DC magnetic fields are static, like magnets and the earth's magnetic field.
[Shielding: Magnetic: DC] Test comparing low carbon steel, aluminum and iron shielding 3 KHz by Global EMC.
[J] [Shielding: Magnetic] Thick aluminum foil weakens alternating current (AC) magnetic field more than copper foil.
[Shielding: Magnetic] [Shielding: Radiofrequency] [Shielding: Near Field] Cobalt fabric shields near field, magnetic, electric and radio frequency.
[Shielding: Magnetic] Steel fabrics
[Shielding: Magnetic] Nickel foils
[SHIELDING] Diamagnetic metals, like copper and zinc, shield magnetic fields
[SHIELDING] Magnetic Shielding
[Shielding] [Psychic Experiments] Puharich discovered ELF waves produced by Russia's HAARP penetrated his copper faraday cage.
[SHIELDING] Nickle, iron and molybdenum foil shields magnetic fields
Galvanized steel partially shields