Bethany's Posts (8)

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>>>>>> FEEDBACK is critical

There is nothing more important that you can do to lessen "some" of your torture than to keep your mouth SHUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Do NOT give feedback one way or another, no matter how much what they are doing hurts.  And, DON'T TALK TO YOUR PERPS for any reason!!!!!!!! 

When you interact in any way, or respond to a particularly painful tactic or device, you are giving your perps feedback.  This feedback is a perp's positive signal that the tactic/device being used is successfully causing you pain.  Since perps' main desire is to see you dead, WHY would you help them torture you to death by communicating with them?  You can not reason with them.  You can not convince them of the error of their ways.  You can not hope to significantly reach them on a human to human level.  They will not suddenly see your side, and come to understand that you are an innocent victim. 

For a perp to intentionally inflict pain and suffering on another human being (in many cases someone he does not even know), that perp is an evil entity.  There are good people, and there are bad/evil people who do not think, feel, or speak the same language as a good person.  A perp is just as likely to comprehend and revere the goodness of mankind as is a rock likely to sprout legs and walk away.  A perp is a BULLY, and they are incapable of compassion - otherwise, they wouldn't be a gang stalker.  A perp is egocentric, and has no soul.

All communication with your perps is shared, and dissected for useful information and any weakness which can be turned around and used against you.  If you have to cry, take a shower and cry your heart out.  But, do not let them hear you suffer, EVER!  Develop coping skills which mask your responses to the torture being inflicted upon you.

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     One of the number one things that entertain perps is when you give them attention.  They WILL NEVER GO AWAY, so long as you feed them with your anger and outrage.  It drains GTIs' energy, and entertains the perps and all their friends who read their comments.

     So, if you know the PP member is a perp, do as you do with your personal perps - GIVE THEM NOTHING, EVER!

     I propose that once a perp has been identified, one of the PP respected regulars (Sue, God's Grace, JustMeKaren, etc) call for a freeze out of the perp.  If we can't report them to the adm and get them kicked off, then carry on conversations around their comments, as though they were not there.

     It is the quickest way to eliminate a perp from PP.  They will either end up making a comment that WILL get them kicked off by the adm, or they will just dry up from lack of responses from GTIs.

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What's that W-I-D-E yellow streak down your back?

     Has anyone even noticed how the page view count goes up disproportionately when a suspected perp is taking part in a conversation?

     QUESTION:  there are over 3000 members on PP, yet virtually none of them participate;  I know that some of the GTIs (I'm getting tired of typing "genuine" TIs) have come and gone, but I'm speaking of those new members who go to the trouble to join, then never post;  since anyone can read what we have to say w/o joining or signing in, why would anyone become a peacepink member, then never say BOO? 

     What facet of PP am I missing?

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TI's Joining

It's funny to run across a discussion re whether or not TIs should form groups.  I have been mulling this over, and been a supporter of TIs joining as a solution for many years.  I even went to Facebook (ugh!! - shows you how interested I am in this topic), and joined two groups whose purpose and direction is in setting up a TI community.  In light of that, yesterday I began writing up my argument on this subject.  It's still a bit rough, but I will also post it to a Wordpress webpage, and maybe even go back onto FB and post it there. 

Here, goes...


     Join for SURVIVAL

I have been a Targeted Individual of Gang Stalking since around 2005.  It began because I am a strong supporter and activist for the Rights of Animals.  As sentient beings, animals feel Fear and Pain just as humans do, and at the least, have the Right to be treated humanely.

Like animals in either the food chain or whose life is in some way useful to mankind, TIs are treated as "objects" incapable of suffering physical and mental pain.  TIs are no longer part of mankind, have become disenfranchised, and "live" barely at the margin of belonging to the species identified as human beings.

     WHO IS A TI

There are multiple forums, personal webpages, youtube videos and books answering this question.  The tactics used to cause inhuman suffering to TIs are varied, and well documented by TIs all over the world.  As to who the tormentors are...  well, that is a matter of speculation.  This is because there are multiple layers of entities involved, and by definition GS is a covert crime.

It does, however, seem that a seasoned TI's can identify another real TI "most" of the time.  And it does seem natural that we should all join together, put our backs to each other, and fight for our lives and freedom.  However, we have become so isolated and cautious (paranoid), that although we greatly desire joining with other TIs, we have been tricked by the GS'ers often enough to become suspicious of all strangers, even those we believe are other real TIs like ourselves.

Here's where TIs need to get a grip on their paranoia, and recognize the SIMPLE FACT that if we do NOT join with other TIs, we are condemned to fight alone for the remainder of their shortened miserable lives.  We spend too much of our time as TIs trying to convince Civilians (someone whose has no experience w/GS) that we are suffering and need help.  If Civilians can get past their impression that we are Crazy and believe us, they often either become TIs themselves or are otherwise warned off by GSers.  ONLY another genuine Targetted Individual can offer any understanding and Help.

     So, how does one under attack "Help" another under attack?

TIs are the only people capable of helping each other.  The extent of that help remains to be discovered.  For certain, we can give comfort and understanding on an informed basis, and share our successful coping skills.  Taking a page from the Cowards' book of conduct, cowards derive part of their strength by joining together into a Gang of like minded cowards.  It is the knowing that you are surrounded by those who feel and believe as you do that can make a single individual strong - whether that individual is a Gang Stalker, or a Targeted Individual.

The Black Panthers and Civil Rights Movement gained strength and a voice for the rights of negros, the Grey Panthers' power forced recognition and laws protecting older people, the Gay Rights movement has forced laws to allow marriage and insurance coverage in some states, and the Animal Rights Movement has exposed the savage cruelty of animals in the food chain and has forced businesses to close, McDonalds Walmart and many other giants to change who they do business with.

