我是一名脑袋里可以听到microwave voice to skull的美国卫星微波武器的受害者,居住在北京。自从2010年,我的脑袋里被敌人穿入microwave voice to skull以后,半夜里和白天,敌人每天用microwave voice to skull的卫星微波武器,让我听脑壳里的声音,产生思想,这种声音是利用微波穿到我的大脑听觉神经之后产生的,只有我一个人可以听到,我没有办法躲避。这种声音穿入我的大脑大约一年之后,我才发现,敌人正在利用我的思想打仗。我从microwave
Valencia, 04.02.2001. Eta a Carabobo. KA nan tòtire nan Valencia Venezyela WIKILEAKS èd nan ELEKTWONIK asèlman KA Venezyela. Krim kont limanite - Inivèsite nan Nairobi Chanselye Dean Jesy Divo Romero, Ulises Rojas tortur nan Venezyela - Venezyela Val
That antimatter could be, if there is another dimension or other dimensions for reasons of force like gravity or other forces unknown as those generated from the interaction on the universe with other universes or multiple universes achieve balance w
I have been a victim of mind control for almost 9 years
and during those years the Lord has been leting me know the truth
and what im letting you all know is that the Lord is going to destroy
every military base using mind control by 3:00pm.
The thalamus occupies approximately 80% of the medial diencephalic region. The term 'thalamus' derives from the Greek word thalamos, which means 'inner chamber' or 'marriage bed'. Galen (130-200 AD.) Gave this name to the 'chambers' located at the