I want to notify all of you of my problem with some associations and websites that are so-called defenders pro-TI and that would actually turn out to be traps for new coming to lights TI and just another form of NSA and CIA subsidiaries to control more on us all !
I am very furious about what's going on behind all this story, but I will find the truth !
Here my last email sent to all of them, and I want that all of you be witnesses of what will happen next :
Why my emails sent 2 months ago to c#####@gmail.com and to Derrick Robinson from freedomfchs.com and to info@freedomfchs.com and to eucach1001@gmail.com and to eu@icaact.org and uk@icaact.org and us@icaact.org they remain all unanswered?
Why is everyone keeping me in silence?
What is this attitude?
I do not understand.
What's happening?
On what criteria are set the answers or the lack of answers?
Should we be more patient?
Or is there any problem?
But which one?
Thank you for your response.
bestofcomputer, TI from France since 1998, and still alone."