People are so set in their ways that they will deny the very reality before their eyes. I have spent years having political discourse with my friends, family, etc, some of whom have IQ's well above the average, some even above 130. Despite this, it seems the only ones that are willing to open their minds to some of the insane shit happening in our world are the dumbest among them. I mean no offense by saying that, and its not that they are gullible by any means. But to me, it seams that those I discuss these things with that are high IQ, did well in school, are well read, etc etc, its those people who remain adamant that I'm wrong when I say something so simple as "Isn't covid a little fishy? Aren't these global lockdowns and vaccine mandates a bit too far?"
2020 was really the breaking point for my willingness to discuss anything of the type with my closest friends. I do have friends who will say "the government is corrupt, the election was stolen" and even the smartest ones will agree the government is corrupt, but if you suggest to them that such a corrupt government would have no problem pushing a vaccine that isn't properly tested, whether out of malice or stupidity, and could hurt people, suddenly you're back to being a conspiracy theorist. They AGREE THE GOVT IS CORRUPT. But to connect the dots is conspiracy territory. I don't get it anymore. In 2020 with the HUNDREDS of riots that happened in American cities, I had friends telling me Antifa doesn't exist. That BLM is being gaslighted. That really its the cops causing all the mayhem. There are thousands of hours of footage of BLM destroying property, hurting and killing people. Antifags flying their flags while starting fires. But somehow none of it is real.
This all has grimly reminded me of the book Gulag Archipelago. Soviet citizens cowered in their apartments while their neighbors received the knock and were dragged off to the gulag every single night, and would deny it was even happening.
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