[Shielding: Room] [Shielding: RF: Carbon] [Shielding: RF: Reflection] [Shielding: Aluminum] Testing various materials for faraday cages: aluminum screen, aluminum foil, microwave absorbing sheet, VeilShield, Bopp 11523 stainless steel mesh, Eccosorb microwave absorbant foam
[Shielding: Room] [Shielding: RF: Ferromagnetic] 28-gauge galvanized steel prefab room shields electrical, DC magnetic fields, AC magnetic fields and RF.
[SHIELDING: HOME] Shielding with water bottles: fresh water vs. sea water vs. pool water attenuation
[SHIELDING: HOME] [SHIELDING: ULTRASOUND] Sea water faraday cage partly shields ultrasound hearing
Joint wiki with /r/targetedenergyweapons
[Shielding: Aluminum] [Shielding: Room] Mike Matloff warned aluminum on walls can cause mold and does not shield as well as cast iron.
Shielding using neodymium magnets on steel roof sheets by James Lico