of technologies are suppressed while the darkside is induced. The truth is that maybe each of us is something better than we think we are. Maybe..if we survive and get together...we can overcome mankinds mistakes and make those who use these weapons approachable. They should all be prosecuted..
    I do believe that many people have died because of these weapons. Killing a person slowly is a crime of torture. PERIOD!
    Remember the crack epidemic? that was a process of torture. Look at the long term effects of the health of the victims. We all know thw CIA is guilty. We also know that many people have died and many are dying in the name of National Security. Does a cult have the right to commit crimes and get away with it? YES...just look how America is run. We should all be ashamed that we let it happen. We elect our leaders. They need to hold criminals accountable for what they are doing in the guise of natinal security. Otherwise...the misuse of such weapons may one day backfire and cause the downfall of the world as we know it starting right here in America. What happens when it becomes a third world itself? Then rape and torture will become the norm.
    So look at it this way...we know what is being done to us or has been done,We know in our heaqrts that the use of the weapons are wrong.
    We must find a way to understand how we let this happen. We were weak. We were individually singled out. We must turn that around on them, approach the cause, and fire back. We must single them out. Collectively in one mind we can end all of the abuse that mankind endures, including torture of all types.We must use the given technology to end the destruction of mankind before it is too late.We must stand strong and focus on the beauty that is before our eyes. Even if you are standing near the grave.Time is short!

    My greatest fear would be that I am using these weapons on me from the near future. Who really knows who is behind it all!

    Im ok with it.

    God is a witness to that.
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