Carbon fibers, graphite and charcoal absorb electrical fields and radiofrequency. Carbon black (velostat and linqstat) merely absorb electrics fields and are in the shielding: electrical wiki.
Carbon Fibers
[Shielding: Brain] [Shielding: Radiofrequency: Absorption] Great advice from Tim Rifat to use carbon cooker hood filter pads and wear a carbon bandana around the skull while sleeping.
[Shielding: Brain] [Shielding: Room] Shielding with carbon or charcoal sheeting. 'Mind Control Systems: The Gear You Need' by Tim Rifat (2012)
[Shielding room] Microwave absorbing urethane foam impregnated with a dielectrically matched conductive carbon. Warning: Polyurethane offgasses formaldehyde.
[Shielding: Radiofrequency: Absorbing] [Shielding: Electrical] Graphite
[Shielding: Radiofrequency: Absorption] [Shielding: Home] Make your own graphite paint
[J] [Shielding: Radiofrequency] Extraordinary Synergy in Attenuating Microwave Radiation with Cobalt-Decorated Graphene Oxide and Carbon Nanotubes in Polycarbonate/Poly(styrene-co-acrylonitrile) Blends
Carbon composite laminates
[J] [Shielding: Radiofrequency: Absorption] Carbon Composite Laminates
Carbon Fibers
[J] [Earthing] [Shielding: Bed] Sleeping on conductive carbon fiber mattress pads connected to a dedicated earth ground outside each subject's bedroom window yielded symptomatic improvement.
[J] [Shielding: Radiofrequency: Absorption] Carbonized Fiber Welding Blankets are less expensive than carbon fiber cloth and carbon composite laminates.
[Shielding: Radiofrequency: Absorption] Investigation of the RF Properties of Carbon Fibre Composite Material
[J] [Shielding: Radiofrequency: Absorption] Shielding Effectiveness Density Theory for Carbon Fiber/ Nylon 6,6 Composites
[Shielding: Radiofrequency: Absorption] [Shielding: Radiofrequency: Reflection] Test results of nickel coated carbon fiber mat, nickel foil, nickel coated graphite veil and copper mesh.
[Shielding: Radiofrequency] Carbon Fibers
[J] [Shielding: Radiofrequency] [Brain Zapping: Imaging] Accusorb MRI torso wrap, vest, blanket and curtains RF shield manufactured by MWT Materials Inc.
Helmets to pack carbon fiber cloth in
[Shielding: Brain] [Shielding: Radiofrequency: Absorption] Aviator helmets
Shungite is a rock containing carbon found only in Russia.
Shungite and EMF protection pendants
Paramagnetic resonance of Shungite - A natural nano-structured carbonaceous material
Growing Plants Using Shungite by EnvironmentalRadiation