A federal judge on Tuesday made public the damning video recordings of secretly recorded conversations that undercover FBI agents made during their investigation into Crawford, a card-carrying member of the Ku Klux Klan who planned to silently slaugh
"Therefore shall her plagues come in one day, death, and mourning, and famine; and she shall be utterly burned with fire: for strong is the Lord God who judgeth her."
the AI false spriit of the machine and all her users and followers shall suffer th
I would appreciate that you forward the You Tube video to U.S. District Court Northern District of California Judge Edward Davila. It has been viewed by 3,802,484 persons You Tube: NASA: The End of Mankind "Leaked Document" 2013
i found that visualizing in my eyes and brain the word "human" stopped the attacks i was getting, and theyseem to be bitching quietly they cant get to me, just another thing to try.
If your feeling burning or stinging on the body take some pictures because depending on how often and how many times this happens it will eventually cause a freckle or mole like mark. You will start to notice this happening in the same place quite of
I can verify that the process I am following is working, I get far less abuse than when the voices first started, I'll try and describe the highlights of that process here. Note that all three of these rely on the belief that some, if not most, of th
Know when your local power plant is producing 3x's the energy. Unplug a couple of appliances and get paid for doing so. help a sister Maria get paid - and you too. I get 20 bucks and so do you. You get your own link to
In an article about a Palestinian fugitive (Omar Nayed Zayed) being found dead in the Bulgarian Palestinian Embassy where he has sought refuge, journalist Julian Borger quotes someone as saying: "The last thing he said was there was something strange
Initially I thought there were less people affected by it as no one knows about mind reading they even don't think it is possible let alone all the commentary we receive.
Then i look it on the internet, and then i thought oh there must be millions of
So, my story starts where my perps told me one night in February, that I should read my last will & testament, and that they offer me condolences. I took no notice, however my mother phoned the next day in tears to say my step-dad had a bad attack to
Senator Charles Schumer is calling for a federal investigation by the Federal Trade Commission into Clear Channel's "spying billboards," which access the mobile devices of those in close proximity.
The billboards use device data to determine the ty
Hi I'm new and sad to say I am also a TI. I am hearing them 24/7 and they keep trying to set me up to be some sort of perv or a terrorist! They are crazy and very stupid.. I sent out 10 copy of documents around the world today targeting all the major