The following CIA employees’ exposures of Remote Mind Control and Remote Surgery technologies were not reported in mainstream media.


(a)CIA_Director Leon Panetta said CIA had remote mind control technology a long time ago, CIA could create wind, control weather and create earthquakes when he was talking to pastor Brian from New Zealand, who and whose wife had stayed in the CIA director’s home for one week (around 2010) under the invitation of Penetta’s wife. (This information is easy to verify. Current CIA director may also know the remote surgery and remote mind control technologies. However, the president of United States may not know the technologies. Former President Bill Clinton was one of the victims of remote mind control)


(b) CIA was never really controlled by the government due to the mission of CIA being to achieve goals by illegal methods. It was suspected that the deaths of President Kennedy and President Johnson were all related to CIA. Former CIA officer Mark Philips said (in Jesse Ventura’s TV show) the Church investigation on CIA mind control Project in 1975 had resulted the transferring of the secret technologies (include remote surgery and remote mind control technologies) to private companies under tycoons. Rockefeller foundation and Ford foundation had been used as conduit of CIA fund.


(c)CIA can change data in microchips wirelessly using focused electromagnetic signals. Focused electromagnetic energy can stop the motion of electrons. It can transmit data using available port of microchips. Human's brain is also a bio-mobile phone and human's thinking can be synchronized remotely as the synchronization of a radio or a mobile phone.


(d)Two important hearings organized by US government officials that were not reported in detail by every mainstream media. They are (1) Hearing on CIA Mind Control and EM Radiation on American Children in the 60’s and 70’s, organized by President’s Advisory Committee on 15March, 1995, and (2) Congressional Hearing on Child Protection on 13 March, 2004.


(e)Former CIA software engineer Robert Duncan had mentioned a bit about the killings and tortures in CIA mind control FIRM on the second cover of his book <SOUL CATCHER>,    “To honor those good and brave Americans who have fallen while trying to bring truth, justice, and liberty …. Many of my fiends have been tortured, betrayed and killed by the very government for which we worked and country in whose values we believed. This book is dedicated to one of these fallen heroes, Darin Smith, …”.


(f)There were at least 3 former CIA employees killed in 2011 and 2012.



Evidence and Reasons for not successful report are shown below



Killings are related to Electromagnetic Scissors Remote Surgery technologies being used by CIA mind control FIRM controlled by a tycoon family such as Rockefeller family since 70’s


I did not believe guy and lesbian were made by mind control. If the CIA director did not admit that CIA had mind control technology a long time ago (in 60’s) and CIA can create wind, control weather and create earthquakes himself, I would not believe the Hurricane Katrina, shootings and major earthquakes that killed so many people were really man-made. Most people who did not know how the CIA employees being tortured mentally and physically would not believe today the two most advanced technologies (Remote Surgery and Remote Mind Control) which should be used to help humankind and save lives are being used to kill people on purpose, and the NY911, the Massacre of 918 Americans in Jonestown in 1978 were also CIA made using remote surgery and remote mind control.


Leon Panetta said CIA had remote mind control technology a long time ago, CIA could create wind, control weather and create earthquakes when he was talking to pastor Brian from New Zealand, who and whose wife had stayed in the CIA director’s home for one week (around 2010) under the invitation of Penetta’s wife. Pastor Brian later gave us a talk on CIA mind control and other secret technologies on August 3, 2010.


I’m one of the over 1000 CIA mind control remote experimental targets or called targeted individuals around the world, whose lives are in danger because CIA is using the two secret technologies on us by torturing and killing us remotely. I might be the only victim who knows electronics and have a PhD degree in Engineering. Most victims are of education not related to electricity or electromagnetic signals. Many of them were misled by fake information on the internet. They didn’t know CIA can change data in microchips wirelessly using focused electromagnetic signals. Focused electromagnetic energy can stop the motion of electrons. It can transmit data using available port of microchips. Human's brain is also a bio-mobile phone and human's thinking can be synchronized remotely as the synchronization of a radio or a mobile phone. Remote brain surgery using electromagnetic scissors already turned countless number of ordinary people into human robots. However, many people including most physicists only know optical scissors that were used in bioengineering, they do not know electromagnetic scissors with frequencies beyond those of visible light also exist. X-ray is also one type of electromagnetic waves. Part of the electromagnetic focusing technology won Nobel Price in Physics in 1997. Remote surgery using focused electromagnetic energy can induce inflammation and different diseases, and they are being used to kill more and more people every day due to the distraction strategy used by CIA to delay the exposure of the two secret technologies probably due to tycoon family control of CIA. CIA can:

(1)Control languages and thinkings and made me say “crippled” in front of a disabled colleague for no reason;

(2) Can disable electronics and change data in microchips of a camera remotely; (3) Do surgery on human, and create cancer, inflammation, and other diseases and turn a normal person into moron; (4) Can make a moron look and talk like a normal person; (5) Can make ordinary people sleep walk and write things when they sleep walk; (6) Can use focused EM energy to create earthquake, wind and control weather.

