Avneet Kaur's Posts (4)

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Interdimensional Question and Space as an Option

Hi there, 

I've read some stuff on here suggesting solutions. 


-be hopeful but also logical. 

-there is no point spending what little money you have on technology to 'shield' you, think about it. 

-they have all the blood money and decades of research to ANTICIPATE what you would use. 

-this cannot be fought scientifically. 

NEXT, there is a lot of evidence from TI's that there is a manipulation of TIME, therefore REMOTE VIEWING or interdimensional travel is being used. 

-this does not have to mean that ALIIENS are involved, automatically.

-it means that the world government/ humans have had enough MONEY to research how to do this. 

-my guess is something to do with TESLA, research it. 

-this also means that your only solution for this is SPIRITUAL. 

-I know that sounds crazy but I am not religious...it just makes sense. as well science is beginning to discover that physics are actually driven by CONSCIOUSNESS. 

-so here you are, a helpless guinea pig in a maze... trying to understand what is happening to you.

-you have been chosen for the very reason that things you do, choices you make, would actually threaten this dark side and have a significant impact, do not be discouraged by 'them'....focus back on your connection to God and belief that this will end. do the best you can to remember goodness, do NOT let them take it away from you, THAT is the point, as unimportant as you may feel, there is a reason for everything and you are not just an average person, read what other ti's have to say and realize they are people who did not sell out, who had big hearts, who believed in TRUE FREEDOM. 

-like the bible says, in the last days, you will not war with flesh but with spiritual powers. 

-that being said, your best weapon is FAITH. develop it. 

-i know that's the last thing you could have in a time like this but it really is your best hope. 

-these people believe they are doing the 'work of God' just like nazis tortured in the name of discovering knowledge to help them. 

-you have to understand that they are just like religious zealots, cults that have no questioning ability, almost like zombies, they think you are a human sacrifice to better humanity. 

-also called 'the great work' or for the greater good. 

-study their belief systems and realize they don't believe anything is evil. they believe in balance and that evil and violence are necessary. 

-the devil has convinced them and you can never outsmart the devil, only refuse to listen and then turn to God. 

-as for escaping to space, I can't say I have the answers but I do know that the technology we have to end this war are already implanted naturally in every human being, choice. 

-you have an inner communication system with higher powers, USE IT. 

-you can consciously decide that you want higher powers to intervene. 

-DO SO. 

-prayers done with a clean heart that will harm no sentient beings are far more powerful than anything done for revenge. 

-do not ask for revenge. ask for this satanic presence that is gaining its power over the masses and has been planning this take over since before kennedy was assassinated, to be removed from earth, forever. 

-ask for all of humanity to be brought back to God.

-ask for intervention from the highest power, LOVE.

-keep praying because it is the strongest energy.

-remember to pray with no attachment or impatience, just know that it is being heard. have faith. 

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Ever hear that reality is actually an illusion? 

Einstein....and a lot of research into quantum physics point this way... the truth is that even if you really don't want to ponder the meaning of universe, life, etc....we're being thrown into a scenario where it would help to get some answers. 

Have you noticed that the more you focus on these events, the more 'power' you give to them. Now I know the last thing we want to hear about is how if we just think more positive, we can change such an ugly reality...but what if? 

What if, we started small. Have you noticed when you focus on something you really like, it at least makes your body happier because you have reduced stress signals, like adrenaline, cortisol....and do your perps WANT you to notice them or ignore them? Of course, they are TRYING to get your attention....and it's hard not to notice but slowly make a change. 

Here are some great articles to give you some food for thought....good luck and God bless all of you. 




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Answers to who and why....

This is a heads up for all the targets wondering what is being used to monitor you. 

Do not look insane by searching for cameras or microphones, this is what they want. 

I found out, unfortunately, that they went so far as to use ocular implants. 

It broke my heart because I never thought the people close to me would do this, but they did. 

You will be in denial because it is so disgusting...it's unreal. The fact is that if you have cars following you and people showing up exactly when you exit or enter your 'home'....if you have maroon/red cars, which belong to their pawns, if you notice that whenever you get somewhere they show up, then realize that they are literally watching you through your eyes. Accept it and get on with it. 

Also, answers to who is doing it. Consider this a theory, if you want but I have so much proof. You will have the proof but the fact of who they are, means that you cannot and should not do anything about it. DO NOT report this stuff. That's what they want. Here's why. 

The police, emergency services, government, medical, legal are all connected behind closed doors, deceptively.

The cult that they join is run by those higher up, that then make sure that only their 'own' are chosen for roles such as police enforcement, emt, judges, etc. 

Sounds like a movie but it's true. And it's getting more ramped up. The fact that they make people look crazy, is how they keep this under wraps. 

