Who created street theatre
[Illuminati] Subscribers have 2 months to substantiate illuminati theories or I will make them off topic as they are in /r/targetedenergyweapons.
[Illuminati: Street Theatre] 'Covert Government Investigations, using community policing. AKA Gang Stalking' by GmB Bailey (2007)
[Illuminati: Street Theatre] In 2006, a forum poster plagiarized the Gangstalking FAQ. Who is the author? Did the author create street theatre?
[Illuminati: Street Theatre] Street theatre was not reported by former gangstalkers David Lawson and Carl Clark.
[Mobbing] /u/doggonegodti plagiarized gangstalkingismurder who also plagiarized disinformation on street theatre. Who is the author? Street theatre does not exist.
[Mind control: Zersetzung] [Illuminati: Street Theatre] Did Zersetzung have street theatre? If so, what types? Were the types replaced with hacking and electronic torture?
Purported types of Street Theatre
[Illuminati: Street Theatre] Sensitization
[Illuminati: Street Theatre] Gang Stalking Techniques by Gangstalkingworld.com (2008)
[Illuminati: Street Theatre] [Groups: OSINFORMERS] Directed conversation
[Rebuttals] [Street Theatre] Parroting: Skits on the street that includes words and ideas aimed at the TI, using the victims personal information. They will often repeat words the TI has said or was recently thinking.
[Rebuttals] [Mobbing] Street Theatre: Making unusual things happen to delay TIs, eg. bumping into TI, blocking in traffic. Please submit written testimonies.
[Rebuttals] [Mobbing: Street Theatre] Mimicking. Please submit written testimonies on mimicking or link to testimonies on mimicking.
[Illuminati: Street Theatre] Color coding and color sensitization were created by illuminati theorists.
[Archives: 1990s'] [Organized Stalking: Covert Not Overt] [UFO] Part 2: Dr. Rauni-Leena Kilde got color coding from disinformation on the illumanti by Fritz Springmeier & Cisco Wheeler (1996). https://www.reddit.com/r/TargetedEnergyWeapons/comments/58dspk/archives_1990s_organized_stalking_covert_not
[Testimonies] [Organized Stalking: Overt] Where disinformation on color coding came from. OSINFORMERS and stopgangstalking.com parroted Mark Rich's 2006 The Hidden Evil which cited the late Rauni Leena Kilde's 1999 article which did not cite a source for color coding.
[Organized Stalking: Covert not overt] Part 3: Mark Rich discussed illuminati in 'The Hidden Evil.' Mark Rich referred to illuminati as satanists. His imagination created new forms of street theatre that no TI reported prior to 2006.
[Organized Stalking: Covert not Overt] Perps tend to drive black vehicles with dark tinted windows to appear more covert. Perps do not color code.
[Rebuttals] [Perps] Neighborhood watch: Who and what year did someone start accusing neighbor watch of being a perp? Why are TIs parroting this instead of conducting background checks?
[Censorship] [Illuminati: Street Theatre] Gangstalking FAQ hacked! Majority of books under resources removed to circumvent resourcing the source of street theatre.
Delusional lying illuminati theorists brand new accounts /u/hobojake, /u/TargetedThruHiker and /u/informedperson have taken over /r/gangstalking after /u/Tok-A-Mak demodded 3 more mods. This is not a coincidence. Not being a TI, /u/Tok-A-Mak does not realize who also isn't.
[Mobbing: Street Theatre] Prominent bully website does not consider organized stalking and street theatre as components of bullying otherwise known as mobbing and workplace mobbing. "Gang Stalking is not bullying (mobbing) and vice versa" by bullyonline
[Rebuttals] [Mobbing] Can any one find reports of street theatre in mobbing and workplace mobbing websites and forums such as /r/mobbing?
[Rebuttals] [Mobbing] Street Theatre's goal is to convince the TI to react emotionally or violently in planned and staged situations. Please submit testimonials, news articles and police reports of TIs reacting violently to street theatre.
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