So I sat down at the bus stop, 15 minutes to wait. Watched as random people did hand signals. Mainly women in there 40s or 50s so I'm aptly naming their division of stalkers "the concerned moms club".
So that was like 7-8 cars that theaters me there
This petition respectfully and prayerfully requests that the new administration of President Donald J. Trump revisit the continued unauthorized and unconstitutional misuse of such non-consensual brain and body manipulation technology, which unquestio
UN Human Rights
UN Human Rights Council
International Bar Association
Human Rights Watch
Amnesty International
Amnesty International Canada
International human rights community
International criminal court
Canadian governments
I hope you all sta
Carbon fibers, graphite and charcoal absorb electrical fields and radiofrequency. Carbon black (velostat and linqstat) merely absorb electrics fields and are in the shielding: electrical wiki.
I have found many other people that have attempted to make audio recordings of sounds they have attributed to the incoming signal we are bombarded with. I have several video demonstrations of how I made some of my recordings. I will post the mp3 copy
U.S. Government (EMR/V2K) Human Rights Violations -Technological Coercive Arm of the State
My first, fourth, fifth and fourteenth constitutional amendment rights are being violated including physical injury, duress (threats), control and manipulation
Think of a calming white light, filling your mind and body. Begin to remember happy moments. Now stay in a happy moments. Remember what it was like. Let your mind be free of intrusion and outside influences. Let it relax you.
Those who created remote mind control and remote surgery experimental targets secretly are ONLY murders. They can demonstrate to countless number of human-beings focused electromagnetic remote surgery and remote mind control technologies at same time
This world has shown me something
So big I had to stop caring
No one can control it all
At least not if your human
But they try in shame and fear
To corrode our minds like theirs
Somewhere hiding a power so weak
It will never last
The more toxins you have stored degrades and kills the body. It's very beneficial to eat and drink well. I choose things like leafy greens, garlic cloves, ginger root and green tea together. Also kangen water will clean you out and restore your body
While having relations going through v2k these ass wipes have control of my sex drive which I didn't believe was possible but being a T.I. in can now see that they will do anything to mess with you...
Plug ears. Use brain mind to focus visually on internal region. Push, think about sine wave visual bars, control the machine. You are smarter than it is. Use brains, not cries for help, it's a stupid fuckup controlled challenge. But at it's core, it
Here are some questions about the specks, or particles that push out trough the surface of the skin. The specks are black - or grey - and very small, often much smaller than a millimeter. Mostly round, sometimes oblong. They can for example push out
International human rights law consultant confirmed that Toronto police,Canadian torturers supported by Ontario government are hacking and intercepting this link and this vide
>In 1959, Saul B. Sells, a professor of social psychology at a minor US university submitted a proposal to the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) to build for them the most sophisticated electroencephalography machine that would have an integral compu