It's no surprise that the shills eventually descended on this and closed off their own discussion, effectively censoring any balancing views. Even though their post is in the "Discussions" area. This is because they are unwilling and unable to debate issues like these properly, openly and honestly.
Does anyone really care whether looks like a wikipedia entry? Really? What matters is the information itself, not how it is presented, or who presents it. You'll find very little real, genuine criticism of the information from the shills.
Time and time again the shills focus on how information is presented, and who presents it, rather than the information itself. Why? Because they have no convincing criticism of the information.
Did the shills actually ask the founder of how he arrived at the statistics? I think you'll find not. They just assume that the stats are made up.
Take a look at for yourself and make your own mind up.
You don't need a shill to make it up for you.
In your area in the US, there are still pinball in pubs?
I was strong to play pinball. With a token, I continue to win credits.
Here in Italy were popular in ani 80 and 90. Now they are extinct, there are Only videpokers. The videopokers are a scam, legalized by Gioacchino Campolo. He is in the Mafia of the Calabria.He looks like Boss Hog of Hazard. This is a picture. Gioacchino Campolo alias "The king of videopokers" arrested! (-_-)
I do not play video poker. They are a scam.
Perhaps, we can ask SoleIimavis add applications of card games. (LOL).
Also missing the Cubist (podium dancer or go-go dancer) here in the community (double LOL)
David ofTomorrow said: