How to deal with those who refused to implement UN Resolutions(on torture).
Here are my advices. Please forward this below. Fight for my life;Fight against torture. Thanks.
UN Human Rights
UN Human Rights Council
International Bar Association
Human Rights Watch
Amnesty International
Amnesty International Canada
International Human Rights Community
International Criminal Court
Canadian Governments
We must "deal with" those who ,State parties which refused to implement UN Resolutions(on torture), refused to obey International law and International order.
What shall we do? I believe our people of the world can figure it out.
My advices are as follows:
1) deperive of their international discourse right
2) hinder them from taking part in any international affairs, such as request for international arbitration
3) totally and thoroughly disclose them
4) ...
Regardless of UN, International Human Rights Community, International Criminal Court, Attorney General of Canada, Ontario Ombudsmen......, Toronto Police,Canadian torturers backed by Ontario Government are now hacking UN, International Human Rights Community, International Criminal Court, and everything I am using. I have provided you with the evidence about this.
Meanwhile, Toronto Police,Canadian torturers backed by Ontario Government, who are living as my neighbors; who are gathering around my workplace, are madly torturing me, threatening me, terrorizing me, attemptedly murdering me by every possible means and with all possible Non-Lethal Weapons, which are classified as weapons of mass destruction by U.N.
With them, they madly attack my head, my heart, my hearing . In my workplace, my hearing, my ears function as a switch, on off; off on....They are using speech and listening jammers on me, which are " illegal to operate Jammers in the US "and in Canada.
Witnesses, evidence ( Signal pick-up),and literature regarding Working principle of common jammers, such as speech jammers. Toronto Police,Canadian torturers are using these below :
In my home, they attack my ears with Microwave, causing tinnitus. This tinnitus can disappear at once if I take out one kind of meter. The Navy department told the public how Microwaves can be used as weapons and how it can cause tinnitus.
In my home and my workplace, this headache can disappear at once if I put my hand above my head. The back of my hand will suffer the same symptom.
They are torturing and attemptedly murdering me with EMF, higher than 1500 ut (one thousand and five hundred). ( Please refer to World Health Organizations' literature regarding EMF and see how dangerous it is.)
Recently, RCMP investigated the same case in Cuba.
Recently, Prime minister of Canada, Minister of public safety, new RCMP commissioner express their concerns over "abuse of power".
Fight for my life;Fight against torture. Thanks.
Canadian victim of torture
Robin Yan