Joining together is NOT an option, it is the ONLY step to take to regain our rights to live free.  Until we join, we are doomed to suffer alone until the day we die.


Unlike most other groups seeking change, we are being attacked covertly and don't know who to trust.  Further, our attackers infiltrate, undermine and nullify our claims and efforts to bring attention to our plight.  In every TI forum and chat room you will find a handful of genuine TIs, and thousands of Gang Stalkers.  The GSer's are there not only in an attempt to nullify our claims, they are there to learn new tactics that might work on the focus of their stalking.

The thing to focus on here are those TIs who have made their bones and you are 99% sure they are the real deal.  TIs have grown some useful sensitive antenna for recognizing a Gang Stalker.  Reach out to just ONE of those individuals you believe to be a genuine TI, and form a bond.

IF YOU ARE WRONG, and that person turns out to be a GSer, what's the worst that can happen?  What will your personal GSer do about that that they already don't do to you?  Will they laugh and ridicule you?  They already do...  Will they make you suffer?  They already do...  Will they kill you?  They want you to do the wet work bcz they are too coward to do it...  Whatever you think you have to loose by overcoming the paranoia and forming a bond with other TIs is far OUTWEIGHED by the rewards if you do manage to connect with another GENUINE Targeted Individual.

Once you have formed a bond with another TI, both of you reach out to others you believe are genuine TIs.  Become active in every forum, blog, chat room and webpage where TIs might be.  Make your bones via posts and comments and use these as your indication of credibility.  DO NOT RUSH THIS PROCESS, no matter how much you are suffering.  This will not happen overnight, but the seeds do need to be planted in order for them to begin to grow, so start TODAY.

Stop spinning your wheels and complaining about all the emotional stuff.  We are ALL suffering, and it will get worse as time passes!  In all truth, YOU HAVE NOTHING LEFT TO LOSE (that you haven't already), and everything to gain by reaching out to others and growing to a Force for Change.

The only real thing we have to fear is fear itself, and its ability to paralyze and incapacitate.  Fear is a tool of your Gang Stalkers - be brave.

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I may not be able to control who enters my personal space, but so far, I can control my emotional responses.

Like in the Startrek episode "Day of the Dove", when we respond emotionally to the hate filled tactics relentlessly used against us, we are feeding the monster and making it stronger.  We get caught in the vicious game, and become responsible for part of our own suffering.

Seek to make yourself as physically comfortable as possible, and otherwise rise above the hate being directed at you.  Just as any physically handicapped person might do to cope, laugh when you can, return to doing some of the hobbies/activities you once enjoyed, and live as normally as your situation will allow.

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cell phone don'ts

We sometimes have to learn hard lessons through our mistakes and ignorance.

EVEN when using a Tracfone/"burner", do NOT use any of the extras.  If you want to play games, or keep a calendar or address book, shopping list, etc, get another cheap NEW Tracfone - but DON'T set up an account or add money.  In this way, it acts like a PDA and can't be tracked bcz there's no access - it's just a dumb piece of equipment.

Tracking comes when either your phone is physically accessed and perps drop a tracker app on it, OR you use it to call a phone number perps are familiar with (like HOME).  Once they can find out the phone number of your new cell phone, they have a multitude of ways to drop invasive information gathering software on your phone without you EVER being aware of it.

I'd advise getting a burner and don't use any of the added things such voice mail, and use it to JUST make a phone call to your doctor or private detective, nothing else!  Leave the bells and whistles to a "dumb" PDA.

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Do you have a Gmail account and want to find out if it's being monitored?  Well, I thought I was okay bcz I pulled my hard drive so there was no place to store spyware, and was using Linux OS live off a DVD and dropping it into RAM*.  Thing is, perps know when I'm online, so drop tracker into the RAM to harvest passwords I use during that session. 

Here's how to find out if your Gmail account has people accessing it.  BTW, it does not come up as suspicious activity when they access it, so you are NOT warned that someone is reading your emails.

At the bottom of your mail page, off on the right side is the following:

                                          Last account activity: _ hour ago

Click on this gmail hot link and you will see who has accessed your account in the past day, and the IP address from where they accessed it.  If you can not account for the identity of each and every IP address, the access times, and the browser version# used as being yours - the chances are that you have someone reading your mail.

*NOTE:  your hard drive is where your operating system (OS) is, and where just about all malware is stored.  If you remove the HD, the Linux OS can be written to a DVD.  When you boot your computer using Linux on the DVD, it writes the OS into RAM (which is temporary) and your session cookies, trojans, malware, PW, etc are completely gone when you shut down your computer.  Nothing is stored.
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attached DEW

Here's something that has temporarily worked to cut back on the 24 hour ultra/infrasonic DEW attached to my house.  Although this information may only be useful to a few TIs, it is a way to fight back and resist, instead of quiet isolated suffering we do most of the time.

Locate the most likely access places where perps may have attached ultrasonic transducers (look like little speakers) to one of the roof rafters or floor joists, and start beating on your support beam w/a heavy hammer.  If you see the device - REMOVE & DESTROY IT!  Otherwise, depending on how well the device is attached, hitting the beam w/a heavy hammer may either dislodge or disrupt the ultra/infrasonic vibrations and sonic effects you feel round the clock.

If you get the right supporting beam w/the hammer, you should notice the difference in short order.  Look for any decrease in vibration intensity as an indication you are on the right track.

Good luck

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