Several layers of bamboo charcoal and coconut shell carcoal need to be tested. They are in the shielding: radiofrequency wiki.
[Shielding: Radiofrequency] Eccosorb Microwave Absorber
[Shielding: Radar] Carbonyl iron powder for microwave absorption in EMI shielding and radar applications
Absorbing Electromagnetic Energy while Avoiding the Heat
[Shielding: Radar] Radiation-absorbent material
[Shielding: RF] Metals with high permeability can shield low frequency RF but not medium to high RF such as radar.
[Shielding: Radiofrequency] Carbon urethane foam sheets absorb microwaves and radar but offgas formaldehyde.
See Shielding: water wiki.
Radar Assaults & Faraday Cages By Danny Hunt
Although a Faraday cage is capable of blocking electromagnetic transmissions above the ELF frequencies, psychic transmissions are enhanced, and this is probably due to the clearer signal that results.
Puharich discovered ELF waves produced by Russia's HAARP penetrated his copper faraday cage.
Dr Fred Bell was in MK-ULTRA. He developed pyramid head gear to shield radio frequencies. Do they protect the brain?