You guys should study what these people are about. They are obsessed with numbers. And I mean OBSESSED. If you were born on the wrong date, you're blacklisted. Study their beliefs and understand who they are. 

Masonic beliefs encompass hermeticism, magic, numerology, astrology, the secret, law of attraction, etc. 

I'll explain more later in another post but basically, there is no point trying to get justice out of their corrupt system. Focus on your own powers of free will and manifestation, prayer, and remember that within the universe, there are certain laws they cannot violate. 


This is the big question for most targets but really, there are ways to regain your sanity with this. 

First off, their reasoning is not yours...Stop caring why, it's wasted time since you won't convince them otherwise. 

Secondly, the answer is that someone decided to put you on the 'list'. It could be something major like whistle blowing but then you would know and not be asking why. If you are asking why...it means that one of their lower level pawns, which means someone you personally knew, got an ego trip off ruining your life because you either disagreed with them or they just don't like you. 

You have been chosen as a target because they think it's enjoyable. Sorry to say this but you'll notice the evil smirk and excitement they have when harassing you...think about it and remember. The reason they do this, is you have been portrayed as evil and they think this is a fun game. They watch you like a soap opera, or a reality show. 

The other main reason they have to look like they are enjoying this is because they KNOW that your handlers are also watching them via YOUR EYES...so being as they don't want to be tortured, they cooperate fully and suck up as much as possible in order to protect themselves from the same fate. 

Remember, they have families and pets etc...they do not want to endanger them and they understand the veiled threat of not cooperating....and this is how so many 'gangstalkers' are recruited. They aren't really any street vengeance team, they are just scared humans and unfortunately, they will play along, very few people will stand up. You are one of them, and so you are targeted. 

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Just remember...

There are really no words of advice I can give but I would like to add my two cents....

When you feel down, remember that anything, ANYTHING, you do takes 100 times more strength than someone in a normal situation. This is supposed to be torture, psychologically break you down. 

I noticed that the effect is to paralyze you from even being able to get up, you end up getting constant reminders that life is horrible. 


-ignore it best you can, try to go out for walks and fresh air, even if they are following you everywhere. 

-keep moving, they don't want you to be interested in anything but this sick game...so don't focus on it. 

-watch tv, it helps but don't get stuck just watching too long. it does help you tune out of this reality temporarily. 

-talk to people and be social, mostly strangers, cuz they have poisoned anyone else around you who you will meet more than once, as you know. 

-enjoy some type of exercise, helps destress and detox, BREATHE and try to forget them. 

-cleaning takes your mind off of it, also get your to-do's done!

-LOVE YOURSELF...enjoy wearing make-up or dressing up for no reason at all, be in normal situations where there are people, like malls coffee shops, etc. 

-work on things you can do at home, research medical facts, read books, try cooking or hobbies. 

-study their belief system...i.e. hermeticism, masonic beliefs, thelema so you can better comprehend who they are and what they want. 

-on that topic, after studying their beliefs, you realize they will do anything to achieve their means....never trust them, your compassion will always be used against you. They are usually always lying and playing a game when they try to convince you of anything. like political situations, gossip, job opportunities. 

-unfortunately, you have to always expect the worst...so you can prepare. 

-but also YOUR ULTIMATE CHALLENGE, is to stay positive SOMEHOW while all this is happening. This definitely IS  a spiritual end time attack. You have to use your belief, will power, meditation and most importantly MIND CONTROL, your own weapons, in order to SURVIVE. 

-REMEMBER, no one can really stop you from being happy. DO WHAT MAKES YOU HAPPY whenever you can...try not to notice them creeping around. Would you hate a mosquito or cockroach..well maybe if there were thousands of them....but remember who they are as well. 

-what can help is to KNOW who these people are.

-most of them are lower ranks of a cult...they join this because they get material rewards, job security, and a BIG reason is a lot of them would have absolutely no social life or self esteem without this. 

-it provides a sense of family, a BROTHERHOOD, and another big part, POWER....they are addicted to the EGOIC power trip they get from this....they would rather have you suffer than ever be the kid on the yard bullied, sound familiar? We've all lived thru this but this is the grown up version, way worse!

-MOST IMPORTANTLY...this helps get me through everytime i wanna give up....most importantly, remind yourself, after this life is over...do u want to take the chance that you lived on THEIR side or YOURS???

-you may not have any peace here right now but life is (hopefully for us) short. 

-you wouldn't want to sell your soul although tempting just to have enough money for food and rent and have a normal social life, well yes you would but at the end of the day (your life) , you wouldn't be at peace. 

-get through the day, distract yourself, keep moving, learn study, improve what you can, use your mind to minimize them in your focus and look at what makes you happy. 


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