Yeah, I SORT of appreciate David Icke. But It Occurred To Me
It was ORWELL who coined the term "doublethink" to the world.
A high profile conspiracy exposer could conceivably be suddenly short on cash if certain key aspects of globalist conspiracies were exposed -- and neutralized. It would be slander for me to say that David Icke was up to that -- lots of celebrities have web presences that they can't moderate -- they leave people in charge - maybe even in the case of Icke people who lack sympathy for their views. I don't know.
It Lots of times they would get guests to come on, people who were breaking their silence on some aspect of conspiracy that they had worked on for years. they would try to confess -- but they were so hesitant, paranoid and guilt-ridden that to explain a simple thing would take a half hour...and ANOTHER half-hour...and another...
as such, Icke and Bell worked well together. Bell was a great interviewer who was FAMOUSLY hazed by racists - he LOVED his Philipino wife and yet was targeted by lame jerks who went around the web saying crass things about Philipinos and signing Art Bell's name. Typical tactics.
When Icke -- who has done research into psychic phenomena as well as synthetic psychism -- and interviewed people like African shaman Credo Mutwa and MKULTRA survivor Arizona Wilder -- was interviewed -- deep insights from Icke were accompanied by incisive questioning from Bell that kept the late-night interviews moving forward.
OBVIOUSLY the sort of arch conspirators who are employing mind stultifying technology WANT IT TO WORK and DON'T want it tampered with....
ABOUT the Ground Wave Emergency Network -- when you see the words "was" or past tense indicators in the following article clipped from wikipedia in Janurary 2009 --
imagine my voice saying "Yeah, RIGHT!"
When COINTELPRO's existance was leaked to the mass media in the seventies(?)
They said that it, too was over with and cancelled.
Ground Wave Emergency Network is likely THE MAJOR CAUSE of mental "cognitive dissonance" or "Voice to Skull" complaints of the artificial variety. I currently believe that it AMPLIFIES latent psi ability.
I must compile more data to back this theory up.
Ground Wave Emergency Network
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Ground Wave Emergency Network (GWEN) was a command and control communications system intended for use by the United States government to facilitate military communications during a nuclear war. The network was implemented as an array of approximately 300 radio transceivers distributed across the continental USA which operated in the VLF frequency band.
GWEN was part of the Strategic Modernization Program designed to upgrade the nation's strategic communication system, thereby strengthening deterrence. The GWEN communication system, established in the late 1980s, is designed to transmit critical warning and response messages that would be immune to the effects of a high-altitude electromagnetic pulse (EMP). A EMP would typically be generated by a high-altitude nuclear burst.
In the GWEN system, originating stations send ultra high frequency (UHF) signals by broadcast towers for line-of-site receipt at Relay Nodes (RNs). The RNs form an unmanned network throughout the US, with individual RNs at spacings of approximately 150 to 200 miles (320 km). The RNs transmit received messages via low frequency (LF) signals for ultimate receipt by receive-only terminals at existing military communication buildings. By utilizing LF ground transmission the GWEN system minimizes the potential effect of HEMP on military communications.
A typical RN station is located on an unmanned site of approximately eleven acres. A typical site features a longwave transmitting tower (generally between 290 and 299 feet (91 m) tall), a backup diesel generator with a two chambered fuel tank having a capacity of 1,020 gallons, an antenna tuning unit, and a radio processor. This equipment is housed in three shelters. Two of the shelters are located in a fenced area at the perimeter of the property, and the other at the base of the tower. The equipment area and the tower base are surrounded by locked, eight-foot high-chain link fences topped with barbed wire. In addition, each RN has a UHF antenna and an LF receive antenna on a ten-foot mast located in the equipment area. The main GWEN antenna operates intermittently in the LF band at 150 to 175 kilohertz (kHz) (e.g., the bottom of the AM band is 530 kHz). The peak broadcasting power is from 2,000 to 3,000 watts. The UHF antenna operates at 20 watts, between 225 and 400 megahertz (MHz).
Since the fiscal year 1998-1999, the GWEN system has been replaced by Milstar satellite terminals and GWEN Operations and Maintenance funding has been terminated.
My screenname on David Icke's forum was the name i still use as a dj -- cataleptik.
I got banned in a while. I really see it as this: Those who are using this technology to dominate the world politically are the living definition of paranoid schizophrenic and in denial.
they don't wish to admit that they are using it
they are using it to limit and NEGATE any minds that would move to counter their plans
to cause war through contrivance and falsehood -- and of course, they wish to stay in power.
Dick Cheney of Halliburton, Inc. is a very rich man now thanks to investments in the Persian Gulf region, likely when he ceases to be vp of the united states he will be richer than he ever has been in his life. Same as George W. Bush and of course, his father.
I believe that this secret empire of unelected fascist "corpocrats" can be stopped and neutralized by aware direct action. I have to, don't I?
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if the world 'totalitarian' has faded from the public lexicon there are reasons.
the fact of it stares at us every day and from many directions, and it, and not our "desires" is the root cause of all our collective sufferings. A ruling class and those who suck up to it need to enforce slavery and the delusion that slavery is preferable and that freedom is death -- doublethink --
and COINTELPRO and other secret operations must be paid attention to. Failure leaves people asking the same three questions over and over and doing short of nothing "as the bodies drop. Pop, pop, pop," lectured Rage Against the Machine.
