Cobalt is in the Shielding: Magnetic: Near Field wiki:
Aluminum is in the Shielding: Aluminum wiki:
Nickel is in the Shielding: Nickel wiki:
**Metals miscellaneous**
[Shielding: Water] [Shielding: Radiofrequency: Reflection] Protection/shielding vs Electromagnetic Fields (EMF) by Andreas
Copper: Thick copper but not copper foil reflects radiofrequency
[Shielding: Brain] [Magnetic Field Therapy] Brain Protection Band, Magnetic Field Shield P300,' copper energy traps and copper bracelets by DocStar
[SHIELDING BRAIN] Copper foil lined wool watch cap
[Shielding: microwave auditory effect] [V2K] Things that doesn't seem to work submitted by mongler10. Crosspost from /r/gangstalkingmkultra
[Shielding: Lasers] Copper mesh nipple protection from titillation by laser
[Shielding] A TI evaluated various shielding materials.
[Shielding: Radiofrequency: Reflection] Silver coated copper thread fabric
[Shielding: Radiofrequency] Properties of metals used for RF shielding
[Shielding: Radiofrequency: Reflection] Thick copper required for over 1 kHz. Copper foil tape poorly shields above 1 GHz.
[Shielding: Radiofrequency] Copper and nickel ripstock fabrics shield electric fields and radiofrequency but not magnetic fields.
[Shielding: Radiofrequency] Properties of metals used for RF shielding
High Frequency Shielding
[Shielding: Lasers] Lead apron initially partially shields lasers but torturers increased power rendering the apron ineffective
[SHIELDING] Several layers of lead aprons by Elinor