CIA was never really controlled by the government due to the mission of CIA being to achieve goals by illegal methods. It was suspected that the deaths of President Kennedy and President Johnson were all related to CIA. Former CIA officer Mark Philips said (in Jesse Ventura’s TV show on CIA’s secrets) the Church investigation on CIA mind control Project in 1975 had resulted the transferring of the secret technologies to a private company under tycoons. Rockefeller foundation and Ford foundation had been used as conduit of CIA fund. After 1976, there were no major protests in America as the anti-Vietnam War protest any more. In 1978, around one thousand left-wing Americans in Jonestown were killed due to reasons that many suspected being related to CIA mind control.


In 1984, CBC news reported CIA’s experiments in Canada in 50’s and 60’s. Some Canadian victims suffered permanent brain damages from the experiments. However, it was the Canadian government not CIA or US government compensated the 127 victims $100,000 each person. After the CBC report in 1984, no attempts on mainstream media report of CIA mind control secrets were successful.


Due to no mainstream media report of the details of the testimonies by many CIA employees, including those of Christine deNicola, Claudia Mullen, Brice Taylor, Barbara Hartwell and former LA FBI senior officer Ted Gunderson and Valerie Wolfe since 1995, the secret tortures (such as sleep deprivation, sex abuse, physical torture) and killings of many CIA trainees and employees were not known by the general public, including the president. Many evidence suggests CIA employees are still suffering similar tortures today when they are used to mind control others as what was described in TV series <Doll House>. Using mentally and physically suffered employees to mind control others might be the reason of NY911, in which the World Trade Centre sponsored by Rockefeller family was attacked. NY911 might be a soothing trick for the being tortured CIAs who hated their boss. Due to no mainstream media report massively, people who testified might be killed by using the Remote Surgery and Remote Mind Control technologies. Both Ted Gunderson and Valerie Wolfe died of cancer, which Ted Gunderson believed was due to CIA electromagnetic weapons. There were at least 3 former CIA employees killed in 2011 and 2012:


(1)Dr. Fred Bell (68),died in Sept, 2011. He was one of the scientists involved in CIA MKUltra and Paper Clip projects. He was killed by heart attack, which could be made by CIA electromagnetic signals, on the way to Minnesota to film an interview with Jesse Ventura about CIA secret projects.
(2)Pam Anderson (53) died on Sept 8, 2011. She was a former CIA trainee, an MKUltra project experimental subject. She lost her mind and was killed by shooting herself. It was suspected she was killed by Remote Brain Surgery and Remote Mind Control.
(3)Cindy Goldman died on Feb. 15, 2012. She was a former CIA trainee, a survivor of MKUltra Project. She was killed by a crazy tenant, who was obviously a suspected human robot, created by CIA Remote brain Surgery and Remote Mind Control.

The continued tortures and killings of CIA employees were also reflected in some books. Former CIA software engineer Robert Duncan had mentioned a bit about the killings and tortures in CIA mind control FIRM on the end cover of his book <SOUL CATCHER>,    “To honor those good and brave Americans who have fallen while trying to bring truth, justice, and liberty …. Many of my fiends have been tortured, betrayed and killed by the very government for which we worked and country in whose values we believed. This book is dedicated to one of these fallen heroes, Darin Smith, …”


As electromagnetic scissors remote surgery can turn normal people into less-self-conscious morons and remote mind control can completely control a moron and make a moron look normal, mainstream media massive report on the two secret technologies might be impossible without the help of those who are using them. I was told by a correspondent of NYTimes that some correspondents were sent to mental hospital because of talking about remote mind control.


There were two important hearings organized by US government officials that were not reported in detail by every main steam media. They are (1) Hearing on CIA Mind Control and EM Radiation on American Children in the 60’s and 70’s, organized by President’s Advisory Committee on 15March, 1995, and (2) Congressional Hearing on Child Protection on 13 March, 2004.

In the Hearing organized by President’s Advisory Committee on 15 March, 1995, former CIA trainees Christine deNicola, Claudia Mullen and their psychological helper Valerie Wolfe testified. It was indicated in Christine deNicola’s testimony that in 1966, CIA already can relate brain signals to the images in people’s brain. She was brought to a lab in Kansas City University by her nature father who was one of the CIA employees to do related experiments in 1966 when she was 4 year-old. According to doctor Valerie Wolfe’s testimony, those children who were used as experimental subjects of mind control and electromagnetic radiation experiments were not able to tell people after leaving CIA as they would be sent to mental hospital when they mention about mind control. Claudia Mullen mentioned about many retarded Children being also used in CIA’s experiments. Studies on the effects of electromagnetic radiation on different parts of a human body were mentioned in Christine deNicola’s testimony, although she did not understand the real experimental purpose at that time. It was suspected that CIA can use electromagnetic energy to give people heart attack, cancer and diabetes remotely in the 70’s. CIA MK-Ultra project contents on electromagnetic mind control were deleted from website and only chemical mind control methods were exposed to the public.