RATM were not rebels. they were representatives of smashed peoples, enslaved peoples, buried peoples, people's it had become fakely 'khule' to make fun of,
"Indians" which should make you think about how the American thing got started. To someone like me of mixed ancestry, it is the British Empire I live in, and America is a joke where the royalty play sneaky games of lie and mislead to convince people that they are living free -- while the soldiers who rush off to die protecting that freedom --
GIVE that free will AWAY.
Ayn Rand is dead, and so is Nietzche. God is at LEAST a word in books, and contradictions exist. Denying that they do will create a contradiction right there -- and THAT is the logic of the Elean, Xeno, almost erased by relative Overlords Plato and Aristotle...from whom we perhaps get Plutocracy and Aristocracy.
in the time before monotheism the Gnosis factor meant that the divine source was apprehended within, rather than without. Scripture tells us Christ reaffirmed this ("The kingdom of heaven is within you") --
But also if it has always been, Pluto and Ares, "gods" of war and death, or perhaps deified demons, considering their "gifts" to humanity --
there are forces that rule who seek to be seen not only as equal forces of liberty -- but to rule for the next two thousand years, to pass rule on to those who think like them. some will take direct action of a nature not deeply considered before, rather than the well intentioned but wild and questionable actions of an Emma Goldman. None of my cyberpunk friends are rocking the swastica like a peace sign -- or a lucky charm. To those slaughtered it was not lucky, to those who are led to think their skin color is good for burger flipping and toilet cleaning and wait a cotton picking minute, you let NIGGERS in here?
you can hit that link to see the rest of what i put up there.
i think shortly after that i was banned.
eventually i will go back and look at what i wrote to see what it was that triggered my being banned.
i may have been insulting towards someone who insisted that mind weapons was a fake conspiracy of paranoids.
the whole "no flames" fallacy -- to me it's just another geekspeak way to make people unemotional --
and people go on using the unemotional attitude when they get off line...a few minutes ago i saw a woman talking on a cellphone. she was LOUD and sounded pretty pissed off, but it was so good to see someone using a cellular phone who was NOT behaving like an emotionless android that I laughed.
maybe a good sense of emotion and humour can mean the difference between getting and not getting brain cancers.
the fact of it stares at us every day and from many directions, and it, and not our "desires" is the root cause of all our collective sufferings. A ruling class and those who suck up to it need to enforce slavery and the delusion that slavery is preferable and that freedom is death -- doublethink --
and COINTELPRO and other secret operations must be paid attention to. Failure leaves people asking the same three questions over and over and doing short of nothing "as the bodies drop. Pop, pop, pop," lectured Rage Against the Machine.
RATM were not rebels. they were representatives of smashed peoples, enslaved peoples, buried peoples, people's it had become fakely 'khule' to make fun of,
"Indians" which should make you think about how the American thing got started. To someone like me of mixed ancestry, it is the British Empire I live in, and America is a joke where the royalty play sneaky games of lie and mislead to convince people that they are living free -- while the soldiers who rush off to die protecting that freedom --
GIVE that free will AWAY.
Ayn Rand is dead, and so is Nietzche. God is at LEAST a word in books, and contradictions exist. Denying that they do will create a contradiction right there -- and THAT is the logic of the Elean, Xeno, almost erased by relative Overlords Plato and Aristotle...from whom we perhaps get Plutocracy and Aristocracy.
in the time before monotheism the Gnosis factor meant that the divine source was apprehended within, rather than without. Scripture tells us Christ reaffirmed this ("The kingdom of heaven is within you") --
But also if it has always been, Pluto and Ares, "gods" of war and death, or perhaps deified demons, considering their "gifts" to humanity --
there are forces that rule who seek to be seen not only as equal forces of liberty -- but to rule for the next two thousand years, to pass rule on to those who think like them. some will take direct action of a nature not deeply considered before, rather than the well intentioned but wild and questionable actions of an Emma Goldman. None of my cyberpunk friends are rocking the swastica like a peace sign -- or a lucky charm. To those slaughtered it was not lucky, to those who are led to think their skin color is good for burger flipping and toilet cleaning and wait a cotton picking minute, you let NIGGERS in here?
i think shortly after that i was banned.
eventually i will go back and look at what i wrote to see what it was that triggered my being banned.
i may have been insulting towards someone who insisted that mind weapons was a fake conspiracy of paranoids.
the whole "no flames" fallacy -- to me it's just another geekspeak way to make people unemotional --
and people go on using the unemotional attitude when they get off line...a few minutes ago i saw a woman talking on a cellphone. she was LOUD and sounded pretty pissed off, but it was so good to see someone using a cellular phone who was NOT behaving like an emotionless android that I laughed.
maybe a good sense of emotion and humour can mean the difference between getting and not getting brain cancers.
watch that video, sheri.
it will explain things that i cannot.
i am sort of tired of explaining it.
but let's put it this way.
if you didn't have a stomach illness,
and then you did
in NO WAY would having a stomach illness be a GOOD thing.