In the Congressional Hearing on 13 March, 2004, former FBI senior officer Ted Gunderson mentioned that CIA kidnapped Children on the street. Some kidnapped children were used as sex slaves and body parts in CIA’s ceremonies, which to my understanding are similar to the recruiting ceremonies shown in movies, where gangsters kill someone all together. Ted Gunderson not only helped many kidnapped kids. He also helped some former CIA employees including Brice Taylor and Barbara Hartwell, who participated in CIA mind control in the 80’s and 90’s. Ted Gunderson himself was also targeted by CIA. He called the government controlled by CIA: shadow government. In the videos of interviews with Ted Gunderson, Barbara Hartwell mentioned that her speaking capability can be stopped suddenly by remote mind control. The speaking capability can be stopped when certain part of our brain is interfered by focused electromagnetic energy. The interference can be easier if a biological relay is built in the brain, which can be achieved using electromagnetic scissors.

In the interview, Brice Taylor indicated that she had been used to mind control talented Americans to have homosexual scandals. It was suspected that Brice Taylor’s father had sex with her when she was a child and that Brice Taylor felt she had the tendency of sex abusing her own daughter were all related to CIA remote mind control. However, due to the limitation in knowledge, Brice Taylor and Barbara Hartwell could not understand the real mechanisms of the technologies they experienced. It was suspected the following events are related to CIA remote surgery and remote mind control.

(1)   Hurricane Katrina in (2005). Former CIA trainees who testified against mind control experiments Christina deNicola, Claudia Mullen and Valerie Wolfe were all from New Orleans. People who knew them disappeared after the hurricane disaster. 

(2)   SARS pandemic (2003) killed over 600 people and disabled many in Hong Kong, mainland China. However, the virus disappeared suddenly when it reached America. It was suspected the SARS virus was a bio-weapon made by US military company. Unlike Canada, no one was killed in US.

(3)   NY911 (2001). Results of many analyses suggested the aircraft fuel was not powerful enough to melt down the WTC. CIA focused electromagnetic energy technology might had been applied as what happened in many other occasions, such as earthquakes.

(4)   Oklahoma city explosion (1995), mind control brain damaged human robots to create terrorists might be for justifying the necessity of CIA’s existence and asking money from US government after the collapse of USSR.

(5)   The deaths of 3 presidents of Soviet Union within 4 years (1982-1985) and the collapse and separation of Soviet Union (1985-1991)

(6)   In 1986, Chernobyl nuclear plant accident due to over heating, which could be induced by focused electromagnetic energy and mind control. 

(7)   Jonestown Massacre in 1978. Around 918 Americans committed suicide and many of them bizarrely left wills of giving money to Soviet Union.

(8)   The deaths of the 3 toppest China’s leaders in 1976 and the War between China and Vietnam in 1979 immediately after Deng Xiaoping’s first visit to United States, 3 years after US soldiers’ withdrawal.

(9)   In 1968, students of Tsinghua University shot each other using machine gun on campus. Many China’s leaders were tortured and killed by crazy youngsters between 1968-1976.

The non-lethal weapons were used to kill people on purpose. What could make that happen if there was nothing extremely abnormal? Tycoon family control of CIA since 1976 might be the reason that many victims inside and outside CIA were killed secretly and exposures of the two secret technologies after the cold war were not successful. Please tell the whole world to remember the victims outside and inside CIA mind control FIRM for 30 years, in case the two secret technologies can not be exposed immediately. Please help us to do 3 things, when the CIA electromagnetic remote surgery and remote mind control secrets are exposed:

[1] Ask for doing the same surgeries on those who enabled electromagnetic remote surgeries on innocent people, especially on those who made decisions. Death penalty is not necessary anymore. Without enough punishment, remote surgery abuses could not possibly be prohibited.

[2] Build memorial buildings in every country to memorize the heroes killed or disabled due to exposing the CIA secrets. Engrave stories of heroes on walls to encourage youngsters to do the right things.

[3] Delete the names of those who did bad things to humankind. Use numbers to replace bad people’s names (e.g. use Evil 123 in the 2nd World War to replace Hitler) to discourage people from doing bad things to leave names in history.

                   Annie (Dr.) One of the CIA remote mind control experimental targets or targeted individuals (TI)



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  • I am going through this now and the CIA is behind it🤔

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